Showing posts with label Stephen King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen King. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

RTT: Short And Sweet. Well, Short.

In 1905, Einstein came up with the concept of special relativity, published his paper on the photoelectric effect, finished his doctoral dissertation, devised the E=mc^2 concept, published a paper on Brownian motion, was approved for his doctorate, and turned 26.

So......what have you guys been up to?
via kottke


Meh, I could do that too, but first I'd have to pry my ass off the couch. I'm an Olympics whore in Olympic whore heaven. Being unemployed right now? Not so bad.

You ever read a book and immediately put a face to a character? Are you reading or have you read Stephen King's Under The Dome?

Big Jim Rennie. Come on, he's perfect.

Me: You know, I really need to watch myself around the house. Like when I give the kids hell for coughing and not covering their mouths? I do that all the time.
Supreme Leader: Uh huh. Remember the other day when the kids were playing their driving game and shouting at the other drivers?
Me: Shut up! Maybe they'll take after you and start sleeping all day.
SL: You bastard, you try carrying a baby!
Me: (backing away, avoiding eye contact)

Giveaway! Ya, I think I said something about Sunday. Whatever, this is my blog. The lucky winner was Jennifer from Sprite's Keeper. Not sure what she's going to do with mittens in Florida, but she'll impress all the retired Canadian who spend their winters down there. I had plans to go film my little monkeys giving away the mittens in front of the speed skating oval, but the oldest has a slight fever and wimped out. Sissy. Joking.


Now, off to Keely's with you, I have TV to watch.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Got A Castle In Brooklyn That's Where I Dwell*

Like the great Oracle of Gaelic Gumbo said yesterday, "Real life is... getting in my grill." Between the kids, school, sickness, life and all the closing shifts I do at the new job I'm miles behind on my blog reader and answering comments. My blog has been suffering too... heh heh, I was going to say something about slipping quality but I couldn't do it with a straight face. Ya, so this is the usual "sorry I haven't been by your blog lately blah blah blah" excuse that we all throw out occasionally. Does it feel sincere? Well it was meant to be! You suck too!

But seriously, I feel bad. You take the time to stop by and I'm all "boo hoo, I'm tired." Not only that, but I've been a member of Hot Dads for a month or so now and I haven't written anything for it except for a couple of Q & A's. I'm falling behind on the Zombie News Network I do with Middle Aged Woman (though I am working on a new piece) and I told Matt from DC Urban Dad I'd do a meme he tagged me with and I still haven't. Instead of doing his meme I think I'll steal his Christmas list post from Monday, 'cause it was pretty good. I'm not even getting any story writing done and that's really annoying.

Ok, this isn't all bitching and whining. It's also about books! One cool perk about my new job, besides the employee discount, is being able to take books home to read just like from the library. The first book I took out is Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. It won the Man Booker prize back in October, but more importantly it's received the Bleary Eyed Dumbass Award from yours truly and I haven't even finished it yet. The story revolves around Thomas Cromwell who was a chief minister to Henry VIII. Mantel doesn't portray Cromell as the bad guy he has been historically made out to be and uses an interesting style in her writing of it. Anyway, if you're looking for a new read I highly recommend it.

Next up is Stephen King's On Writing. This was actually a library book, but I just finished it as well and thought I'd include it. Whether you like King or not or haven't even read any of his books, this is a good one. It follows his own writing career and gives a lot of excellent advice to would be writers. If you're a long time Stephen King reader it is really interesting to see what was happening in his real life while he was writing some of his books. If you've ever read The Tommyknockers it will probably answer some questions for you.

So that's my spiel for today. Get off the computer, go read a book.

*This title has nothing to do with this post, I just heard Brass Monkey today and thought that line would make a good post title.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

From Stephen King's new book, Duma Key:

Black is the absense of light but white is the absense of memory, the colour of can't remember.

That's a great sentence.