Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


What??? I thought I was through with these things. I mean over the years I have taken prt in buy nothing new challenges, freezing my ass off challenges, saving my urine challenges, etc.- Most of these put on by the Crunchy Chicken. But I was perusing my blog the other day and grew reminiscent (and add the fact I am retired now and need a project) for the Independence Day Challenge, put on by Sharon Astyk. It was such a great tool to use to learn more about self sufficiency, and preparing one's self to become more independent. The trouble is it seems to have vanished over the years, so I thought "Rob we need to bring this back". So here it is, The Modern Victory Garden Challenge!
1- Grow your own- means grow your own food be it from a huge multi-acre farm/garden, or a backyard garden or even a few pots. Maybe just some sprouts grown indoors. Just grow something!

2-Repair your own - from a brken shovel handle to rebuilding a tractor, repair it yourself and share

3- Learn something NEW! learning a new technique or something to help your garden grow. Could include but not limited to learning seed starting, recipe to cook something or new way to preserve food

4-Eat It! Share how you eat your homegrown food!

5- PRESERVE IT! Share how you are preserving your home grown food. Could include home cannin freezing or dehydrating

There you have it. Sounds pretty easy? I will post monthly and hope you all will join in!

Rob's Independence Day Posts from the past!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Freeze Yer Buns 2011

Time to break out the blankets and the fur lined under wear... Ms. Chicken has Announced the Freeze yer Buns challenge 2011. Yes Folks, the annual challenge where The Crunchy Chicken encourages all to lower their thermostats (at least a few degrees), and reap the rewards... A frozen butt and blue balls? No, but save $$$. I figure I saved at least $300 last year doing this, and more this year (no Martin running his A/C all night long with the heater on) so I should be in for a whopping savings! Even if you can only drop one or two degrees it should still show up on on your electric and/or gas/oil bill. And save a few energy units at the same time! And you know that is a WIN WIN!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekly Challenge Update

Independence Days Challenge Year 4, Week 16
Plant something-
In the greenhouse: Repotted most of the tomatoes. Potted a pepper plant (impulse buy) To leave in the green house

In the community garden plot: Some Chard, carrots, beets, leeks, broccoli, radishes, daikon, Kohl Rabi, deer tongue (mache), borage

At home: Kohl Rabi, radishes, chrysantimum greens, Artichoke, beans, peas

Harvest something: Thinnings, some garlic scapes
Preserve something:
Community: getting the first community garden work party planned with my colleagues on the board ; Planted my “row” for Fleecenik Farm’s Plant A Row Challenge
Preparation: Made some hanging baskets and topsy turvey planters
Eat the food/eat something new: garlic scapes and thinning in tuna salad,
Waste not: Junk lying around for topsy turvey and hanging planters. Old lumber to build up a bed in the front yard It is pressure treated so using for a ornamental bed. Figured out how to reuse the bottle on my Mr. Clean Automatic shower cleaner ( again, an impulse buy) and will try using a vinegar solution in it.
Want not: bought a case of vinegar for cleaning and garden use.

Okay got out of my soy corn dog rut, made a green tea soup with rice and kelp. Bought some chocolate eggs for easter, ate one.

Planted my Ed Hume Carrot seeds that the Ed Hume Seed company sent at the community garden

In the greenhouse: Repotted most of the tomatoes. Potted a pepper plant (impulse buy) To leave in the green house
In the community garden plot: Some Chard, beets, leeks, broccoli, radishes, daikon, Kohl Rabi, deer’s tongue (mache), borage
At home: Kohl Rabi, radishes, chrysantimum greens, Artichoke, beans, peas

Very excited- my first amaranth seeds have sprouted in the greenhouse. Very excited to try amaranth leaves!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Plant a Row for the Hungry/Free Seeds for it

Well I got my "row" planted in Fleecenik Farms "Plant a Row" Challenge. Or in my case... I got my square planted (since I am a devotee of Square Foot Gardening). And I found out that the Ed Hume Seed Company will give a package of seeds for those who participate in the National Garden Writers Association's Plant A Row drive. Ed, a local garden writer and television personality sent me a package of carrot seeds to plant in my row/square. To sign up for the challenge, head on over to Fleecenik Farm Blog. To get a free packet of seeds for it, go here to Ed Hume Seed Company. I may have to plant another square at home, since I have seeds left over!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekly Challenge Update

