Monday, December 22, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa on a Mission

One week from today my parents leave on their mission to Guam/Micronesia. It makes me so sad to think of them leaving, that I've been trying not to think about it. But now the days are getting short, they are packing up their house, and they had their farewell yesterday- so I can't just ignore it anymore. It really is happening. I really am so proud of them. They are wonderful missionaries, and the most amazing people that I know. No one works harder than these two! I'll just have to share them with people on the other side of the world again. They've been home from their first mission a little over 2 years. They served as Humanitarian missionaries in southern Thailand doing tsunami relief. They helped so many people, and touched the lives of all they met. Rob and I were able to visit them in Thailand, and what an amazing experience that was! Who knows, maybe we'll earn enough skymiles to travel to Guam. How do they get so lucky to go to these tropical paradises?!
Mission rules are different for couples. They were allowed to boat, swim, snorkel, ride elephants etc. Naps are even encouraged. Plus, they get to choose their companion, and there are no transfers. Sounds great! The only down side is not having their grand kids around.We got to take school bags (that my sisters made) filled with supplies to a Burmese refugee camp deep in the jungle.We will miss them terribly! I think I will cry every day. Luckily, Guam is a US territory, so phone calls are just a regular long-distance call. My kids will be so sad. Matthew won't understand why his Grandpa is never home. The worst is, they won't get to meet my baby when it arrives in April until he/she is 15 months old. (Really worse than that, is my baby won't get to know them until then). They are a huge influence on my kids' lives, and we love, admire, and appreciate them so much.

Ok, I've got to stop this. I'm crying my eyes out. We'll survive. I'm grateful for their willingness to serve the Lord. They are such good examples to us. I know we will truly be blessed for their service, as will be the people of Guam.

In November, my entire family was able to get together for the baby blessings of two of my nephews. It was great! Here we are... all 42 of my clan. My baby on the way will be grandchild #25!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Trains, Tree and Snow

It wasn't feeling quite like Christmas until a week ago when it started snowing. We didn't have decorations up yet... But now, yeah, let it snow. Nathan and Sarah enjoying our first big snow. (Don't worry, we got Nathan new gloves since this picture was taken.)
Rob decided it was time to paint our entry way. But you can't just paint the entry way, you have to paint the whole living room and hallway. Painting is a pain anyway, but painting while living where you're painting is a real pain. It looks really nice now though, and we're glad he did it. So bring on the decorations, right?! Not so fast, we have to get the train up first. For those that don't know, Rob sets up an elaborate train around our Christmas tree every year. He builds a horseshoe shaped table that covers more than half of our living room, with the tree in the middle. It's a lot of fun, but a lot of work. He changes it every year, and it's fun to see what he comes up with. (I think it gets bigger every year too.) Can you see the wheels turning in his head, figuring out how to get it set up? He's amazing.
This year he added a hole in the center for more fun for the kids, and easier access to the track on the far wall. Nathan loves that he is big enough to help.With the train up, we were ready to go pick out a tree. Good 'ol Home Depot had the perfect noble fir. We love having a fresh tree. We used to cut our own when we went to Rob's parents in Oregon for Thanksgiving, but we haven't done that in a long time. We've had bad luck with tree lots- like when we got our tree home, after picking it out in the dark, only to find they had spray painted all the dead branches green, used twine to tie branches up to make it the right shape etc. We've had good luck with our trees from Home Depot though. A few years ago we planted 100 noble firs at the Pines, hoping to eventually grow our own Christmas trees. But a severely hot summer killed all but one. Sigh! Oh the smell... I love the smell of a fresh tree!

The kids were so excited, they were bouncing off the walls. I don't know if we'll make it to Christmas without going nuts. Are your kids that way? Rob claims he never behaved this way, but I'm pretty sure I did. My nick-name as a child was "Ping-Pong Ball," and I'm sure it was well deserved. Sorry Mom and Dad!Matthew had to check out the tree, and help put balls on it. It was very cute! I'm surprised that he's done so well to leave it alone since.

With the tree decorated, and the electrical kinks worked out of the train- Let it snow!

The kids love to play with the trains, and all the cool stuff Rob has to go with it. Every time Matthew hears the train, he comes running.The kids love teaching their friends how to run the train. Anyone that wants to come play trains is welcome! With all the work that goes into setting up the train, we usually leave it up until the end of February.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Need a Laugh Today?!

