Showing posts with label markers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label markers. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hungarian Flowers

I love drawing flowers based on Hungarian folk art.  Pencil, watercolors, acrylics, I've tried them all with very different results but I always longed for deep, saturated colors that I couldn't achieve with the previous media.  I have wanted markers for this purpose for a long time but didn't want to invest just for experimenting. 
I finally took advantage of a 50% off coupon to buy a 24 set of Prismacolor Premier Double-Ended Art Markers.  It's definitely fun to use markers and it's taken me a bit to learn how the colors actually appear on paper.   And by the way, the photo's don't do it justice, the top pic is quite dark, the bottom quite light.  In reality the colors are somewhere in between.
I did this piece freehand, no pencil sketch or plan...just where the markers took me and I'm happy with the results but I'm not sure I love these markers.  For now they serve the purpose.   Some day when I make money with my art (!?) I would like to invest in something better.  Do you use markers?  Curious to hear feedback.