Independence Days Challenge Year 4, Week 14
Plant something-

In the greenhouse: Ever the optimist, started some Habenero and Jalapeno peppers, started some Bell peppers;

In the community garden plot: Rosemary and Thyme; Onion Chives

At home: Bought 2 Red Currant Bushes to plant and celebrate Arbor Day; added another rhubarb plant to the rhubarb patch ; Planted some spearmint and pepper mint in pots

Harvest something: Some sprouts; foraged some chickweed as well

Preserve something: Nada

Community: Attending a Community Garden Board meeting Today!

Preparation: Made a soil block maker and shared how on my blog!

Eat the food/eat something new: Strawberries “Shortcake” Strawberries and whipped cream over biscuits- great for breakfast! Some foraged chickweed in a salad.

Waste not: Used an old clamshell to start seeds; reusing pop bottles to plant the wall garden Want not: Bought 2 Red Currant Bushes to plant and celebrate Arbor Day Made it through this winters frozen bun’s challenge. Did not get a cold this year. I survived by wearing sweatshirts, using my snugglie, and my electric warming throw blanket. The boys survived with help from their “Petzzz” Heated Pillows. And Romeo survived with help from the electric throw as well. With an occasional Sammy Cat visit. Well my first fail on this one… I forgot about meatless Friday and had chicken legs for lunch. Oh well, dust myself off, wipe the chicken grease from my chin and start over again.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly Challenge Update

Independence Days Challenge Year 4, Week 12
Plant something- Started gooseberry plants, amish deer tongue, Russian Kale, Tomato- Black prince, Tomato- orange russian; tomato Radiator Charlie's Mortgage lifter; Tomato- Clint Eastwood Rowdy Red; Tomato- Julia Child; Tomato - spoon; Squash "aunt Shirley Squash" aka Zapallo; Cauliflower
Harvest something- Alfalfa sprouts, chick pea sprouts
preserve something :
Local Food systems :
Preparation: Extended my heating grow mats with a little foil
Eat the food/eat something new-Cheese and Alfalfa Burritos ( a recipe I found in the direction pamphlet for my sprouted); Salad with Chick pea sprouts

Cheese and Alfalfa Burritos
A little butter or margarine
Alfalfa Sprouts- about 1/2 cup
Cheddar Cheese -Shredded
2 table spoons of sour cream- or I substituted 2 tablespoons of Greek Yogurt- I had no sour cream

Lightly butter one side of tortilla, put in hot fry pan, and spread the cheese. Heat until cheese is melted, remove top with sprouts, and sour cream/yogurt. Fold into a burrito. Eat and enjoy!

waste not- Using old clamshells, yogurt cups saved for starting seeds
want not - Ordered some tomato seeds (I know - I said no more tomato starting- but these are varieties I grow for planters - Window box Romas, Tumbler, Red Robin… and yielded into temptation and got some Clint Eastwood Rowdy Red, Julia Child, Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifter, Orange Russian and Spoon tomatoes. Along with Bolivian Rainbow and Chichen Itza peppers. Pretty much I went to the dark side of the force. Like the swallows returning to Capistrano, I get an itch to start tomatoes… Always happens. Damn you Gary Ibsen! At least I have some success with peppers.

Well one small change I am making is re-using the water that has run through my sprouter to water my seedlings and plant starts… You can smell the nutrients in the water, and if starting something like beet sprouts, see it. Not a significant change, re-using this small amount of water… but a change is a change. And if it helps fertilize seedlings, a bonus to boot!

Friday I had a slice of cheese pizza and a baked potato. No bacon bits for the potato :( , but pretty good just the same. Bought no candy this week and no I wasn't chased by girl scouts selling cookies. ‘Course the candy cravings might have been cured by the fact I am experimenting with "mocktails" so I get a sweet charge out of that, and fresh juice to boot! Pretty good week all in all

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Return of the Weekly Challenge Update

