We started Les Figues Press in 2005 to publish the TrenchArt series. In other words, the idea of the
Press was the idea of the series. Or, simply put: we wanted to publish books as
a conversation or group curation. As writers, we frequently discussed our work
in terms of other people’s writing, even as our individual efforts were writing
into, or against, a larger social inscription or text. This larger text could
be what Charles Taylor calls the “social imaginary,” defined as “the ways
people imagine their social existence,” including their expectations,
relationships, and the “deeper normative notions and images that underlie these
expectations” (23). To Taylor, the social imaginary is held together by the
stuff of the imagination—images, stories, legends. If, as writers, we are
making texts (poems, prose bits, novellas) in an increasingly networked world,
what might our individual works, placed side-by-side, reveal about a social imaginary,
which is also in/forming these individual texts? Fred Moten, in a talk at the
University of Denver, refused to talk about writing “beginning,” because
writing, he said (and I’m paraphrasing) is simply a way our ongoing sociality
sometimes emerges. Writing, in other words, is a form of sociality. Writing never
comes from one alone.
When we founded Les
Figues, we (or to be exact, I) did not have this language for writing. Yet demonstrating
this intuitively-held relationship between individual texts—and the larger
social text—felt worthy of publishing. Vanessa Place, Pam Ore, and I had been
talking about this “something” we wanted to make for a few years, and one
afternoon we imagined a publication structure: TrenchArt. (Teresa Carmody, “For
What Reason Is This Writing: Publisher’s Preface”)
amazed by the remarkable anthology trenchart monographs hurry up please its time (Los Angeles CA: Les Figues, 2015),
edited by Teresa Carmody and Vanessa Place, an anthology collecting nearly a
decade’s worth of publications created as part of the TrenchArt series produced
by Les Figues Press. As Carmody’s introduction explains, the original TrenchArt
essays, grouped together to be published as short monographs, were the origins
of the press itself: to present work as a conversation, and works that would
have no home anywhere else. Moving beyond those first, small publications, Les
Figues is a press that has evolved over the past decade-plus to be one of the
leading publishers of innovative, experimental and conceptual writing in North
America, producing book-length works by Jennifer Calkins, Vanessa Place, Redell Olsen, derek beaulieu, Sophie Robinson, Timothy Yu, Claire Huot and Robert Majzels, Colin Winnette, Sawako Nakayasu, Doug Nufer, Urs Allemann, Dodie Bellamy, Sandra Doller and multiple others, as well as producing another
important anthology: I’ll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women (2012) [see my review of such here].
Depictions of the
present are complacent; depictions of the future are implausible. For this
reason, depictions are generally unimportant, unless they are made by important
people like economists or real estate agents. These important people describe
only the future, which they make sure is boring and plausible. A plausible future
is just more of the present. The Empire never ends because the people in it are
more important than the world that they deserve. Better to have a world that
exists than a world that is better but might rock the boat: this is a good
general view. Because if you rock the boat, the boat will take on water, and it
might well sink. There are already people drowning in the bottom of the boat. Poetry
succeeds as if the boat can lift off from the water and become an airy
structure, with a few words surrounded by wide open space where the sun gleams
off-white. This is not an important thing for the world to be able to do; it is
not an important thing to be able to do with the world. Turn it into an essay
where the dead things of the present are nailed to a bulletin board: that is at
least a little bit useful. I’ve nailed every dead bit of my ego to this
bulletin board that you have just read, and illustrated each one with a corny
metaphor. Enjoy. I’ll see you in the future, or else in an extrapolative
satire, or else I won’t see you. You are too important to be able to get out of
this present world that wants to be with you till death. (Stan Apps, “On
Unimportant Art”)
solicited for publication in annual limited editions sets of four or five
authors submitting an essay each, the anthology collects the entirety of the
series in a single volume, with essays on writing, art and thinking by Harold
Abramowitz, Danielle Adair, Stan Apps, Nuala Archer, Dodie Bellamy, Sissy Boyd,
Melissa Buzzeo, Amina Cain, Jennifer Calkins, Teresa Carmody, Allison Carter,
Molly Corey, Vincent Dachy, Lisa Darms, Ken Ehrlich, Alex Forman, Lily Hoang,
Jen Hofer, Paul Hoover, Alta Ifland, Klaus Killisch, Alice Könitz, Myriam
Moscona, Doug Nufer, Redell Olsen, Pam Ore, Renée Petropoulos, Vanessa Place,
Michael du Plessis, Frances Richard, Sophie Robinson, Kim Rosenfield, Mark
Rutkoski, Susan Simpson, Stephanie Taylor, Axel Thormählen, Mathew Timmons,
Chris Tysh, Julie Thi Underhill, Divya Victor, Matias Vieneger and Christine
Wertheim. As editor Place writes to end her introduction: “And so, the
TrenchArt series followed the sound-sensical manner of Alice’s Queen of Hearts—sentence
first, verdict afterwards. Which is an admirable way to run anything,
especially sentences.” The pieces gathered in this anthology breathe a
collective sigh in a multitude of directions, ways and purposes, each asking,
why are we continuing to create in the same ways we have already done?
