Showing posts with label Irie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irie. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Catching up!

I really truly haven't been on here in so long. In fact, most people probably won't even notice this new post because they have given up new posts from me! lol. I am going to update on my life in numbered form:

1. In July, my sister Bonny moved in with Rick and me. It was fun having her here, but she decided that she needed to go back to AZ in November and isn't sure if she is coming back or not. I really love her and I hope she does, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?!?

2. My brother, Collin, and his wifee, Jenn, have birth to their first little baby/girl on July 30. They named her Irie and she is just so cute! It has been fun to watch her grow and become more alert and smiley! I really like her a lot and think she is super cute!

3. I got a job at Nordstrom selling clothes! I love clothes! I love fashion! I did not love working retail. I quit on my fourth day. I did get 3 pair of really cute jeans at a great discount out of the job, so that was good.

4. I finished my 2nd year of school last Thursday! I only have 3 classes left till I have my associates. However, I am not planning on stopping there...I was hoping to go to UNLV next semester but I didn't apply in time, so I will have to load up on classes there in the summer to catch up on what I won't be able to during the Spring.

5. Not so fun news: My grandpa Burke died recently and I went to Arizona for his funeral. I miss him a lot, and while it was very sad to be at his funeral, it was really wonderful to see family that I haven't seen in years. I love how funerals are not as life stopping as they are for many other people, and I contribute this to our gospel and the faith and hope we have that we will see our family and friends again. This knowledge comes in handy now, because my Grandpa Mac is in the hospital, and we are all preparing for the near time when she will say goodbye to us, and move onto the next part of her life. I love my family, and feel so blessed to have such a huge and wonderful support system!

6. It snowed yesterday!!!! In Las Vegas!!!!! Nevada!!!!! I woke up yesterday morning to take my doggies to the bathroom. As I opened my bedroom door, I glanced out the hallway windows, only to do a double take at the giant snowflakes that were gently falling to the white ground below! It snowed all day and I loved it! I truly had not been in the spirit of the season until yesterday. I spent part of the afternoon decorating my house for Christmas, and then Rick and I watching 3 movies, all while cuddling on the couch under warm blankets. It was a good day!