My sister sent me this, and I laughed and laughed. I wish we did Talent Shows like this in our ward. Click here. How did they come up with this?! And the choreography...!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Grandpa's Good News

We just got good news from Grandpa R. His leukemia is now in remission!!! We are so thrilled. He's been through 3 chemo treatments and numerous blood transfusions. Now that he is in remission, they are looking at being able do a bone marrow transplant. For now he gets a break from the doctor for a little while, so he will get to go home to Oregon for a week. Yeah Grandpa!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

5 Kids, Frontrunner & Temple Square

We had our nephews Kaleb and Carston come stay with us for a few days. They are visiting from Texas (and formerly New Jersey), so we don't get to see them much. The kids had such a great time playing together. Nathan is off track (for 5 weeks :) and he's dying for kids to play with, so it was perfect. Kaleb is Nathan's age, and Carston is Sarah's.
Nathan and Kaleb painting Wall-E.
Carston set up a great train track. He would play with trains all day long!
The boys are very into trains, and wanted to ride the Frontrunner. We hadn't ridden it yet, so we planned to ride it to meet Rob's sister Charity in Salt Lake to see Temple Square. The kids loved it!!!Matthew liked seeing the other trains we passed. They all thought it was fun to switch to the TRAX train and ride to Temple Square. The boys were really happy to have their Mom back.
Temple Square was amazing (as always!). I have never seen this few of people at Temple Square. It was so nice to be able to see the Nativity, and not have to wait in line for the Christus. It was great. Here Nathan and Sarah are showing off their Jazz beannies that were handed out at the Jazz game the night before. Sarah went on a Daddy-daughter date with Rob to the game, and they made it through the whole game! She wasn't into the game, but loved being with her Daddy and watching the Jazz Bear.
The kids remembered the Tabernacle from TV. It's decorated so beautifully for Christmas.Charity had never been in the Conference Center, so we had a little tour. It made her day/trip to see the Tabernacle Choir practice. They sounded amazing!We went to the Church History Museum. It is a great place, plus it has a Children's section where they can build temples, play in a Nursery full of babies, and dress up and reenact the Nativity. There was so much to do there, but we didn't have time. We raced off to catch our train home, but missed it by a couple of minutes!!! ARRRGGGGHHHH In the evening the Frontrunner only leaves once an hour, so we had a whole hour to wait in the cold for the 9:25 train. We didn't want to go back to town and risk missing the next train, so we stayed put. We spent some of the time in the Greyhound bus station. That.... well, you'd just have to experience for yourself. Somehow we survived the wait, and the ride home. The kids did really well, especially considering how late and cold it was. We had a few moments like this, but mostly we kept them laughing.It was a great time until we missed our train, but still it was an adventure and we made lots of fun memories. We'll look back on that and laugh. I don't however, think I'll be able to convince Rob to ride the train again.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Matthew the Agreeable

I don't know that I've ever used Matthew and agreeable in the same sentence before, but it is beginning to apply to my little sweetie. Today he made it through his third week of nursery without me. Ashlee says he was good. I think she was stretching it a bit to make me feel better, but at least he wasn't bad enough for them to have to come and get me. I can't tell you how nice it's been to be able to enjoy Sunday School and Relief Society. He's been walking since he was 9 months old, and has been a handful ever since. I was about ready to start my own Hall Mom's and Dad's class, because we were out in the hallway most of the time at church. We love you Ashlee and the other nursery leaders! -Thank you!!! Matthew has also made it through two weeks of basketball without having to be in his stroller, or crying the whole time. I play every Monday morning with a group of ladies, while the kids play on the stage. It's been awful with him for a long time, until recently. Hooray! Way to go kiddo!
I meant to write up something about Matthew when he turned 18 months, and here he is 19 months already. He is such a fun and funny kid. He is oozing with personality. He's a real firecracker. He's very busy, has no fear, and loves to climb. He's learned to open the locked dishwasher, and stand on the door to reach things on the counter. He loves to open the door to the garage and go find Da Da (whether Rob is out there or not -Yikes!). He loves cars (especially Disney Cars), trains, balls, blocks, giving hugs, and food. His first words every morning are, "want some, pees." He is always hungry! He has a ride-on Mater that he loves to push around the house and use as a step stool to get on the couch or get things off the counter. Needless to say, we have to always be on our toes!
He is quick to smile or scream. We prefer the smile. He has a variety of laughs. My favorite is his deep belly laugh. He loves his brother and sister, and always wants to do what they are doing. It is so sweet how he hugs Sarah all the time.

