
Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving - Better Late Than Never!

Well, here I am posting about the very first Thanksgiving we hosted and the very first Turkey my husband and I ever cooked :) I know, I know, most of you have already moved on to Christmas, but I am feeling a bit left behind. I can't seem to catch up with the fast paced craziness that is called my LIFE! I just wish things would slow down a bit! I know everyone feels this very same way mostly every day, so at least I know I am not alone!
So, the day started out with Neil and Luke going to the high school football game (favorite Thanksgiving Day pasttime of Neil's). Here is my baby, all bundled up looking like such a big boy getting ready to leave for the game with Daddy.

While they were at the game I enjoyed a quiet house while I prepared the side dishes, cleaned up, and set the table. All the while our 18 lb. turkey was cooking in the oven. Since I am known in my family for cooking toast and pop tarts and not much else, I think everyone was surprised at how well everything turned out, especially the turkey!

I, myself, was more impressed with my place cards that I made for everyone! That was way more fun than cooking :)

And dessert, of course, was are some pictures of all the "little turkeys" that sat around my table this year ;) There's nothing like family!!!!!

So hopefully a super long post makes up for a few weeks without a post!!!! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are trying to enjoy this season without stressing too much!