Monday, September 25, 2023

205,210 212, 205 x 1 x 5

 This sucked. Felt good and weight was up so  no excuse except the technique, Load the Bow, again didn't work. But I think I finally figured out why: It's just like sumo. When I'm all stretched out to the max I have no trigger to pull to get my press started

No power. Just leverage. But, just like in my deadlift, that's not enough.

I always need speed; acceleration or I have nothing. Slow grind never works for me.

So back to the drawing board. But, another revelation: I've been trying to find the right groove with singles only but I'm doing no eccentrics, no negatives- which literally 'trace' the groove and show you the correct bar path. Also have to put the bar as high as possible on the neck. I think this sets the groove now. Also, wrap the thumb again

This what happened today

175 x 1 good
195 x 1 good
205 x 1 out in front

205 x 1, 210 x 1 x 2 meh not real lockouts, 212 x Miss twice  again at lockout. NO power
then 205 x 1 x 5   made them but not good

 side and rear laterals 3 x8/8 20s



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The Chin Press 135-180-135, CB swings 5 x 10 10 lbs, laterals, rear delts, reverse band curls

 This worked GREAT! I started out very cautiously and slowly, especially at 135 and above but the  tricep, biceps tendon and elbow were fine...