Very impressive progress at Donohoe's construction site for That 70s Building (a.k.a. The Gallery at Bethesda) since my last update.
The structure has reached the top floor - which will house a rooftop pool - and is now visible on the horizon from Bethesda Row.
One photo below shows the view from a car on Arlington Road driving towards the Woodmont Triangle. As you will notice, where there once was sky, That 70s Building is now looming above the horizon.
The other interesting thing is that, in these photos, the facade appears to be "climbing" the sides of the building. That's the real brick facade on the lowest floors, the colored Tyvex-type covering on the middle levels, and the bare frame on the highest levels. It's amazing to watch all of this happening at once.
I've also given you a split screen photo of the real building vs. the artist rendering, so you can put these photos into context.
One other notable detail: you'll notice the building's windows have a cross-like frame, which is fairly unusual.
And, of course, that's Triangle Towers across Del Ray Avenue from the building, to give you the height comparison.