Thursday, January 8, 2009


So I can not find my camera which is really frusterating so for now my posts will be pictureless. The last time I remember seeing it was on christmas day and we visited a few houses. so if anyone has found a camera please let me know.
So anyway Caden just had his 6 month check up yesterday and i guess he isnt growing as much as i thought he was. He is in the 50 percent on his height at 26 1/2 inches. 25 percent on his head. 3 percent on his weight at 13 lbs 5 oz. So we started solid foods today. So far he isnt a fan, but we will keep on working at it. He is happy and healthy. Just built like his dad tall and skinny.


Kaycee said...

oh what a tiny lil boy! He is so cute!
He will get the hang of eating. It has taken Jaden a while.
I hope you can find your camera.

3 of us said...

I love your blog it is so cute. We need to get together some time and play wii again

3 of us said...

i miss you guys we need to get together when Nathan is over the rsv.... How is caden is he doing good i hope so Jaden and caden are getting so big I can't belive it it seems like a month ago they were just born will talk to you later
Katie don't forget about us

3 of us said...

How are you guys feeling i am sorry for your crapy week of being sick and ryan getting in a car accident I am so sorry I hope that all are better soon I will keep you in my prayer