I'm really not a Luddite, but I think I must be the last person around not to have a wireless connection. I bought my laptop 3 and a half years ago, and at the time wireless cards weren't automatically included. I have a desktop with DSL, and I used my laptop for taking notes in class and working in the library. And for those things, it was probably just as well I didn't have internet access to distract me. More recently I decided I would just wait until I bought a new laptop to get wireless.
But while I was staying at LD#2's apartment I got used to having internet access on the laptop. And it seems increasingly unlikely that I can afford a new laptop this summer, and the Kid and I often compete for time online. So this weekend I bought a wireless card and router.
Well, the wireless card works fine in the laptop, but the router has turned out to be a huge frustration. After running the set up CD a few times, connecting and reconnecting everything but never getting it to actually complete the connection, and then spending an hour and a half on the phone with a technician all I have succeeded in doing is messing up my DSL on the desktop so that it's not working at all Which means that tomorrow I'll have to spend more time on the phone with different technicians who also won't have a clue aobut what I'm talking about or how to fix it :(
So how is it that I am on teh internets, you might be wondering. Well, it just so happens that the public library is right across the street and I can pick a wireless signal from there quite niclely. If I'd known that I might have bought a wireless card sooner :)
I can never ever go back to a non-wireless world. I am dreading my month in Maine because I will have to go back to dial up.
I hope it all gets sorted out. Just keep asking for the supervisor ;-). They seem to be a bit more savy about issues than the front line techs in my experience.
Hmmmm. Well, we *did* manage to fix our own router. It's too bad LG has camp this week, or I'd suggest making a tech-repair blogger meet-up.
(I work cheap. Except that there's no guarantee that I can fix anything.)
What chicimama said. I'm not a Luddite, either. As a matter of fact, I'm really computer literate, but I hate the problem-solving that comes with hardware issues. I paid the tech guy from Holy Comfort $50 to come set up my wireless at home. Best $50 I ever spent. And I love my wireless. I get kind of weirded out now when I turn on my computer and it can't find a wireless network. And I'm all pissy about places that have the audacity to CHARGE for it. I won't go to those coffee shops.
I had wireless for a few sweet months. Then the dang router stopped working and I'm tethered again. Someday I'll try to replace it since I can no longer find any paperwork on it.
ROFL - at the last paragraph!
I've only had a laptop since December but it's amazing how quickly I've gotten spoiled ... I can't imagine life without it.
And I've gotten wireless signals in the strangest places. Last week, I had to kill half an hour while one of my kids was at a lesson so I parked my car in a shady spot in nearby urban park and took out my laptop to write some emails, figuring I could send them when I got home, and I picked up a signal. No idea where it was coming from ....
Now, that's a funny story. (and so is jo(e)'s)
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