
Showing posts with label jett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jett. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lazy, hazy days of Summer

A touch of Christmas for you even though our weather here in northern California is very much like summer. While my friend in Illinois was cozy in her slippers, I was in my bare feet!

We had such miserable batches of heat this summer and now we are being rewarded with the most perfect weather. I took my walk yesterday at 3:30 in the afternoon and the sun was still warm and the air was still. Just incredible in the middle of November.

A section of the condos we live in have been getting new roofing. When the company quoted they could start in early November I expected months of these condos with plastic sheeting in the midst of
rain. But the project is nearly complete with not a raindrop in sight. Sadly, this all is a reminder of the water situation over here as well. Lakes have been dangerously low for a few years now.

Today I have photos of some fun Christmas items from my MomsArt shop on Etsy: a delicate clear glass ornament filled with the most amazing handcrafted origami "lucky stars". I purchased the stars on Etsy and they are each so perfect. I

cannot imagine my fingers being able to craft such teeny perfections. They are bright and shiny in jewel tones. I also punched some Christmas tree stickers from my favorite and most popular "Paris Chic" paper. The pinks, blacks and whites are so pretty and there are 5 patterns that make the set a whole lot of fun.

Lastly, no more jewelry consignment for me. I don't enjoy the pricing structure, so I have in my hands a necklace that is so pretty in black and white (left). Thanks to Lezlie Belanger, it's got a big handcrafted round focal bead topped by a tube with delicate white swirls, all suspended from a black silk ribbon. Available at

My birthday is the day before Thanksgiving this year which is already next! We will probably go to Kincaid's in Burlingame, a wonderful restaurant across the bay from the SFO airport where we can see jumbo jets arrive and depart but don't hear them. They have the most scrumptious food and elegant atmosphere. Then we are off to be with my in-laws.

My wish for you is that no matter the situation in your lives that you are thankful for whatever good you have.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Meditations on a Crisis Okay, I said the words and that's all I'll say. I know we are all tired of hearing those words. The price of gas is down and who ever thought we'd say "whew! A gallon of gas is below $3, thank goodness!"

It's more intense than Sept. 11th since this is touching me directly. 2 family members lost jobs over it and another has to delay retirement plans since they were based on building a realty business.

It's interesting that a new cupcake shop that opened recently claims a booming business as customers grab for anything that makes them feel oh, so good. Well, that's my goal today, to distract you with some fantasy and a little art. Get away from it all and just enjoy fun & beauty.

First up are 2 of 3 stickers I punched this week using an official Disney punch set I found. Nice big shapes: a castle, a Cinderella slipper and a little crown. You can see a big 75 piece set at

I used my favorite set of pink, black & white papers I like to call "Paris". You'll find harlequin, polka dot, plaid & solid patterns to make you smile.

Next up are my renderings of a custom request for a lampwork glass hot air balloon. Payton Jett asked me to draw my fantasy balloon to use as a pattern when working with her glass. We discussed color and style since getting the black points to NOT run into the yellow balloon was the biggest challenge.

I love that Payton likes to challenge herself with new ideas. I have displayed for you the black & white drawing that I then colored for her...followed by the finished product. How awesome is that???

I mean, she got it on! And this is just for me to wear...but if you'd like one, let me know and we can get the ball rolling for you. If you can dream it, it will come!

Come see the Jack Skellington Payton designed that I turned into a necklace at I still have plenty of pumpkin/holiday jewelry left as well.

I hope you enjoyed this foray into my little fantasy world. Now I'm off to enjoy the most amazing autumn weather we have ever had here in the S.F. bay area. It's like the summer we didn't get this year: warm sunshine with cool breezes. Yum!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lots of Hearts

This is a peek into my Payton Jett heart collection. I'm turning these awesome spectacles into jewelry this week so they can be posted in time for Valentine's Day purchases.

I've got reds, blues, greens, oranges...a huge array and not one of them looks like another.

Payton is not one for duplication. The thrill of making every bead unlike another propels her deep into discovering what glass can do at her hands.

Now, of course, she fires spacer beads that are similar and can certainly make pairs and sets of one design, but the awe of the unknown is what keeps pulling her back to her torch....and I can hardly wait to see what she's going to do next!

You can enjoy the wonder of obtaining one of her spectacular pieces next week, so be sure to stop by and see where her creativity led me. You can find her at
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