Ok I cannot leave. I need this challenge to keep myself honest. LOL, this year I am dividing it in the following categories:
  • Plant something- includes starting seeds, planting plants, sprouting
  • Harvest something- harvest what I planted, or what I have foraged
  • preserve something- preserving food by canning, freezing, dehydrating or fermenting
  • Local Food systems- helping out others with food projects
  • Preparation- preparing something to A) help with food production B)earn a living C) storage
  • eat the food/eat something new-show different ways to eat the food, discover new things
  • waste not- what is being done beyond recycling
  • want not - what is coming into the house to improve any of the above

Plant something: Started some leeks and chard, Started some basil, thyme and dill, started some tomatoes (I know I said I was done starting tomatoes but then someone gives some seeds and I feel obligated to give it one more try)started some bok choy. Celebrated my inner urban homesteader and set up my sprouter to sprout some beet sporuts, alfalfa sprouts and chick pea sprouts

Harvest something- nothing as of yet. Am lookingat removing the last of the carrots in the community plot, and of course will eat them

Preserve the food: Nothing yet

Local Food Systems- Nothing yet, but am encouraging a friend of mine to get a plot at the community garden.

Preperation- Moved the green house to a better location on the porch, Including battening down the hatches so to speak (screwing the bottom flaps of the green house to the porch floor- Remember it is like a tent, and the wind will carry it away); Set up my sprouter to use. Also got a Cricut “die cutter” for my birthday, experimenting and learning about it – future work for retirement.

Eat the food/eat something new- Tried some zuchinni/chicken casserole that mom made- didn’t much like it

Waste not- just the usual recycling/composting- Just about done with my studio, so far no new furnishing etc. in it- everything is something from somewhere else.

Want Not-Bought a heating tray for my plant starts

Friday went okay- It was easy not to eat meat as I just got done with a colonoscopy and wasn't hungry- so I ate Onion Soup and some bread. No candy this week, but i do have to admit to buying a package of girl scout cookies. Why oh why do they find the cutest little cherub of a girl scout to stand outside of Safeway? Oh well- it was after all for the girl scout programs
Still freezing waiting for April- not so bad this year as I have not had a major cold. Of course this year I have snugglie blanket and an electric throw blanket that I use in the bedroom to keep toasty.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Doing Without

Oh Ok. Rebecca Jean at midnight maniac is nagging encouraging everyone to give up things for lent. Give it up for 40 (actually 46 days).So let me put on my pious pope hat and see what I can do.
Not a bad idea this. It gives one the oppurtunity to do a self check on some things We I may be getting a little slack on doing. And gives one the oppurtunity to save some cash as well.
For my part, I won't eat meat on Fridays, won't eat candy, give up buying lattes and mochas (note: coffee itself aint included). I reserve the right to eat fish on Fridays (if it works for Duh Pope, then it works for me) Anyway, It is a good challenge.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Annual Crunchy Chicken Frozen Rump Fest!

Well the seasons come around and just like clockwork, so does Ms. Chicken's Frozen Rump-Fest. I join in on this one grumpily- she's not asking you to literally freeze, but rather, just turn down the thermostat. I am turning mine to 55 when in bed or at work, and 65 when at home. There are many advantages to this- lower utility bills, runny nose, pneumonia. But really it isn't that bad- just sit around in a snuggly blanket and wait for the goddamn winter to end. I guess I am not making it sound any better. Suffice it to say- I have survived the last 3 years doing this-so give it a shot

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Small Change- Kitty Litter refuse

Another friendlier option for a waste problem
Well time for another small change! This time is more a way I do something which I hate- cleaning Sammy's litter box. The garbage pick up want's me to bag the kitty litter which is messy and a pain. But while I was cleaning up yard waste it came to me... why not use a yard waste bag? They stand up, and hold up long enough to get Sammy's spent pine pellets into the bag. Then I simply fold over the top and discard. Everyone is happy... the garbage man doesn't get bombarded with used litter and poop, I get an easy way to rid myself of said litter, and Sammy gets a clean comode. No plastic bag.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly Challenge Update

What a beautiful weekend here in the Seattle area! Slowed me down in some areas, but helped me out in others... Was going to finish constructing the shed for my bikes but I just had to take advantage of a rain free, work free weekend and clean the Community Garden plot and prune some fruit trees, which also gave me an idea for my one small change. More about that tomorrow!