He loves dogs and cats like crazy. He doesn't mind my uncle Ray's black lab Tucker licking him. He's not afraid of that big dog. He is facinated with Tara's dog Zoe. We got about a million belly laughs out of him as he watched Zoe jump up and down outside their glass door. It was hilarious.Matthew entertains us all the time with his silly faces and his teasing. I think he gets it from his Dad. (What do you think?!) He is extremely strong-willed, and stubborn (from Dad too!).
He loves his Grandpa more than anyone. We all went for a bike ride at the Nature Pond and the trail. We stopped for my dad to show Matt a donkey that was next to the trail. Matt loved to pet the donkey, and thought it was the neatest thing- until it bit him! Yep, the donkey bit his fingers really hard, but at least didn't break the skin. He didn't love the donkey so much after that. Can you blame him? Poor little guy had teeth indentations in his fingers for a few hours.After getting his crib he went from being the world's worst sleeper, to a great sleeper (I think me letting him cry himself to sleep a few times helped too. That is so hard for me!). He just needs his bunny, his blanket, and his binky and he's good to go to sleep- usually. Sometimes I find him standing in his crib making faces at himself in the mirror instead of sleeping. Oh, and he's learned to climb out of his crib now. Isn't that great?!We love this little guy. He has added so much to our family. Think of how bored we would be without him! Love you bud!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am Thankful

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I can't help but feel an overwhelming gratitude for all I have been blessed with. I have a great husband, and wonderful kids.! My family and Rob's family are great. I know God loves me and answers prayers. I know that Christ lives, and made it so my family can be together forever. I live in a free (for now -oops, did I say that?) country, and have a nice roof over my head. We are healthy. I have plenty of food, and the basics of life. I live in relative peace, and ease. It's a good life! What more do I need -really?!!! As I looked through the post-Thanksgiving ads, nothing stuck out to me. I don't really need anything. I am thankful to be content! I was thinking back to my college days when my mom would ask me what I wanted for Christmas. The things I usually asked for were: shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, food... the stuff that really adds for for a poor college student. Maybe those are the types of things I'll get for Christmas this year. Wouldn't the kids love that?! Don't worry, I'll get them a little fun too. For some reason, this year feels different. Maybe my mind is focusing on the slogan "Use it all; wear it out; make it do; or go without." Who knows what lies ahead. Wow, I am in a really somber mood.

On a lighter note, here's how our Thanksgiving was. YUMMY! We spent Wednesday night at Rob's sister Tara's place. His whole family was there for Thanksgiving except for Jayson on a mission, and my bro-in-law Walter who had to stay in Texas and work. I don't remember a time when we have had this many of Rob's family together for Thanksgiving. It was great. I don't mind a big crowd of family, I love it. Coming from the family that I do, it's just normal to have a lot of people around. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins. We don't get to see the cousins from Texas and Arizona very often, so this was a real treat. We got to play a lot of games, visit a lot and eat a lot, lot, lot!Tara let the kids decorate her Christmas tree- one of my kids' favorite things to do.

Matthew was so silly and entertaining! All the cousins except the three oldest.We ended up staying there Thursday night as well. Rob beat us all at Ticket to Ride many times over (except I won the first game :) Rob loves to rock out on Rock Band with Tara and Steve, and they did that until 2:30 a.m.. I stink at it, so I went to bed! Rob's mom and sisters all headed out shopping early "Black Friday." I think they are insane! I'm not a shopper, so for me it would be torture. I had fun hanging out with the kids and the guys. We headed home on Friday at 2:30 in the afternoon, and they were still out shopping. They had a good time, but I'm glad I didn't attempt it. I would have ruined it for them. We got to see some of my family that evening. I helped my mom and Terri tie a quilt for my baby, and Rob took my Dad to the Jazz game. It was a good, low-key Thanksgiving full of family and food- just like it's supposed to be.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things I Hate

So... hate is a pretty strong word. Maybe I should say "things I strongly dislike."

Losing to the U
(thanks Max for giving the Utes the ball 6 times!)

Cracks on my fingertips

Doing hair- mine, but mostly Sarah's. She cries and screams everytime!

Bed wetting (not me)

Customers not paying us for work done.
(I hate filing liens and making collection phone calls)

(really, washing is ok, it's the folding part I don't like)

Searching the laundry basket for socks for the kids because I haven't folded the laundry.

