Showing posts with label ovarian cyst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ovarian cyst. Show all posts

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Hi dearies..

Continue from PART III


Before we started our honeymoon travel year, ada la a few ikhtiar we did untuk cuba dpt baby.. saje2 je mana tau menjadi kan.. Meh i share sket2 mana yang i da try (and hampir try).. 

1. Buah zuriat
My mom's fren pegi mekah (not sure umrah or haji) and so my mom pesan belikan air zamzam, akar fatimah and some buah zuriat. My mom bagi i buah zuriat dlm 4bijik tak silap. I have no idea why i tak guna pun nie.. simpaannn je kat dapur tapi x buat ape, ntah le taktau nape hati x tergerak nak pakai ni.. tapi utk u all boleh la cuba, khasiat dia banyak..

2. Urut Bidan
Ok yang ni tak plan pun.. xsilap this was the first year of marriage.. I was just following my SIL time tu sbb anak dia position songsang time tu, so jumpe la sorang makcik yang consider like family fren la sbb my in laws dah lama kenal makcik ni... dia mmg terer urut2 ni and selaku bidan la jugak.. so masa urutkan my SIL tu, my MIL suh i try jumpa skali la makcik ni.. so makcik ni xbuat ape pun, just tgk perut i and then scan.. urut sket2 je la like more to touching sikit2 and then buat pergerakan 'dial' ikut pusingan jam kat pusat.. She said im OK, takde masalah...cyst mmg ada tapi insyallah OK xde ape.. Ok time tu happy la kan, kira mcm ada chance.. hehe.. 

i think after that ade jumpa lagi skali, and she did the same thing too.. and ckp ada sumthing yg dia xsure apa, tapi mcm 'gangguan' jugak ada sumthing yg 'ganggu' i from being happy and dpt baby... tp dia xleh nak figure out ape and xnak explain in detail.. i pon xsure maksud dia tu dari segi perasaan i ke, cyst i ke, makhlus halus ke,org buat ke.. she pesan dont overthink about it, just relax buat mcm biasa.. and try to loose weight.. hahaa.. i think dia just doa2 ape patut and suruh dtg balik (which we never did-xtau nape) haha ;p

3. Metformin
Oops ni bukan yg dadah tu yer.. tu Metaformin, ni metformin... this is actually ubat untuk org diabetic utk loose weight and kurangkan sugar kot.. And studies said that metformin also ada good side effect utk org pcos..and da ramai doctors and gynea use this for pcos and fertility treatment.. Since my sis doctor kat klinik kesihatan, i had an endless supply of this.. tapi i took dlm 6bulan in my 1st year of marriage je..lepas tu byk kali skip2 sbb slalu pening..

4. Family & Friend's Doa
Ok ni mcm biase la, kalau ada sape2 kite kenal nak gi umrah or haji, i akan pesan mintak tolong doakan untuk kami. Sbb slalunye these people (relatives) akan tanye xde anak lagi kee? so i always answer..blum ada rezeki, doa-doakanlah untuk kami yeee.. hehe ;p And kebetulan ada a few pegi umrah/haji, so we all mintak tlg doakan sekali.. :)

5. Berbisik kat newborn baby
Ok ni my SIL yang share ngan i.. bila jumpa relative atau frens yg baru deliver, bile melawat and tgk newborn baby.. bisik kat baby, mintak tlg doakan untuk kita.. So i bile jumpe je newborn baby, i bisik.. 
"Assalamualaikum baby X, doakan untuk aunty ye supaya dpt baby juge..aunty nak merasa dpt jadi parents and rasa dpt baby comel mcm baby X.. aunty doakan baby membesar dgn sihat, jadi anak soleh/solehah, pandai dan berjaya..tq baby X "