Sharon's Independence Days Challenge Year 3, week 38
1. Plant something: Garlic
2. Harvest something: Last of the green tomatoes, beets, last of the summer chard, kohl rabi and carrots
3. Preserve something: Wondering if one could freeze green tomato slices- if not nothing
4. Waste Not: Saved the tomato cages from community garden for use next season
5: Want not: Bought a book on foraging at the local used book store
6. Preparation and Storage: Still constructing shed for bikes… Weather has been so good- I had to do some much needed yard work and clean the allotment at the Community Garden
7. Build Community Food Systems: Not really
8. Eat the food (cook something new):

Growing Challenge "Extreme Evangelist Edition"- Cleaned the community garden bed; considering moving the green house to front yard - less light but better location

Friday, October 1, 2010

Changing my SWAG for good, not evil

Before- instead of removing the silk screening I painted over it with fabric paint.
After: A neat lunch bag that says PEACE!

Every once in awhile, my employer decides to Swag (stuff we all get) us lowly workers. Don't get me wrong - most of the stuff is cool- my first Re-usable steel water bottle came from my employer
But sometimes the corporate logo and recognition is just too much. Case in point, one of the groups I support gave me this cool reusable lunch bag. But with all the program info on it, I just wanted something simple... I remembered Condo Blues and her Swag redo challenge. I got a neat patch from Michael's along with some Fabric glue, and some fabric paint. First I painted over the silk screening on the lunch bag, it took a couple of coats but pretty much went away. then I carefully glued my peace sign patch onto the bag. And there you have it, my new reusable lunch bag redo. I think Ms. Lisa would be proud.

Monday, September 27, 2010

One Small Change

One Small Change- My new small change concerns my cell phone. Or rather how I charge it. My change is going to be: start charging my cell phone using my car charger, taking advantage of the free 12 Volt electricity made by my vehicles batteries rather than using more electricity. I plug it in when I go to work by the time I get there it is fully charged! , or simply charge it in one of the work vehicles if I decide to take a bus that day. How sweet is that? I mean I gotta go to work anyway, so why not let some of my commute be of some advantage? I would love to have one of those solar chargers but not in the budget at this time. Anyway a small change but still a change!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly Challenge Update- Oktoberfest edition

This last weekend was Oktoberfest in Burien- complete with carnival rides, food vendors, street fair, ubiquitous beer garden and live music. Had great weather yesterday, a few showers today.

Sharon's Independence Days Challenge Year 3, week 35
1. Plant something: nothing
2. Harvest something: Last of the peppers, cucumbers
3. Preserve something: Dehydrating the last of the peppers
4. Waste Not: Found a metal box- can use as a tool box for my glue guns; replaced the lid on my work coffee mug with a lid from another mug.
5: Want not: bought some drill bits.
6. Preparation and Storage: nothing
7. Build Community Food Systems: Not exactly a food system, but took mom’s recycling and put in my bin (her apartment doesn’t offer recycling)
8. Eat the food (cook something new): Made some fried bread. Never made before. It is Great. No more waiting for a year for oktoberfest for elephant ears. LOL.

Growing Challenge "Extreme Evangelist Edition"- Starting to clean out my pots and such. Starting to prep the community garden spot for a small fall garden

Friday, August 20, 2010


Lovely Lisa at Condo Blues is hosting a Remake your Swag Challenge and Giveaway and link party on her site and on Stefanie at craftside blog this Sunday. Basically all the swag (Stuff we all get) and crap that people get for free- How do they turn it in to something useful and wanted?
Anyway here is my entry- Harbor Freight gave me this flashlight for waiting for them to find a cart I needed to make Romeo's trailer. To soothe my greatly building impatience and ire. B.F.D They plan on giving them away at their tent sale coming up. A 9 L.E.D. Flashlight. HOW DO I REUSE THIS???

Simple - remember I ordered a bike a week or so ago? Well I picked it up today. It needed a head light lamp.

