rob mclennan : editorial

900+ items since July 1993
also: The Factory Reading Series

sixteen poetry + fiction trade books from 2007-2017 [on permanent haitus]
[with tons of further activity on the blog, including the annual National Poetry Month feature (which will most likely continue]

quarterly, with multiple online interviews
since April, 2014

ottawa poetry newsletter 
reviews, interviews and the "On Writing" series
occasional since 2005 

Spotlight series
featuring a statement + new poem(s) by a different author each month since 2016

weekly, since April 2013
[how to sign up for the weekly email list]

seventeen seconds: a journal of poetry and poetics
occasional, since 2008

every January since 2005

occasional writers group journal, since 2003

my (small press) writing day
every second day since 2017
G U E S T [a journal of guest editors]
every two months since 2018


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