Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ready or not...

I am so not ready for Christmas. I have one batch of cookies baked and in the freezer, and that's it. So I guess I'd better go get a tree this weekend, and start making those squares I've been planning, and I sure hope it isn't too late to mail cards! Need I say I haven't done any shopping either? Yikes! Only 2 weeks to go- I'd better get my butt in gear. Of course, it doesn't help when I step out my front door and see this:
Yep, it's not going to chop itself and jump into the woodshed.... there should be an app for that.
 I was battling a Chinook headache yesterday and was pretty much immobilized. Today my plans to ride Chickory were preempted by some much needed afternoon nap time. I'm not really procrastinating, just having a hard time getting motivated when my husband is working away from home (pout).
Maybe this will help...


5 Starr's Farm said...

Hi Shirley, can't believe Christmas is so close. I have most of my decorating done but no shopping. Are you feeling better now? There's a few things I would like to have an app for.....LOL

Sherry Sikstrom said...

When naps attack there is no outrunning them! wish I was closer I would give you a hand , with the shopping and baking , you don't want a clutz like me armed with an axe!

Linda said...

Wow, you ARE behind! just kidding. ;)...but you really are. That wood needing to be chopped just looks painful! And I know how you feel about being unmotivated when your hubby's away working. I get like that, too. We've been real lucky not to have extreme snow yet, don't you think?

Janice said...

I have my tree up but that's it....really not feeling it.Thanks for Linus though.

Linda said...

I'm not ready for Christmas either and I've given myself permission to just relax and not worry about it.

Crystal said...

I got myy tree up but its not decorated yet and a few gifts bought but oh well who wants to be done early anyways ;)

thecrazysheeplady said...

I missed Charlie Brown Christmas special this year so I'm so glad you posted it and I could watch it with you :-D.

Michele said...

iam defiitely not motivated. i have a nasty chest infection. its the worse one i have had in 6 years. its really bottoming me out. i have not done any baking. no tree, only a few decorations up.

just not in the mood. no holiday spirit for me yet. i wonder if i'll get motivated? i somehow don't think so.

Jennifer MacNeill said...

You could get people to come chop your wood. Just tell them it's a new, fancy kinda all-body workout:)

Nikker said...

Christmas is when??
I am glad I am not the only on dreadfuly behind. I've decided I'll either get caught up or I won't...then it will be over and I'll have another 12 months to get it right the next time.
If I was closer (even though I'm not too far away it appears..but I don't have a pass port )0: ) I could balance out Fern Valley and chop and stack the wood while she helped with the other stuff! Heck, I still have my splitting maul, axe, and hatchet (for kindlen) so I am tooled up too!