Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jazzed Up FHE

Well, we took the whole family to the Jazz game on Monday night. What were we thinking?! Ok, so it was my idea. Rob agreed to it knowing it would be miserable. We (at least our business) has season tickets, so we attend a lot of games. Nathan loves going with his Dad, as does Sarah. She even made it all the way through her last game. Nathan had a Jr. Jazz ticket, and our friend had an extra ticket- so we had enough for the whole family.
Though our tickets weren't all together, we've had several of empty seats around us lately, so we hoped we could all sit near each other. We couldn't be so lucky! It worked for a while until the owner of the seats showed up. Rob and Nathan went to sit in empty seats by our friend, leaving me with Matthew and Sarah. That went well (catch the sarcasm?). Popcorn and cars helped for a while, but then I had two kids that just wanted to run around. What could I expect really?! We ran in the hall, visited the bathroom a few times etc. Rob came over and got us when he found some open seats near them. The kids entertained, or bugged, the people around us until half-time when they decided they wanted to play on the stairs. There are a lot of stairs, and they make me nervous. Sarah kept climbing on the rails and sliding down, and Matthew insisted on walking up and down the stairs himself- yikes. Some people thought they were cute, but I got awful glares from others as I followed them around. Rob suggested that we just leave. It was good timing too, because I had had ENOUGH (if you know what I mean). Neither of us had seen much of the game anyway. Chalk it up for an experience I guess. The kids had fun anyway and got their duffel bags (that night's give-away item)- so they were happy. We just won't try that again for a very, very long time. If I knew how to get pictures off my phone I would post an adorable picture of Rob with Matt and Sarah on his lap watching the game.
Nathan is such a big Jazz fan. Last season he really wanted a Matt Harpring jersey. Rob had him do a variety of jobs to earn half the money and he donated the other half. Jerseys are expensive, so it was a big undertaking for a little kid. Nathan is even nice enough to let me wear his jersey (can't believe I can fit in it- for now).


~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

You brave sole! I don't think I could be so daring. (3 kids at home is enough of a disaster/circus