Monday, December 15, 2008

-34 Sunrise

Even though it is bitter cold, it still was a beautiful morning. The moon, just past full, was there in all her glory, and the air was still . Peppy seems to be on the mend; he isn't shivering any more and the snotty nose is clearing up.
Poor little guy is all frosted up; his forelock is sticking straight out!

Chickory continues to be easy to catch, and won't eat her grain unless I put garlic powder in it.

I think dun horses are tough; she didn't get as sick as the others and that's good, because I don't have a blanket for her! (Yet!)
Then there's Sassy, keepin an eye on those colts! Yes, I gave her and Coyote Belle some grain and garlic today too.


Jenn said...

Look at all the frost on their whiskers! How cute. I'm glad the critters are all feeling better.

I would love to have the snow rather than the nasty, sticky mud we have. I'd gladly put up with the cold if I didn't have to slog through the mud.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Yup it is snappy out there isn't it?
Good to see the "kids" are feeling better. No blankets here,so far, but lots of dry bedding.

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The W.O.W. factor! said...

Wow! Guess I shouldn't have complained about -18 !! But we had 28" of snow come after that, now we warmed up and have muck and lakes everywhere! Our weather has just been so unusual here, and I wanted to move here versus MT or Okanogan Co. because of the winters we endured there. Next year had better not come close to this one, or I'll be looking for another move!! :)