Sunday, March 08, 2020

Strong Ruck

This went great despite the Daylight saving time change. It was extra dark and cool this morning which was perfect and the air was ripe with extra O2 after it had rained all night. My favorite

50 Lb ruck
12 laps
5 squat stretches
13,029 steps
5.8 miles
last 1.5 miles in 25 min (  16.5 min/mile!)
RPE 7.5

Lungs finally felt normal again and coughing is down to almost nothing

BW 172.4
BF 14.1

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35lb ruck

 Another good one! Love this new Apple watch for tracking these numbers 35lbs 9 laps 4.63 miles 15:55 min/ mile 1:13  min 115 ave bpm 172.4