Final Fantasy Crisis Core is the prequel to the critically-acclaimed PlayStation video game, Final Fantasy VII. Following the story of Soldier 1st class Zack Fair, events leading up to the original classic are revealed.
Cloud Strife
Here's Cloud Strife as he appeared in the game "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core," as a beautifully detailed action figure. Cloud comes in his Soldier uniform with Shinra issued machine gun and billy club. An interchangeable, helmeted head is included so you can relive the game's most memorable moments!
Zack Fair
Zack Fair
From the hit Playstation Portable game "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core" comes this articulated figure of the game's protagonist, Zack Fair. Zack is the always over-confident member of Soldier who only wants one thing: to become "Soldier First Class." This figure features over 20 points of articulation so you can pose him wielding his enormous Buster Sword, a mainstay of the Final Fantasy VII universe.
Aerith Gainsborough
The flower-selling maiden from "Final Fantasy VII" returns! From the hit Playstation Portable game "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core" comes Aerith Gainsborough as this lovely articulated figure. Aerith is even sporting her pink ribbon, given to her by her love interest, Zack Fair. As you can see, she is once again brightening up her surroundings with her basket of flowers.
See you next time....
kereeen, palagi bajunya si aerith cute bgt,, jd pingin beli hehe.. :P
dipilih dipilih dipilih...hehhe
oh yeahhhh....haha
jd bingung nih mo bilang apa. yg pasti Final Fantasy mmg oke
Keren banget karater Zack ama Cloud hehe....
dan si Aerith Cute banget hehe..
@bunda azka
hehehe FF emank oke bunda
@ @coy
iya bro...apalagi klo punya (ngiler mode ON)
FF 7 has really good storyline and cool interest characters. The prequel Cloud in soldier uniform with big sword is awesome! Nice toy for FF fans!
yup...FF always great. thanks bro
wuihh yg aerith cantk bangett ya...pasti ripp berangan2 punya ce kayak gitu hehee...
hehehe...klo jodoh ya aku terima hahaha,,,tp yg penting hatinya ^^
Cloud top banget
cloud keren abis
apalagi rambut nya haha
top abis dah
iya bro, mo coba gaya rambutnya??? hehehe
Nice bLog n Post I Like u bLog(^_^(
@anak blog
wah thanks bro ^^
dipilih2 mau yang mana silakan tinggal pilih aja :D
maap nih RIP lama bngt gak jalan2 dimari... biasa koneksinya dodol hampir sebulan cuma posting2 :(
weh kok jd anonim hehe blm selesi udh kepencet :)
wehehhehe...ayo ayo dipilih dipilih. iya mba' kangen nih lama bgt ga mampir ^^
Kereennn,...itu sambungan joint nya bisa diputer/gerakan juga ya?? :D
omong2 apakah itu figurenya lagi dijual?? kalo iya berapa :)
kepengen Zack ma Cloud nya. Abisnya nyari itu action figure Zack susahhh...
Sayah punya sih yg Zack tapi action figurenya waktu rambutnya masih berponi and pedangnya belum yg buster sword. Itu juga beli nya langsung pas lagi ke Jepang :(
kira2 ada gak di toko lokal sini yg jual terpisah??
thx buat infonya kalo tau :)
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