Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some "Excellent" Young Women

On November 18th, our Young Women held their "Young Women in Excellence" program.

To earn the Personal Progress certificate and medallion a Young Woman needs to:
1) Live the standards from the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet.
2) Complete six value experiences and one ten-hour project for each of the seven values.

Working for a medallion is actually a journey to find out what things you enjoy, who you really are, and what hidden talents you have.

Three of our Young Women were recognized for achieving their medallions.
From left to right Christine Chase, Haylie Furse, and Christina Young.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Amy Van Wagenen's Music Update

I'm not sure how many of you know that Amy is in a music competition to find new talent. It's being supported by "The Mormon Times". Let's support Amy. Here is the info that was sent out!

Hi Everyone:

Thanks to all of you for voting for me in the Showcase. Just a little reminder that you can vote every day until December 15th. So far, I am number 5 in the contest and I’m only 50 votes behind the leader. If I place in the top 4 this month, you won’t have to vote for me any more until February, but if I don’t I will probably keep pestering you. It runs for 3 months and the top 4 every month move on to the finals in February. The winner gets $5000 – however, I’m competing against an Osmond – so what are the odds! I would just like to make it to the finals and be able to perform in the live concert.

Anyone can sign up to vote, even if you share an email address. Follow this link:
You have to create an account to vote.

Also, I am performing this weekend at the Chocolate Festival at the Sandy Expo Center. It’s a concert with various LDS artists associated with www.yourldsneighborhood.com . It’s from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. I will be singing “Tiny Graces” and “You Decide”. Come check it out and enjoy some chocolate while you’re at it – not a bad night!

Thanks for all you support!

Amy Van Wagenen

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trey Alan Driggs

We welcomed our little boy, Trey Alan Driggs, on November 11th.
He arrived here healthy and well, weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and
measured 20 1/2 inches. Here are a few pictures of our little guy.
Scott and Laura

Monday, November 17, 2008

Early Arrival of Andrew Bryan Carr

He's here! He's here! He's here! Andrew Bryan Carr was born three weeks early on Nov 16, 2008 at 8:30 am. Weighing in at 7lbs, 11oz and stretching for 21 inches, he's healthy and happy. Both mother and baby are doing fantastic.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sugar Factory Ghost

The week before Halloween, Oct 23-25, 8 members of our ward participated in the "Sugar Factory Ghost." It was performed by the West Jordan Youth Theater Group. "Sugar Factory Ghost" is the tale of a dare that takes three kids into the old abandoned Sugar Factory Playhouse. Little do they know they will encounter quality home-grown Halloween entertainment inside.

A youth-only cast of 4o+ took us through this original Halloween production!

Lara Millington helped write and direct the play. Her four daughters performed. Brittny was 'Slasher,' Amber was a witch, Becca and Mandy were fashionable scientists. Christina Young was an accompanist for the play. Katie Hilton was "The Monster" created by the fashionable scientists and the geek scientists. Jillian Hilton was a geek scientist.

It was great fun to see, and they did a wonderful job...each and every one of them!! Way to go!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kendall's Big Break

West Jordan High School is presenting "Once On This Island" November 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th in the evening.

I am sure you have noticed, Kendall has been growing a beard for the part of an aged father in the play. He actually has a pretty big part with some fun solos, etc.

If you are interested in going, tickets are $5.00 and Kendall would be happy to get them. Please contact Rinda Clyde if you need more information.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Things Utah-Rewind!

The first time we visited the Good Things Utah taping, it was June and weather wasn't an issue. This time however, was the first big snowstorm of the season (next time we need to give them a weather request for a sunny day).

Unfortunately this time only 5 Sisters made it to the studio. They had a great time and each of them got a grab bag from Noodles and Company which included a free lunch. Unfortunately Ann had to leave before they got the "Official" Good Things picture with the hosts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Elder Anderson Update

Here are some excerpts from Richard's emails from the last 2 weeks...

...I finally finished the Book of Mormon. I always feel so amazing after I do that...I just went to the Sao Paulo temple again. It´s really amazing in there. I went proselyting again on Friday...much better the second time I think. This one guy I was talking to asked me if I was Brazilian...I had been talking with him beforehand so he had heard me speak my stuttering Portuguese...Richard G. Scott was amazing (He went to speak to the missionaries in Sao Paulo). I got to shake his hand...I think that is the first apostle I have ever touched...We went trick or treating on my floor and all the Brazilians were in some advanced state of shock because we dressed up and ran around and threw candy at them... I am in my second to last week at the CTM...The CTM is coming to a close.