Friday, August 21, 2009


swimming lessons 003

I cannot believe that my baby girl turned 6 today!! Time goes by way to fast!! It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. She was not a very happy baby but, she is such a happy girl now. We cannot imagine life without her. She is such a job to have in our home. Here are six things that we love about Briley.

1. She has such a wonderful imagination. She can entertain herself for hours.

2. She is such a loving little girl. She loves to give hugs and kisses to her Mom and Dad.

3. She is a very obedient (most of the time). She usually does what she is asked the first time.

4. She loves to laugh and she keeps us laughing all of the time. She is such a funny girl.

5. She is smart and she did very well in Kindergarten last year. She loved going to school.

6. We love her personality, she is so much fun and always keeps us smiling.

We love you so much Briley, we just wish that you weren’t growing up so fast!!


JANEAL said...

Happy Birthday Briley!! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you. Love you!!

Kimberly said...

I was so excited to see your post! Happy Birthday to Briley!! If you're anything like me, you are getting scared to blink! They are just growing up on us! Hope you all have a fun day!

The Michiganders said...

What a cutie! Six is just the best age. I love the sweet innocence, the eagerness to learn and the cuddliness. Happy Birthday!

SueAnn said...

Happy Birthday Briley!!

Brenda said...

She is cute indeed! Tell Happy Birthday from us:)

Derrick & Laci said...

She is such a cutie! We need to hang out more so I can get to know your girls!

emily said...

What a cute little girl... I love girls at this age they are so fun!

Alison said...

She is so CUTE! Hope she had a very happy birthday!

Eva Wilson said...

Happy Birthday to you dear.

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