6. Langkawi (tasik dayang bunting)

Ok ni paling bessttttt i nak share... Consider this was my last ikhtiar before our rezeki finally came.. Before i plan beli flight tickets for our 'cuti2 Msia', i heard a lot of stories about this place.. And those people yang share tu adalah orang2 i kenal, which is my SIL and her frens, and also a few frens.. Mostly they all yg pegi tu all da 2-4tahun kawen, and alhamdulillah balik je masing2 SIL got to know she's preggy few months after balik dari Langkawi and followed by other frens (beza minggu and bulan je). im like, reaaaaally?? Ok la da nama jakun kan, tapi taknak terlalu taksub sangat cos it's just a myth. Tapi x salah kalau kite cuba as ikhtiar untuk niat yg baik kan? So i decided to go to langkawi utk hornymoon, celebrate our 2nd anniversary and my bday.. sbb both pon xpenah langsung pegi langkawi..

If u all nak tau what i did there, baca sini ok..hehe..
Cop sebelum tu, bukan nak promote benda2 tahyul tau, for me i consider as ikhtiar and niat kena betul.. Bukan nak ckp i fully percaya i pregnant sbb gi Langkawi ni, sbb rezeki semua from cuma ikhtiar aje..
*refer full experience HERE*


After 3months lepas langkawi trip tu, Alhamdulillah dgn izin Allah, both us received good news.. Alhamdulillah gembira tak terkata.. mmg nak nangis berguling2 sbb happy sgt.. 

My mom la notice x ckp.. time tu the whole family pegi kerteh visit my parents (my dad keje sana).. i 1st day sampai da mcm xde selera sgt nak makan..but i thot sbb sumthing wrong with my tummy or sbb tired ke ape (week before was my SIL's wedding)... Time tu ada gak rasa mcm nak beli tester cos kebetulan dah 2months plus x period, tapi malas.. hehe..

So bile da balik KL, masuk keje dulu sehari... i decided ok lah beli test!mmg mula2 mmg mcm xnak test lgsungggg (majuk kat diri sendri sbb xnak kecewa lagi), tapi saje la beli gak nak tauuu kann.. Bangun2 pagi masa nak bersiap gi keje, shishi dulu kat test pastu mandi.. tu pun xnak lagi tgk.. biarrrr je kat tepi.. 

bila abes mandi, tengok2 result
im like, seriously???? Trus menangis sbb happy sgt.. terus masuk bilik dgn keadaan menangis kejutkan hubby.. Hubby baru bgn mcm blur2 and takut tgk i nangis.. dia pelik la tgk nape wifey tetiba nangis awal2 pagi.. 

"Sayanngg..wuuwuuu..kite dapat baby..wuuuwuuu" nangis teresak esak...sambil tunjuk test.. terus hubby terduduk terkejut and peluk i.. i nangis mcm nak berguling je rasa.. byk kali alhamdulillah syukur sbb xsangka sgt2222 dgn keadaan i yang camni.. mmg sampai skang rasa happy tu tak terkata..i just cant forget the feeling until now.. So that day terus amek cuti untuk pegi clinic to double confirm and do checkup and all.. 

alamak even now typing air mata bergenang now..huhu..
*break jap-lap air mata-whatsapp hubby*

Ok sambung balik.. bila da balik dari clinic, i trus call my parents to share the happy news..  my mom and dad bile dgr je i ckp "assalamualaikum mama daddy, xlama lagi dpt lagi satu cucu.."  trus non stop alhamdulilllah allahuakbar sumer2 tu kuar.. mmg my mom punye suara pun i boleh tau mcm tersekat2 cos happy and tak sangka i finally pregnant.. mmg happy sgt2222... my mom trus ckp, haa tu la mama masa u all kat kerteh da prasan da..tapi mama xnak ckp sbb xnak buat sedih ke ape.. tapi alhamdulillahhhhh....

alamak rasa sedih lagi part ni..huuhuuuuuu
*break jap-lap air mata*

So this is the test.. Alhamdulillah syukur Ya Allah.. 
memang until now tak sangka sangat2.. Syukur kerana memberi peluang kepada kami untuk merasa menjadi parents.. kerana memberi peluang untuk mendapat anugerah tak terhingga ni.. 

