Showing posts with label zombie worms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zombie worms. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

RTT: Novembre et Décembre


I think that, aside from one post... ok, two if you count the dog from yesterday... all I've done for November is Random Tuesday's. November was crazy. New job. Almost another new job that would have been the gravy train and... other stuff. All and all, I'm pretty happy it's December today. Well, aside from the fact that I'm now in retail. And making minimum wage. WOOHOO!

Tweetcloud for the last month.

I hate my sister. Ok, not hate hate, more like she has a cool camera and photoshop and knows how to use both of them. You know, that kind of hate.

Connor: Yesterday me and Justin saw a zombified worm! It was dead and in a puddle but it was still moving.

So I'm working for a large book retailer now. If you're American, think Barnes & Noble. If you're Canadian, think of the colour blue and something a book is made up of. If you're neither just think of a really big book store. Sounds cool and all but I'm stuck at cash and only get to see the books for a split second while I'm ringing them in. Meh. It's a job. Actually, it's pretty good. My boss is great and my co-workers are really nice. Now if only my pay were say... double with benefits.

You may or may not have seen this, but I think it's fantastic. Jimmy Fallon doing Neil Young doing the Fresh Prince.

And because sometimes I'm a pretty cool dad, to celebrate the first day of December my boys are going to wake up to a few dozen Christmas ornaments I just finished hanging from their ceilings. Now go visit Keely's, because word on the street says she's a pretty cool mom.