Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's been 2 months

Ha so I know I said I would do better at this blogging thing, and technically I have.. Lets see it was like a year in between my last post (or longer) but I still want to do it more frequently. I just enjoy adding pics to my blogs and we had camera problems with a lot of our fun festivities this summer. We bought a pass called the Salt Lake Pass of Passes which took us to a bunch of Grizzlies Hockey Games, Rocky Mountain Raceway, Real SL, and a season pass to Seven Peaks water park in Salt Lake. We have taken full advantage of these passes and had a ton of fun! Caden and Mason do not like being cold. It has taken us many trips to the water park to get them comfortable in the pool. I now stick them both in the same kids blow up boat because they don't weigh much and they have a blast playing with each other. The Raceway was a ton of fun. By far our favorite was watching races on the oval track. Has anyone ever seen Crazy 8 train races!?! It was crazy. For those of you who haven't here is a quick overview.. You have like 10 "trains" racing. The trains are made up of 3 junkie cars. In the front you have a driver who only has a working gas pedal, in the middle there is no one, and in the back is a person with only a working break. Then the race in a figure 8 shape track... Lots of crazy wrecks. I can't believe people do this stuff. So much fun to watch though :) If these passes are available next year definately will be getting them again. We have had a lot of fun.

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