So my frens, if u are still trying to conceive, pleaseee dont give up.. Insyallah peluang dan rezeki tu ada... Tak kisah la bertahun pun, insyallah mesti 1% chance mesti ada... I have gone through a lot, with 1 ovary and another ovary with pcos.. Alhamdulillah berjaya pregnant.. Sorry, i bukan niat nak menunjuk, but i want to share my experience to all..I hope my story boleh jadi inspiration for all.. :) 

There's still hope..insyallah....Dont give up ok?! Try all your best, ada byk ikhtiar kat luar tu.. I doakan sekali utk u all supaya dpt merasa ape yg i rasa.. nah i jangkitkan kat u all.. :D

After married 2 and a half years, and 31 years old (going to be 32)...
Alhamdulillah starting from this point, our new journey has started.... :)

Alkisah novel MY PREGGY STORY da tamat.. 
after this citer pasal journey dia experience throughout preggy nie..lain org, lain experience kan?..huhu.. 

ok till then bebehs, daaaaa~~



Salam alls..

Eh lama plak tak update...nak sambung plak about my preggy story nih.. part III plak.. 

*WARNING - super long entry mcm novel daaaa*

Actually nak share i punye MRI pics of ovarian cyst tu, tapi xtau mane lak letak..kat umah parents kot.. but i just bagi a rough figure how it looks like..
 yeaa something like this.. ada byk copies actually, every segment dorang scan.. ni dari atas (as in head ke kaki), and then depan and tepi pun ada.. kinda scary kan..huhuuuu...

The shape and size of my cyst was like a a small mineral bottle..mcm botol spritzer 500ml tu..haaaaa gile tak.... T_T
Just imagine, something that big in your body and u tak tau about it?? homaigaaadd... bila da go through this baru i tau ada la tanda2 yg i xprasan selama ni... dah mentioned in PART I but xpe share lagi.. hehe

Unusual hair growth
Weight Gain
Hormone Imbalance
Bloating Tummy

lagi satu i x share in PART I, i notice ada stretch mark kat perut kiri i.. memanjang ke atas.. satu line jer.. not so obvious, but u bleh nampak la..

Pastu best part, the operation done untuk buangkan cyst tu mcm operation orang beranak.. dia potong area bwh perut tu,panjang la jugak..sbb instead of buang yg kiri, they all have to 'korek' tgk ovary yg sebelah kanan gak cos takut2 ada trace of cyst or anything else gak kan..huhu..


After the surgery, spent around another 2nights kat hospital.. Nak bergerak tu Ya Allah seksa sgtttt.. nak berjalan lagiiiiii la susah.. mcm nenek bongkok 3 sbb u xleh nak straightkan badan.. my vontot sampai da biru bengkak2 sbb asyik mintak jab pain killer.. i wonder how la mommies yg buat czer boleh kuatkan diri bergerak demi anak..huhuuuuu...sgt2 respect..

My recovery was around 3months..dapat cuti MC 3bulan.. hospital bagi ubat painkiller, ubat luka dalaman and ubat poopoo... other than that they advice to take hormone pills untuk stabilize my hormones (since ovary tinggal 1 je kan), tapi temporary not needed. They advice few months later can start if i have irregular period. Kalau period ok no need dulu..

Agak lama gak la i tak take hormone supplement ke ape, cos my period was regular.. Bertahun2 la gak...until la i jumpe my soulmate aka hubby (in 2010 xsilap) i noticed something wrong.. My period was noticeably irregular and i bleh rasa lain macam.. and hati tu kuat rasa mcm ada cyst lagi...

Dah la me and my meowgagah time tu da start planning nak serious and plan nak worry tu mmg lebih la..risau kot2 hubby xnak kawen org yg mandul ke, kot2 family dia nak dia dpt anak cepat ke.. u never know kan? So my eldest sis yg doctor tu suggest to do checkup..She bagi i referal letter and suruh terus pegi this one lab place kat kelana jaya...lupa nama tempat tu, tapi hospitals and gov clinics slalu refer to that place sbb free.. 

