2007年10月27日 星期六
Tagged - "my first time"
**Start Copy Here**
We have a voice;
We must be heard;
Therefore we blog;
Now spread the word!
This meme is based on a recent post that was conductedasking the question “Why do you Blog?” and therewrite “Why do you Blog? - Reworked.”The purpose of this meme is to tell our tales byspreading the reasons that we blog to as many sites as possible.We get to explain ourselves, direct traffic toour site and highlight our most important, most representative or mostrelevantpost in an SEO favorable format. This will be a positive experience foreveryonewho wants to get involved.This will enable you tocreate a short advertisement for your site that willbe spread across the blogesphere; a growing directory of blogs.This is an open meme. You do not have to be tagged to join in.All you have to do is follow the rules.Please let me know when you have added your site by leaving a commenton“Complete List” with a link to your post. This will insure anup-to-date list, giving you even greater distribution. You thenhave the option of copying the growing list back to your site.Rules:- Create an inventive post title- Write a brief introduction to the meme.
Copy from “**Start Copy Here**” through “**End Copy Here**”- Paste into your post- At the end of the “*list*”, before “**End copy here**”,please add your name, site name (with link),a very brief description (2-3 sentences) of why you blog,and your most important, most representative, or most relevant post (with link.)- Tag at least 5 others to participate.- Leave a comment and a link to your post on “Complete List”
*List*Well,my name is lucky star,i started to blog since i know what is blog,i thinkit was about 1 year ago,actually i opened many blog at the net,quite stupid,buti started to become a blogger was because i wanted to share my life,my feeling toother,especially i am at oversea now,i would like to share my different life to myfriends,but dont think i am showing off,well,thats all XD damn long =。=[[*---♥ Sai Ling;Palace---*]] (http://stmling.blogspot.com/)My name is Sai Ling and I started my blogging life since four months ago.Why do I blog?the main reason is just for sharing my life & my story with u guys.From blogging,I meet many new friends from different states and country.We still can know the little story of each other.Not much to say.At last,cheers for all blogger~
I am 冬凡 or Laputa(http://foonglan.blogspot.com/)i start my blog em....few months ago (Already forget the actual time) :p Why i start write blog? Em..because i like to write. I like to keep memories. When i keep it becomes words, then i will forget about it. One day, you read again, may be you have forget your feeling that time; but you still remember who passed in your life. Beside, i like to share by using words. And, words can touch people. Though my blog, you can know me, you can see me. My happiness, sadness and everything wihtout hide :)I like to use my words to cheer up picture, to bring up the meaning.. the simple words - - I LIKE TO WRITE.. hahacheers~~
[晶心聆听] http://xxsmilexx-jing-jing.blogspot.com/My name is Jing.I started blogging since i saw my teacher's blogshahu.It's about half year that i suffer in bloglife.why do i blog?well,it is because i can let off or sharing all my feeling with my blog's fren.Now a day,blogging is part of my life,and NO BLOG NO LIFE!^0^
I am Christine.(简单人生- http://simplechristine.blogspot.com). Actually i started blogging since last year,just moved here(blogspot) this year. Why do i blog? I have a habit of writing diary ,since i got know blog, so i started blogging as well. Blogging, just want express my feelings, happiness about what happened in my life. I assume that here is a dustbin, throw everything here..release everything...^-^
I am renee. 小天地(http://reneeyp82.blogspot.com). I started to blog last year at friendster. Then I moved my blog to blogger last few months. I blog because I want to record everything that is important to me. No matter it is happy, unhappy, worry or any emotion. I hope I can continue to blog for more longer because I am a person that is very easy to give up.
We have a voice;
We must be heard;
Therefore we blog;
Now spread the word!
This meme is based on a recent post that was conductedasking the question “Why do you Blog?” and therewrite “Why do you Blog? - Reworked.”The purpose of this meme is to tell our tales byspreading the reasons that we blog to as many sites as possible.We get to explain ourselves, direct traffic toour site and highlight our most important, most representative or mostrelevantpost in an SEO favorable format. This will be a positive experience foreveryonewho wants to get involved.This will enable you tocreate a short advertisement for your site that willbe spread across the blogesphere; a growing directory of blogs.This is an open meme. You do not have to be tagged to join in.All you have to do is follow the rules.Please let me know when you have added your site by leaving a commenton“Complete List” with a link to your post. This will insure anup-to-date list, giving you even greater distribution. You thenhave the option of copying the growing list back to your site.Rules:- Create an inventive post title- Write a brief introduction to the meme.
Copy from “**Start Copy Here**” through “**End Copy Here**”- Paste into your post- At the end of the “*list*”, before “**End copy here**”,please add your name, site name (with link),a very brief description (2-3 sentences) of why you blog,and your most important, most representative, or most relevant post (with link.)- Tag at least 5 others to participate.- Leave a comment and a link to your post on “Complete List”
*List*Well,my name is lucky star,i started to blog since i know what is blog,i thinkit was about 1 year ago,actually i opened many blog at the net,quite stupid,buti started to become a blogger was because i wanted to share my life,my feeling toother,especially i am at oversea now,i would like to share my different life to myfriends,but dont think i am showing off,well,thats all XD damn long =。=[[*---♥ Sai Ling;Palace---*]] (http://stmling.blogspot.com/)My name is Sai Ling and I started my blogging life since four months ago.Why do I blog?the main reason is just for sharing my life & my story with u guys.From blogging,I meet many new friends from different states and country.We still can know the little story of each other.Not much to say.At last,cheers for all blogger~
I am 冬凡 or Laputa(http://foonglan.blogspot.com/)i start my blog em....few months ago (Already forget the actual time) :p Why i start write blog? Em..because i like to write. I like to keep memories. When i keep it becomes words, then i will forget about it. One day, you read again, may be you have forget your feeling that time; but you still remember who passed in your life. Beside, i like to share by using words. And, words can touch people. Though my blog, you can know me, you can see me. My happiness, sadness and everything wihtout hide :)I like to use my words to cheer up picture, to bring up the meaning.. the simple words - - I LIKE TO WRITE.. hahacheers~~
[晶心聆听] http://xxsmilexx-jing-jing.blogspot.com/My name is Jing.I started blogging since i saw my teacher's blogshahu.It's about half year that i suffer in bloglife.why do i blog?well,it is because i can let off or sharing all my feeling with my blog's fren.Now a day,blogging is part of my life,and NO BLOG NO LIFE!^0^
I am Christine.(简单人生- http://simplechristine.blogspot.com). Actually i started blogging since last year,just moved here(blogspot) this year. Why do i blog? I have a habit of writing diary ,since i got know blog, so i started blogging as well. Blogging, just want express my feelings, happiness about what happened in my life. I assume that here is a dustbin, throw everything here..release everything...^-^
I am renee. 小天地(http://reneeyp82.blogspot.com). I started to blog last year at friendster. Then I moved my blog to blogger last few months. I blog because I want to record everything that is important to me. No matter it is happy, unhappy, worry or any emotion. I hope I can continue to blog for more longer because I am a person that is very easy to give up.
2007年10月21日 星期日
2007年10月19日 星期五
直到一天, 她发觉到她怀孕了。但是孩子她不能留住,因为她连谁是孩子的爸爸也不知道。她去了一家医疗所把孩子打掉了。
直到一天, 她发觉到她怀孕了。但是孩子她不能留住,因为她连谁是孩子的爸爸也不知道。她去了一家医疗所把孩子打掉了。
2007年10月18日 星期四
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