Always In Our Hearts

Showing posts with label Stellanator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stellanator. Show all posts

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wee Diva

There I was, looking forward to a little quality time with my Pooh Bear.

Enter my wee diva of a sissy, Stella, who can never leave me alone. She has NO sense of personal space or boundaries and got herself all up in my bizness.

I took things into my own paws... Hey! I can multi-task.

I eventually ditched Pooh in favor of putting an end to Stella's trash talkin'. (Doesn't look too vocal at the moment, does she?)

Inevitably a snasslin' session of the highest ferocity ensued.

Hey! Where'd she go?

I'm in trouble now.

She's gone into her EPZ (Evil-Plotting Zone). I can kiss any relaxation good-bye... indefinitely. (Where's that evil giggling coming from...?)

Goober love,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Truth in Reporting

Okay. Let me set the scene here before you all jump to conclusions. My girl swears that these photos are evidence of me smoochin' on my sissy, Stella, but I'm here to tell you that they are NOT. These photos are simply evidence of top secret experiments in hypnosis that I have been conducting on a very unwilling Stella. Notice how Stella's eye is open as we begin our session.

Behold. Stella is under my power of suggestion.

Okay, so it only lasted for a few seconds, but it's a start. If you were in my position you'd be working on some mind control techniques too.

And of course, the ferocity of her subsequent snasslin' was off the charts.

Some how I think she's enjoying herself just a little too much.

She can't even bring it down a notch for the photo shoot. (I know. The camera LOVES me, man.)

This is definitely a case of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" if I've ever seen one!

Thanks to all who have been asking about our girl and her new job. She is thankful to be gainfully employed, but more motivated than ever to find a position that fits her better. We'll keep you posted

Goober love,
Stanley (& Stella)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guest Room Wars

See Stella. Stella thinks she's the Queen of the Guest Room (where we hang out a lot of the time while our hooman girl is on the puter).

See me taking Stella back to school.
Oh, yeah. She's a formidable opponent...

... formidably ANNOYING...

Here's where I let her think she's running me off...

... before I double back and stake claim to what is MINE! I am the undisputed King of the Guest Room! Was there ever any doubt?

Goober love,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And A Bag of Chips

Note: in this photo my sissy, Stella (aka The Stellanator) looks almost sedate... like a normal dog.

Add to that a bag of chips, and well, we're talking MAJOR goober attitude coming at ya full force.

According to Stella... "I'm ALL THAT. This bag of chips confirms it. Need I say more?"

SHEESH!! Why'd she have to find that bag of chips?

Okay. So the chips are mine and I told her she could play with them...

But I didn't think I'd be creating a Divanator! (Thanks Agatha & Sophie. The world is an infinitely better place because you taught Stella how to access her inner diva.)

All because of a stupid crinkle toy I should have chucked a LONG time ago.

Lest we forget, here's just a little taste of Stella reminding us that she really is ALL THAT, with or without a bag of chips.

I gotta tell you, though. Despite annoying me beyond reason, she has been cracking our girl up non-stop. At least she's providing a public service.

Looks are deceiving. You'd never know that underneath all that fuzz and the cute little schnoz beats the heart of a Diva of the HIGHEST Order.

Barely keeping it together,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stella On Demand

I've had a request... nay, a DEMAND, from the mama of Joe Stains for more Stella photos. Evidently she's been jonesin' for a Stella fix. (I'm crushed, Mama Stains.) By popular demand, here are some photos from a little over a month ago at a meeting of the GooberStanian Snasslin' Association (GSA). Enjoy. [For those of you who don't remember, Snasslin' is a combination of Snuggling and Wrasslin' - with a little Brazilian Street Fighting thrown in.]

We usually start out meeting head to head...

but we eventually end up booty to booty.

In between we end up doing a little synchronized... well, synchronized something.

Here's where it starts to get interesting.

I had her pinned for awhile, but then the little booger oozed out from underneath me.

Time to make another move...

I've got you... almost... where I want you, Stella! (imagine my evil laugh here)

C'mON! Say uncle, you little goobette.

Maybe if I go for a direct delivery wet willy.

Nahhh. Stella HATES wet willies.

The rest of these photos are pretty much just me taunting Stella...

... and Stella going for my jugular.

Then it's time for our cool down, and the conclusion of another successful meeting of the GooberStanian Snasslin' Association.

Mama Stains, if I could figure out a way for you to mainline Stella from Arizona then I'd be all for it. Until that time comes, I hope this fix was enough for now.

Goober love,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stinky Snasslers Snasslin' Fiercely

These are the faces of the G.S.A. (GooberStanian Snasslin' Association)!

We've been snasslin' something FIERCE for all our friends who need good vibes with healing and comforting properties.

The fiercer we are, the stronger the vibes we create!

Hey, Eduardo! Just want you to know that Stella is MORE than holding up her end of the snasslin' session.

Of course, I had to interrupt this particular snasslin' session when I smelled an extra funky odor emanating from Stella's legpit. She immediately gave me the Heisman in an attempt to divert my investigation.

In the end I discovered that she had evidently been carrying around a skunk in her legpit! It smelled like he'd been living there for quite some time. I'll have to notify our girl of this amazing discovery. I'm pretty sure she'll appreciate the odor as much as I do.

But for now... it's time to keep SNASSLIN'!

I now declare this meeting of the GooberStanian Snasslin' Association adjourned!

Time for a post-snassle cool down.

Stretching is a very important part of the cool down process.

I'm always in a Zen-like state after a good snassle...

until my goober essence takes over again!

We are still snasslin' this week for our sweet Airebud, Putter. She is back home and feeling a little better, however, her vet still does not know what she's dealing with for sure. Putter, we're still sending you lots of healing goober smooches and Aire-Zen. Enjoy your break from your nanny duties while you rest up, girl! Go by and give her some love if you can.

Goober love,
Stanley & Stella