So the result? Yeap result is positive. Rasa hancur luluh weyyyyy.. da la satu je ovary tinggal, and that one and only ovary pon ada cyst? Ya Allah byknye dugaan.. T_T After result dapat from my sister, it's not cyst(yg besar) it's PCOS yg kecik2 kat ovary kite. like water bubbles in and around your ovary.. 

More info via Mr Oogley (Google)

It's not that serious sampai nak kena operate, but still???? that's something bad jugak la kannnnn...cos da la ovary kiri takde, now kanan got prob.. sedeyyyyy.. I mcm downnnn sgt2 cos i thought i takkan dpt baby.. my family and all mmg support, even my meowgagah pon i told him the truth...and asked his mom (my MIL now) whether they all boleh terima tak.. Alhamdulillah they all very supportive and terima i.. *terharu*

For the whole 1 year, i had this to regularkan my hormones and period...
This was given by my gynea, Dr Delaila (Subang)... Rasenye dalam kepala i it's Diane95, tapi bile google keluar Diane35 le plaks.. whatever la but it's this one la.. Dengan this ubat, my period regular and as what people always say, badan naik.. yes badan naik.. tp kulit rambut and all cun la..

After kawen, i stopped taking this ubat sbb nak try conceive kan.. Sbb hormone pills kan mcm birth control gak kan.. so i stopped and xbuat plak follow up on my cyst (bodoh tul)... i plak stopped jumpe Dr Delaila for a certain reason.. yes bodo sgt.. T_T


Years passed by, no baby... 1st year agak stressed, cos trying xdpt.. just imagine how many pregnancy tests i da pakai.. siap simpan plak tu.. hahaaa... every single time bile rasa period lambat, trus beli and check.. and then kechewaaaaa... jeles tgk member2 lain sumer preggy and dpt baby.. 

contoh tests yang diambil.. lagi banyakkk dari ni okkkkkehhhhh...

The stress makin lama makin makan diri.. asyik kechewa je kan.. da la time tu age nak masuk 31.. rasa mcm omg im 31 but xdpt baby.. any small2 symptoms i trus ingatkan preggy ke ape, tapi tidak.... siap discuss ngan hubby kalau tak boleh dpt baby kite try la biodex ke, iui ke, ivf ke, anak angkat ke.. Hubby plak was very222 supportive, he's ok with anything and xde stress kan i pun.. he said kite go with the flow and jgn stress... even family pon sama supportive (cos they all da tau my condition kan), siap ckp jgn ada anak dulu, enjoy duluuu! haha... 

So in the end, after dengar nasihat family and frens, i sedar diri and pikir, u know what, be positive, no more stress, go with the flow, enjoy dulu, pasrah and redha.. Insyallah kalau ada rezeki, ada lah tu... Kalau takde, means Allah have better plans for us.. or Allah knows best, maybe kite nie tak ready dari segi mentally and financially.. u never know kan? 

So from there i planned that our 2nd year of marriage will be honeymoon and travel year.. Trus beli flight tickets to Langkawi, Redang, Singapore.. Kononnye 2014 (this year) will be our travel year.. Cuti cuti malaysia gitew.. I senyap2 je beli tickets time murah, and then bile bday hubby (nov 2013) i surprised him..heeheeeee.. ;p

Maka bermulalah 2014 dengan lembaran yang baru.. 
our 'fun' year.. kalau tak dpt gak, 2015 baru kite start to do something.. 
That was our plan...

*To be continued - PART IV*


Friday, October 24, 2014


Hey there..

Cont from last post about my preggy journey.. click HERE

Ok from my last post, i shared my teenage life before i dpt tau i ada ovarian cyst.. now i will share my experience dealing with the ovarian cyst..

*WARNING - super long entry mcm novel*

wah bunyik mcm movie laks..hehe ;p
This is based on what i remembered la yer, so some details maybe missing la sket kot..hehe.. 

