Thursday, September 02, 2004


Bike Ride Sefirah

It occurred to me today that there are 50 days left to my bike ride in Israel.

A good time to take stock.

Sunday's century certainly gave me a good perspective on where I'm 'holding'. Although the last 18 miles were very rough, I was able to complete 110 miles in brutal weather conditions. The truth is, the first 75 miles were pretty easy and, until the 85 mile mark, I never really felt uncomfortable.

I am also encouraged by the fact that I felt fine on Monday morning. I wasn't unduly sore anywhere.

I was very mature (for me) and actually allowed myself two complete days off from biking (although I did do some core strength work on Tuesday). But, when I went out to Point Lookout on Wednesday morning I was amazingly sluggish. I was so tired this morning, I couldn't even get up early and ended up doing an hour on the spin bike instead of riding outdoors. I would worry about the sluggishness except that I don't expect weather conditions in Israel to be anywhere near as bad as Sunday's were (93 degrees and high humidity) and the daily ride is about 65 miles, not 110.

I lost a couple of pounds on Sunday and my weight is down to 138. I wouldn't mind getting it down another three pounds, to 135, before the ride.

My morning shiur starts on Tuesday so I will no longer be able to ride outside except for Sundays. That is too bad because (having built up my strength through the spin bike) I would rather ride a real bike as much as possible.

I am very happy with my bike. It did well on Sunday. The one issue I have is with my front gears. I have Shimano Integras on the back and they are smooth as silk but the gears in the front are a little sluggish.

On Sunday morning I am getting together in Central Park with a bunch of Metro area riders who will be doing the Israel Ride. I look forward to meeting many of them for the first time.

All in all, I'm feeling good about the ride. I am ridiculously excited about going back to eretz Yisrael and about seeing my older daughter who is studying in Seminary.

50 days and counting.

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