So I took the 9 L.E.D. Flashlight, some conduit clips and turned it in to a lamp for my bike. Works as well as the $50 + lamps I have seen and it was free!!! Just a few cents for clips.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekly Challenge Update

Sharon's Independence Days Challenge Year 3, week 28
1. Plant something: Beans, Bok Choy, Radishes, Lettuce
2. Harvest something: Tomatoes, Beets, Golden Plums, Bulb Fennel;
3. Preserve something: pickled Bulb Fennel, froze a quart of plums, Froze some fresh figs
4. Waste Not: Saved an umbrella tree plant from the dumpster
5: Want not: Bought nothing this week, used or otherwise
6. Preparation and Storage: Nada
7. Build Community Food Systems: Got the rest of the garden board in synch with a celebration for kitchen garden day celebration in the community garden.
8. Eat the food (cook something new): Honeysuckle berries

Garden Challenge: Extreme Evangelist Edition- Got the rest of the garden board in synch with a celebration for kitchen garden day celebration in the community garden.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I think Lady Bird Johnson would approve. After yesterday's post, 4 bushel farmgal, sent me this email:

"Hi Rob,
What a coincidence that you posted about this today
- Yesterday I found the seeds that I bought last fall to
scatter around out here! I've been wanting to do this since I read
about it last summer! (And saw the videos by the fellow in England)
It's not warm enough to plant out here yet (that's in April or

How about a "challenge" this spring to brighten up
everyone's community?"

Shame on you 4 Bushel... don't you know how I am easily co-erced into things?
OK Let’s put civil disobedience on course with the Gorilla Gardener Challenge. In this challenge, I challenge those who read this blog to pick an inconspicuous (or conspicuous) tract of land and bomb the hell out of it with seeds. Be it a vacant building lot, parking or sidewalk strip, turn-about what ever. Pick a strip of land and make it pretty, Seed bombs are easy to make, from simple water balloon type bombs to clay bombs or “seed balls, or just spread some seeds. In effect take a deserted lot and plant something, then come back here to report on their shenanigans.
I will do a monthly update on my and your progress. So make those seed bombs and join me in a little civil unrest guerilla garden style.

And just so you think I don't participate I have chosen the old B/IAS site, now abandoned for my project!
It can be fun to be divisive, or down right sneaky and to hear comments about your efforts
Sources for Guerrilla Gardening:

Guerrilla Gardening. Org
Good source for seed bomb info and instructions


A 12 step Guide to Subversive Guerrilla Gardening

How to Guerrilla Garden in 5 Fun Steps

I, Rob Johnson, do not accept the responsibility of the actions of others, Nor am I suggesting or condoning civil disobedience on a grand scale. I’m just saying plant something where there is nothing for chrissakes!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One Small Change Challenge

Well you knew I wouldn't pussyfoot around too long into a new year without a new challenge. I was reading Fleecenik Farm Blog and read about Hip Mountain Mama, in her hipness, is challenging all bloggers to do one small change a month until Earth Day in April to create change. Now I do most of her suggested things, but there is always room for improvement.
For my first month- I am going to try Printing Double sided. Now at work our printers are set up to automatically do this (print on both sides of the paper ondtead of making 2 seperate pages per job). I still get job reports and such that are on one page- But there is where I will make a bigger change- Since I get so many single sided print outs and such instead of recycling them- I will save them for scratch paper and notes, then recycle them! Making my printing choices better for the earth. And her forests.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Buy Nothing Challenge - August 2009
Ok Ms. Crunchola is at it again. Her timing is impeccable. She picks the time of year when I need to go out and buy a new mattress to put this challenge on. Oh well I can live another month on my old broken down mattress. Screw the economy, we got another challenge on. Maybe someone will put a new tempurpedic on freecycle. Maybe pigs will fly out my butt.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I AM fake plastic fish! (minus the trashy photos)

Okay so Beth is asking us to live like her for a week. And put up trashy pictures. Like I would ever pose for a trashy picture- well, there was that one time in college...Hey... I needed the money. Anyway I digress- on her post today, she threw down the gauntlet (and incorporated Soots the cat)for us all to tally our plastic garbage use, and maybe put up a pic or two for posterity- I can do this. I have a sleek black cat (who doesn't nom plastic but hey he noms spaghetti and pizza) Just live plastic free for one week. Just keep thinking W.W.F.P.F.D.? (What would Fake Plastic Fish do?) So I accept Ms. Terry's challenge. Provided I don't have to pose for any trashy photos. I will start Monday so as to get a full week on my weekly challenge post.
UPDATE: As Condo Blues points out, the idea is not to see how little plastic you can do, but rather to see your normal total usage for a week. Got it. Thanks CB!