Showing posts with label QL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QL. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2016

Boxed & Working Sinclair QL

Don't know why, but few computers feel as festive as Sinclair's classic (and not so classic) micros, and thus I just couldn't help but link to this Sinclair QL eBay auction. The final, 16-bit computer by Sinclair on offer is boxed, fully working, and with a replaced keyboard membrane.

Seller ships to many places worldwide.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

One seemingly unused Sinclair QL

The design flaws are obvious now, but so is the ambition that was driving the Sinclair QL and eventually turned it into a beautiful, affordable 16-bit computer filled with clever ideas that flopped spectacularly. This Sinclair QL eBay auction, on the other hand, is obviously intriguing, especially considering the micro has most probably never been used.

It does come complete in its original box and the seller ships to most places worldwide.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sinclair QL & Printer

Sinclair's 16-bit business computer, the wonderful if ill thought out Sinclair QL, remains an important micro and a retro computer worth having. Despite being aimed at the professional/serious home user and coming with a variety of business software, the QL also got itself its fair share of gaming software and even some handy peripherals, you see.

As one would expect from a Retro Treasures post, well, here's a pretty excellent Sinqlair QL auction on eBay. The computer comes complete in its box with manuals, power adapter and software (QL Abacus, Archive, Easel and Quill) on microdrive cartridges. It is also accompanied by the equally boxed, dot-matrix Sinclair Printer.

Seller ships worldwide.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sinclair QL (Boxed)

Sinclair's Quantum Leap 16-bit business micro can be yours if a) you live somewhere in the European Union and b) outbid everyone else for this Sinclair QL on eBay. The computer on offer is in full working order and comes in its box complete with 13 blank microdrives, software, the manual and all required bits to get it running.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cavern for the Sinclair QL

QL-Cavern was one of the first platformers to appear on the Sinclair QL and it still is a rather impressive game sporting lovely graphics and sounds and 50 or so levels. You can grab it complete in its box via this eBay auction. As you'd expect, the game comes on a microdrive cartridge. Seller ships only within the UK.

Friday, September 30, 2011

One excellent Sinclair QL

The brilliant flop that was the Sinclair QL can joyfully be yours via this lovely Sinclair QL eBay auction, and I frankly can't see how anyone could resist it. The micro does after all come complete in its original box with quite a bit of software (and some games) and seems to be in absolutely excellent condition. Seller ships only within Europe.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sinclair QL - boxed & complete

The Sinclair QL was a fantastic machine; it was an incredibly priced 16-bit computer that could actually be used in an office but also made for a rather decent games machine. Yet, it flopped. Must have been the combination of a disastrous launch and the use of them unreliable microdrives. Oh, well, that's life I suppose. Still, the QL (short for Quantum Leap) is absolutely worth owning and this Sinclair QL auction seems pretty great. The computer comes complete in its original box and is followed by an always handy Qdisk card. Seller only ships to European addresses.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sinclair QL: in a box!

Sinclair QLNot the most common of sights, but not an absolute rarity either, this boxed Sinclair QL @ eBay is quite rare and seems to be in good shape. The computer comes in its original box and seems to have all its original books, software and leads intact. It might also turn out to be a bargain... Seller ships to Europe, United States, Australia and Canada.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A very impressive Sinclair QL

sinclair qlEidersoft ICE sinclair ql guiThe Sinclair QL, Sir Clive's Quantum Leap of sorts, was supposed to be the powerful yet affordable professional PC that would replicate the ZX Spectrum's success and cement Sinclair's dominance in the UK. Unfortunately this rather magnificent machine failed and probably signaled the beginning of Sinclair's end. A sad story, a great machine and you can find out more over at Wikipedia, Old-Computers or Planet Sinclair. For a fine QL emulator (Win/Mac) try this link.

Now, even though the average Sinclair QL isn't too rare to find, this immensely expanded (boxed) Sinclair QL that just hit eBay is a truly rare gem. Seller ships worldwide and I would expect prices to rise.

Provided you make the winning bid, you will be getting your hands on a mint condition Sinclair QL in its original complete box, complete with manual, additional software suite (on microdrive cartridges), cables and power supply. What's more, the computer comes with a twin floppy disk drive, 768k of extra RAM and Eidersoft's amazing ICE GUI.