Tuesday, February 24, 2009


In the spirit of "there's something for everyone", we have some books on
Amazon1 right now that are for the communication and CS experts out there.

Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems by Qing Li is a primer that will teach beginners as well as seasoned programmers. The reviews on Amazon are quite good. Our copy appears to never have been used and sells for $32 at Amazon1.

Communication Systems, 4th Edition, by Simon Haykin is an undergraduate textbook for communications class that will transcend the college experience.  Our copy is in good shape, although it has a small tear at the spine as if it might have been dropped.  Nonetheless, the text is unmarked and tight.  If you need this, you can get it for $50 at Amazon1.

Next Generation Wireless Applications by Paul Golding has only 2 reviews on Amazon, but they're both 5 stars. Moving into wireless is a frightening concept for many companies, but with a Blackberry in the President's hands, it is clear that wireless is the path of the future for survival. So how to reconcile security with convenience? This book will help the designers, CEOs and anyone else who is interested figure out what is best for their firm.  On Amazon1 at $26.50

If you are a current local Friend of Reston Regional Library, you can get these without paying postage!  E-mail us!


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