Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Elder Anderson Update

Here are some excerpts from Richard's emails from the last 2 weeks...

...I finally finished the Book of Mormon. I always feel so amazing after I do that...I just went to the Sao Paulo temple again. It´s really amazing in there. I went proselyting again on Friday...much better the second time I think. This one guy I was talking to asked me if I was Brazilian...I had been talking with him beforehand so he had heard me speak my stuttering Portuguese...Richard G. Scott was amazing (He went to speak to the missionaries in Sao Paulo). I got to shake his hand...I think that is the first apostle I have ever touched...We went trick or treating on my floor and all the Brazilians were in some advanced state of shock because we dressed up and ran around and threw candy at them... I am in my second to last week at the CTM...The CTM is coming to a close.