Wednesday, September 14, 2011

R.I.P. Richard Hamilton 1922 - 2011.

Richard Hamilton, a British painter and printmaker whose sly, trenchant take on consumer culture and advertising made him a pioneering figure in Pop Art, and who designed the cover of the Beatles’ “White Album,” died on Tuesday at his home near Oxford. He was 89.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Buy This. William Steiger "Transport"


Release Party and Book Signing: Thursday September 15th, 6-8pm

at Pace Prints Chelsea, 521 West 26th St. 4th Fl. NYC

Please join William Steiger, Pace Prints, and Hudson Hills Press for a book signing and opening reception of the exhibition, Nickel Plate, a survey of William Steiger's printmaking.

The exhibition continues through October 8th, 2011.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Go See This. Robert Mars Interview on Artsprojekt Blog.

I have an interview on the Artsprojekt blog which was posted today. It has details of all the latest projects and art related things I have been up to. Please have a read!

You can read it here.