Sunday, January 08, 2012

Another Jasmin Update.

I am just updating some mile stones for Jasmin that have happened over our busy holiday season.  So these have all happened probably sometime from the middle of November till now.  So  between 4 and 6 months. 
Rolls over.  Still not often from her back to stomach, but from stomach to back is several times a day now.
She sits up now like a pro.  With this she is falling with direction and purpose.  What I mean by that is that she leaning toward an object that she wants or a directions that she want to go and slowing falls that way to obtain her goal.  Just this past week she has started to fall forward as to get onto her belly and crawl. 
She answers to her name.
Gives high fives (although I think she started doing this at just a couple months old I don't know that I ever posted it.)
She is eating solid (mush) foods now. (I put this off for as long as I could but when my mom was babysitting and Robert and I went to the temple she got hungry and Grandma gave her cereal. I was totally fine with that.  She loves anything food!)
She now lifts herself up onto her knees/feet and head.  She pushes with her hands and uses her head feet to support her.  A lot like a push up position.  I am fearing this is the beginning of her figuring out how to crawl. 
She can move around in circles on her belly and scoot forward and backward while playing on the floor.
She loves toys. (Something Kenya never really got into much.)
She loves to watch This walk around and play.  Every time she sees her she smiles and giggles.  (This is a change because a couple of months ago she would be watching This and if the kitty moved too suddenly Jasmin would become startled and begin to cry.)
She is happy and social baby.  She lets most anyone hold her and play with her as long as she is not tired or hungry. 
 I just tested her and she can stand up in front of the couch supporting herself.  (I bet she could have been doing this a long time. Her and Kenya both have never really enjoyed laying down or sitting much.  If you have ever held either of them you know they like to be standing up to be part of the action going on.)
She is interested in anything and especially anything she is not suppose to have.  Like phones, computers, books of Kenya's, pens, etc.
She is just an all around wonderful/perfect baby that is growing up too fast.  It sure passes quicker when you have a toddler that is eating up a lot of your time too.  Wow, she will be 6 months in 1 week, I can't believe it!
Still working on teeth, but nothing showing yet.
There may be more, but that is all I can think of for now.  More updates about holidays and such later this week.  Also, Jasmin has her Dr apt this week so I should have a height and weight check in.

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