Sunday morning in Bethesda means it's time to head to the Bethesda Central Farm Market, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Bethesda Elementary School on Arlington Road.
Please park at the Bethesda Library or the Public Garage on St. Elmo Avenue, if you can walk a block. Those who cannot or will not are welcome to park at Bethesda ES.
Today's specials:
Karen Kay's Cakes - Old Fashioned Layer cakes. You'll be lucky if she brings along her signature carrot cake, or gourmet pound cake in flavors like Lemon and Chocolate Chip!
Fresh Asparagus - BCFM suggests adding a poached or soft-cooked farm-fresh egg on top of asparagus - fresh eggs are available at the market!
Heirloom Soups - they're bringing Chunky Sweet and Sour Borscht! Made with organic beets, local sweet potatoes and fresh dill. Also a Spring Vegetable Soup.
Virginia Diner Peanuts - you won't find peanuts like this at the grocery store! Today's featured nut: Karai Fusion Honey Roasted Ginger Wasabi Extra Extra Large Peanuts. Got all that?
Painted Hand Farm - Veal.
How about a cup of Zeke's Coffee to get started?
Plus, live music by American Stalebread!
BCFM also wants you to know they've joined Pinterest, and will be pinning recipes for you.
So stop by the market, and then head to Bethesda Row for brunch!