Or, to be precise, two boxed and brand new Sega Dreamcast controllers, complete with two Vibration Packs and two VMUs (1 green, 1 blue) have kindly made themselves available on eBay. Seller ships worldwide.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Two complete -new too- Dreamcast controllers
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Labels: accessories, Sega Dreamcast
Friday, June 27, 2008
Jet Set Willy: a Matthew Smith signed copy
Now, that's what eBay was meant for... A proper ZX Spectrum Jet Set Willy tape signed by the 80s gaming legend that was its creator: Matthew Smith. According to the seller, who kindly sells worldwide, the tape is in mint condition and has been signed by the man himself at the Classic Gaming Expo UK 2004. Seems like a well priced offering too. Oh, yes, the link: JSW Matthew Smith signed copy @ eBay. There you go.
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Labels: Rare games, Retro Games, Signed Stuff, Sinclair, ZX Spectrum
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Lost Treasures of Infocom
There was a time when you wouldn't even think of pirating a game, solely based on the quality and richness of its packaging. Take The Lost Treasures of Infocom for example. Besides sporting 20 fantastic games on five 3.5" disks, its lovely box came stuffed with a huge manual covering all included games, an equal in volume hint-book, a ton of excellent maps, feelies, parchment cards, reference cards, an Activision catalog and an assortment of other stuff. Oh, and, yes, you can still grab this box of delights via the aptly named The Lost Treasures of Infocom eBay auction. Happily, seller ships worldwide.
The games included are: Infidel, The Lurking Horror, Suspect, Ballyhoo, MoonMist, Witness, Deadline, Starcross, Suspended, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Planetfall, Stationfall, Enchanter, Sorcerer, Spellbreaker, Zork I, Zork II, Zork III, Beyond Zork and Zork Zero. Oh, and you can play some of them online and for free here.
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Labels: Adventures, Infocom, PC Games, Retro Games
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sega MegaDrive II, Mega-CD II and games
A boxed MegaDrive II and an equally boxed Sega Mega CD II with 17 games (four of which CD ones) in all their 16-bit cutting-edge glory, should normally set you back for something around 75-100£. Hopefully though, this lovely Mega Drive, Mega CD & games eBay auction might just turn out being quite the bargain. Seller ships to UK only. The freeware Gens emulator on the other hand is available worldwide.
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Labels: Mega CD, Sega, Sega MegaDrive, UK
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Super Nintendo with a dozen mostly classic games
I think it's the first time Retro Treasures discovers an interesting enough US Nintendo SNES auction, most probably because I still think the Euro version of the console is so much more beautiful. Anyway, I digress. If you do care for a lovely US console bundled with twelve games that include such absolute classics as Super Mario All-Stars, Yoshi's Island, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario Kart and Street Fighter II Turbo, well, this SNES & games auction is for you. Apparently, you'll also be getting all cables, 3 controllers and a lovely arcade-y joystick too. Seller ships worldwide.
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Labels: 16-bit consoles, Nintendo, SNES
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Intellivision in a box (with games too)
We all know the Intellivision lives and still is as brilliant a console as it was 30 years (well, 29) ago. This boxed Intellivision console with 28 games eBay auction then should interested everyone. Happily, seller ships worldwide too.
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Labels: Intellivision, Retro Games
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A complete Amstrad CPC 6128
And by complete, I mean this lovely 8-bit micro comes with a colour monitor, a TV-tuner, the Romantic Robot Multiface 2, two joysticks, original disk systems, all cables and the necessary manuals. So, uhm, if you want to get your retro gaming hands on this one, well, do try this Amstrad CPC 6128 eBay auction. UK only, mind. 6128s with a colour monitor are not that easy to find these days and they usually sell for £25+.
In case you know nothing about the CPC 8-bit wonder and its odd, though lovely, 3" disk drive try having a look at this enlightening link. Then try an emulator and download some free games. Oh, and for a look at Amstrad's game-related history try this article.
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Labels: 8-bit home micros, Amstrad, CPC, UK
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Nintendo Famicom Box
A rarity from Japan, the Nintendo Famicom Box (or is it Famicombox?) was primarily used in Japanese hotels, game shops and, well, a variety of public and semi-public places. The Famicom Box can store up to and let you select from 15 Famicom games. Find out more about it here and watch a video here. Mind you, what you just watched could be yours...
It is, after all, the same Nintendo Famicom Box with 10 games, 2 controllers, Light Gun and Light Gun Holster you can try and purchase via this Nintendo Famicom Box eBay auction. Seller ships worldwide. The games included are: Super Mario Bros, Mahjong, Baseball, Golf, Duck Hunt, F1 Race, Boukenjima, Senjou no Ookami, Makaimura and Pro Wrestling.
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Labels: 8-bit consoles, NES/Famicom, Nintendo, rare items
Saturday, June 14, 2008
15 lovely C64 games
Namely, Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed Monster, Crazy Kong, A view to a Kill, Crazy Comet, Pitfall, Yie ar Kung Fu, Fistfull of Fun, Koronis Rift, World Games, Spindizzy, Bionic Commando, Run the Gauntlet, Paperboy, Supercycle and Breakthru. Grab them for cheap via this Commodore 64 loving eBay auction. Seller ships to N. and S. America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
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Labels: C64, Game Collection, Retro Games
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The relatively rare glory of the Sega CDX
The Sega CDX (or Multi-Mega outside the US) was a brilliant portable little gaming gadget, that managed to combine a fully working Sega Genesis (or, well, MegaDrive), a Sega (Mega) CD and a complete and quite advanced potable CD player with a hefty price tag. Of course, it flopped and is now quite a rarity. You can find out more about it here, here and/or here.
What's more, and provided you are willing to spend a few hundred dollars (perhaps even less), there's a lovely US only complete Sega CDX auction @ eBay. The console seems to be in mint condition, comes packed in its original & complete box, with a manual, carrying case, 6-button joypad, all cables and 5 games that include Sonic CD and Lunar: The Silver Star.
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Labels: CDX, rare items, Sega, US/Canada
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A business minded C64 with disk drive
A Commodore 64 with a VIC-5141 floppy disk drive and an impressive selection of classic, erm, productivity software (The Print Shop, WordPro 3 Plus/64, Commodore VIC-1541 Test/Demo, Bank Street Writer, GEOS, SuperBase) wont help you set up a home office, but it really is something worth the time of the historically inclined. Them retro accountants too. After all, it can always play games too. Have a look at this C64 & FDD & software eBay auction and see if you care. Seller ships worldwide. A price around 35$, 18 pounds or 22 euros would be (way) more than reasonable.
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Labels: 8-bit home micros, C64
Monday, June 9, 2008
Crash mags for your Spectrum
Better hurry though as this Crash eBay auction will be over in less than 12 hours. Seller ships only within the UK and you'll be getting your Speccy loving hands on issues 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43. Failing to grab this lot, well, you could still enjoy the brilliantly preserved online edition of the mag here. For free of course.
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Labels: Magazines, UK, ZX Spectrum