Gagging every time I brush my teeth

Losing when we play Ticket to Ride (I think I hate getting blocked worse than I hate losing. For some reason it puts me in a really bad mood).

Hot cereal

Did I mention the U beating BYU? Rob won't let me live it down. Really he has some pretty funny arguments with the kids about it. Here is one of them.

Nathan and Sarah: Utes stink!

Rob: Scoreboard

Nathan: Who cares about the scoreboard anyway!

We laughed so hard we almost fell off our chairs. Guess you had to be there. Apparently he doesn't get the whole point of it, but he is a pretty die hard fan nonetheless.

We had fun watching the game anyway. We watched the game at Carrie and Jon's house with some of the deacons and our Bishop. I wasn't thinking about him being there when I shook my booty in Rob's face after we scored a touchdown. The Bishop asked Rob if I needed to go visit him in his office (hee hee hee). Rob spent the rest of the game dancing all over the place. It's hard to watch games with him! Now the Bishop teases us about needing to attend the Family Relations class for Sunday School. It was pretty funny. The other day, Bishop told me a funny joke: What new item are they selling at the BYU Bakery? -Max Hall Turnovers. lol

At least BYU gets more money by Utah going to a BCS bowl. Some consolation. Luckily we forgot to make any bets before the game. At least we can all cheer together for the Jazz.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Our at Home Rivalry

We have a big red and blue rivalry in our home. I am a big BYU fan, and Rob loves the U of U. How did it get this way?! He was a cougar fan when we were dating and got married! Rob started attending the U a year before we got married, but his conversion to red took a while. I need to pull out old pictures of him in BYU gear. The other day someone asked how we handle the rivalry in our home- wondering if someone ends up on sleeping on the couch. No it's nothing like that. It's mostly a friendly rivalry. I have to admit though, I have been known to hide certain articles of Rob's clothing from time to time (like game day etc.). I think it's pretty funny. Rob doesn't know it, but I make a conscience effort not to dress our kids in red the entire rivalry week. (which reminds me... I need to do laundry, the kids are running out of non-red clothes.) The kids are BYU fans of course. I have undo influence on them I guess- or they just know who's the best. Without any spurring by me, the kids make up little rhymes like "Utes get kicked by our boots" or "Utes are toots." I think it all started with Rob making up things about Cougars and losers. I think I need to send him back to rhyming school, because he thinks cougars and losers rhyme. It's all pretty hilarious. Nathan made me this cute sign.We usually have a bet riding on the game, involving the loser providing some kind of servitude. We haven't decided on just what it will be this year. Any suggestions? Thankfully, the cougars haven't let me down in the past several years. I find it interesting though, because whenever BYU wins, it's not because they played better, but because of some bad call... I've gotten good at rolling my eyes at that one. Rob came home from church saying that we were invited to Jon and Carrie's to watch the game (we don't pick up the Mountain with our rabbit ears). I asked if they knew what they are getting themselves into. He is a pretty vocal Ute fan. So... Carrie, if you read this- are you sure about Rob coming? I love him and all, but he makes for an interesting time watching a BYU game. After all is said and done, it doesn't really matter that much in our home how it all turns out. I really love having bragging rights for the next year, though I don't rub it in too bad. Better than having bragging rights though, is Rob not having them. Hee hee hee. Love ya Rob!
Go Cougs!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jazzed Up FHE

Well, we took the whole family to the Jazz game on Monday night. What were we thinking?! Ok, so it was my idea. Rob agreed to it knowing it would be miserable. We (at least our business) has season tickets, so we attend a lot of games. Nathan loves going with his Dad, as does Sarah. She even made it all the way through her last game. Nathan had a Jr. Jazz ticket, and our friend had an extra ticket- so we had enough for the whole family.
Though our tickets weren't all together, we've had several of empty seats around us lately, so we hoped we could all sit near each other. We couldn't be so lucky! It worked for a while until the owner of the seats showed up. Rob and Nathan went to sit in empty seats by our friend, leaving me with Matthew and Sarah. That went well (catch the sarcasm?). Popcorn and cars helped for a while, but then I had two kids that just wanted to run around. What could I expect really?! We ran in the hall, visited the bathroom a few times etc. Rob came over and got us when he found some open seats near them. The kids entertained, or bugged, the people around us until half-time when they decided they wanted to play on the stairs. There are a lot of stairs, and they make me nervous. Sarah kept climbing on the rails and sliding down, and Matthew insisted on walking up and down the stairs himself- yikes. Some people thought they were cute, but I got awful glares from others as I followed them around. Rob suggested that we just leave. It was good timing too, because I had had ENOUGH (if you know what I mean). Neither of us had seen much of the game anyway. Chalk it up for an experience I guess. The kids had fun anyway and got their duffel bags (that night's give-away item)- so they were happy. We just won't try that again for a very, very long time. If I knew how to get pictures off my phone I would post an adorable picture of Rob with Matt and Sarah on his lap watching the game.
Nathan is such a big Jazz fan. Last season he really wanted a Matt Harpring jersey. Rob had him do a variety of jobs to earn half the money and he donated the other half. Jerseys are expensive, so it was a big undertaking for a little kid. Nathan is even nice enough to let me wear his jersey (can't believe I can fit in it- for now).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Saddest Time of Year