What of the making of
things together? Collaboration. We get together to make a thing, a thing that
will trigger an uncanny shift of perception in those who see it. This shift
will expose a particular societal delusion so ubiquitous as to have been
previously invisible. This object we imagine will perpetuate an act of radical
haunting, that awakens the viewer to the world around it, but its success
depends wholly on our collaborative BOO. I show up as Boris Karloff but my
collaborator was hoping for a more Henry James-like spooking. Her laugh is not
fiendish enough. He thinks my cape ridiculous. There is always a gap. We mind
the gap fastidiously, obsessively. It is not what I had envisioned. My collaborators
have deprived me of the sight I’ve grown used to. They have haunted my haunting
… generously. “Have you ever really looked carefully at the thing we are
making?” they ask. (Susan Simpson, “Untitled Aesthetic”)
Place points out in her introduction, “[…] Les Figues Press was also born from
a women’s art salon, Mrs. Porter’s, held most regularly from 2004 until 2013 or
thereabouts. Everyone who attended presented some item for aesthetic
contemplation (one’s own or another’s) during the first half of the evening;
the second half was devoted to teasing out connections and distinctions between
the works. To a consideration of how these scraps of writing or bits of art
might tat together, not a telos, but an essay. As in essaie, as in try. Try as in trial. The trail, of course, in the
TrenchArt series, was the work itself.” An anthology of this sort functions as
a curated montage of divergent ideas on approaches to writing, attempting to
prompt new ways of thinking about how writing is created, presented and
absorbed, and there is a great deal within that can’t help but to startle the
attentive reader into seeing writing in a potentially new way, whether their
own, or simply writing in general. A book such as this wants to shake the
complacency out of so much of what is currently being produced, disseminated
and absorbed and somehow called “writing.” The possibilities are far larger
than what most writing might suggest, and perhaps more (including myself)
should be better at paying attention to the writers who are working to continuously
push at the boundaries.
My art is guided by
history: art history, social history, political history, and personal history. The
historical and the personal are inextricably linked, like two sides of the same
sheet of paper. My work is about how memory itself is political, and the
process by which the political is transformed into memory.
I am driven by an urge
to retrieve something lost or something that will soon be lost. Walter Benjamin
has written about this impulse to return to the past in order to rescue it from
disappearance. In his Theses on the
Philosophy of History he says, “to articulate the past historically does
not mean to recognize it ‘the way it really was.’ It means to seize hold of a
memory as it flashes up at a moment of danger.” In uncovering the historic in
my work, I don’t mean to tell the story, but rather I am interested in telling
a story—something highly constructed and subjective. In rescuing and
remembering the past, the work allegorically reinvents meaning—a new story is
told. (Molly Corey, “Aesthetic/Politic”)
of the more intriguing of an already-impressive gathering of exploratory pieces
is Lisa Darms’ erasure essay, “½ EARTH ½ ETHER,” a piece she attempts to
salvage through the process of erasure. As she writes in her “Postscript: Under
Erasure” (dated 2014):
When I was asked to
republish this essay, I thought of it in terms of my job as an archivist. I knew
I’d probably be embarrassed by my writing, but that it would be a way to enact
my belief that the highest function of the textual archive is to preserve
mistakes, imperfections and failures.
And then, I re-read it.
The archive documents
failure, yes. But it doesn’t have to perpetuate it. This is the voice of
someone who, after three vaguely demoralizing years in a studio art graduate program,
has spent a year unable to find work, reading only holocaust memoirs and back
issues of Artforum. The original essay’s
stylistic pomposity and its humorlessness are qualities I’ve spent the last
eight years trying to purge from my writing (and life). My first inclination,
when I saw this essay in proofs, was to kill it.
But instead, I decided
to retun it with extensive redactions—a sort of faux-bureaucratic disavowal of
the more facile ideas, and an homage to the sharpie marker sous rapture of riot grrrl zines. I’ve found that the essay now
expresses its stuttering logic more accurately. Because we don’t want to stop
time; we want to reanimate it.