We have just passed through what I consider the saddest time of year. Thank goodness we have Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to. Why is this time of year so sad? It has a lot to do with tomatoes. Yes tomatoes! You non-tomato lovers, don't pay attention, because you won't understand. I love tomato season. I put tomatoes on everything. One of my favorite things is a tomato and cheese sandwich- just yummy bread, a thick slice of tomato with salt and pepper, a slice of cheese, and miracle whip ( yep, I prefer miracle whip). I love all the fresh produce from my garden, or my Dad's farm. That is the best time of year. During the summer and early fall, when we're playing in the back yard, my kids, especially Matt, can be found at the tomato plants picking grape or cherry tomatoes. I love it, but don't love trying to clean tomato guts out of their clothes. My cucumber and summer squash plants died long ago, but I kept my tomatoes alive as long as possible by covering them when we expected frost... But I finally ended up having to pick all the remaining tomatoes (green as well as red), and pull out my plants. I truly mourn the loss of my tomatoes. Now I have the dilemma of what to do with all my picked tomatoes. Do I eat them up as fast as I can, or spread them out to make them last as long as possible? The latter runs the risk of the tomatoes going bad before they get eaten. I really don't look forward to buying cardboard tasting tomatoes from the store.

Ok, so tomatoes aren't the only reason for the sadness. The days are getting shorter, and I had to pull out my petunias that were still blooming. That was really hard for me too. What do you do?! Leave them in as long as possible, and hope you have a nice day after the snow melts, to pull them out.
Luckily there are some things that make me smile this time of year too. I love pumpkins and Halloween. I love football (and look forward to the BYU UofU game). I love fall and the leaves changing color. I used to look forward to my birthday, but that just makes me cringe now instead of smile. Oh, and canning season is over! Hooray!!! Really I feel very fortunate to be able to can and freeze as much produce as I do. My Dad grows it and my Mom helps me can it. It's a great system. This year we did various types of jams, even grape jelly (a first for me), tomatoes, beans, peas, corn, and I even did 50 quarts of dill pickles! I feel bad about the things I didn't get done like peaches and pears. Oh well, there's next year, and I still have some left from last year.Here are just some of what we canned. I tried dill relish for the 1st time. We'll see how that tastes. And yes, on the front row is pickled garlic (of which I am very excited). No one but my brother Jim would understand. We used to fight over who got the garlic from the bottom of the dill pickle jar. I had thought about just making a whole jar of garlic, but Jim beat me to it. I had to try it too. I hope they turn out like I hope. Now no one that reads this will want to get anywhere near me. Really, pickled garlic doesn't make you smell bad. ...Does it?! I'll have to ask Rob.

There is something about eating food that you grew yourself, or opening a jar of something you canned. It just tastes better, and gives you a great sense of pride, satisfaction, and self-reliance. Now... we wait until we can plant next year's crop.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Terri!

My sister Terri celebrated her 40th birthday this week, so we just wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday. Instead of being bummed about the big 4-0, she embraced and had a party. We went her big birthday bash, and it was quite a party with at least 100 people! She is a special friend and aunt to us. I'm pretty sure she is Sarah's favorite person in the world.

When we were wanting to potty train Sarah, we couldn't find anything to motivate her to do it. She didn't care about toys, treats, money, nothing! We were ready to pull our hair out, trying to get her to use the potty. One day Terri told her that when she got potty trained, she could have a sleep-over at her house. That was all it took. Within a week she had her potty chart all full, and had Terri on the phone asking about her sleep-over. Terri came and got her that same day, and they had a great time. Thanks for being a super great aunt to my kids, and a great friend and sister to us.