It happened so fast.. I was 23 years old and time tu kan tgh 'blossom' kan. baru nak rasa mcm cun..time tu semangat exercise everyday..every petang i akan exercise buat aerobic dance sorang2 atau main skipping. So one fine day, i was skipping macam biasa..dinner..and then malam it started..i start rasa sakit perut melampau2... mcm sakit nak ceri beri.. mula2 memulas2 time tido, so kite mcm tahan, pusing sana, pusing sini..masih sakit.. So pegi toilet sejam and yet nothing comes out.. i try makan ubat sakit perut (x silap gripe water), still nothing.. 

it was so painful xtahan was almost midnight kot xsilap.. Since my parents xde time tu (they all stayed in KB sbb my dad keje there), i told both my elder and younger brother about it and trus we all pegi 24hours clinic. There the doctor checked, and also buat ultrascan..he said nampak mcm 'white mass' kat belah kiri lower abdomen. but he cant tell what it is. so he gave painkiller and advised to go to hospital first thing in the morning. My elder brother time tu agak annoying la he x abes2 tanye i ni pregnant ke.. im like !!! wrong timing sungguh la hishh..

so balik rumah, i makan painkiller and tried to sleep.. after 1 hour, pain tu kejap je hilang, and then start balik the excruciating pain.. and i started muntah2, all ubat keluar balik.. i xtahan, i told my elder brother i nak gi hospital..but he was so sleepy, so i decided to drive myself to younger brother followed, and he actually drove the car halfway to hospital (he kecik lagi time tu, f1 ke f2 xsilap-nasib la we all nie start blaja drive masa teenager lagi). I decided to go to SJMC, sbb tu je hospital yg my family slalu pegi and i also already have record there. So from Kota Dsara all the way pegi SJMC (thank you for NKVE!)

Sampai2 SJMC, masuk emergency dulu.. they all just did a external checkup, check gitu2 je sbb awal2 pagi kan xde specialist rasenye.. i told them im having super pain and i xleh lie flat.. rasa nak muntah.. rasanye they all just took urine and blood sample kot.. and then put me in a stronger pain killer and i zzz.... i was warded and my younger brother pun ada with me.. 

The next day, i was put on several tests..pastu jumpa 2 specialists.. i pun da xingat da..sbb mula2 is kydney specialist, and then baru gynea kot.. so i mcm2 test kena buat wholeeeee day.. i was in pain and xlarat sgt, brape byk pain killer masuk badan pun i xtau.. bila makan ubat, i da ke tahap lalok sampai muntah..gile la..i cant forget all those feelings.. and rasa mcm all the tests are like forever.. The tests i remembered were ultrascan, kidney xray (minum some chemical liquid and then xray), and then last was MRI.. They couldnt find anything sampai lah the last test which the MRI. mmg scary, you were put in long tube machine..time tu i da mamai, in pain, plus bila baring flat sakit dia mmg back also sakittttt sgt222.. 

*ok take note, bila u sakit belakang, kdg2 it is also a symptom for other penyakit too.. mostly berkaitan dgn lower abdomen part (buah pinggang ke, uterus ke, cyst ke, etc) *

By the time abes tests, it was quite almost malam.. i xde appetite to eat, xlarat, sakit belakang was seriously killing me.. and a few hours kat bilik (my mom da ada at that time), the specialist came and gave the results... it was one of the most depressing thing i have ever received my whole life.. He told me that i was having an ovarian cyst, and it twisted and ruptured. It was big, and estimated the size of a tennis ball and looks like my left ovary was affected, so they had to do a surgery to remove the cyst including my left ovary!! At that time i xtau what the hell is ovarian cyst, yang i tau it's a ketumbuhan.. I cried, and my mom cried.. 

It was the most devastating thing i have ever experienced, rasa mcm ada org cucuk perut and jantung at the same time. And u rasa that vertigo dunia berpusing camtu. I trus pikirkan my future, of getting married and having babies.. Specialist said it's a normal thing for teenagers and young adults.. im like!!! kite pompuan, it's a big thing! Walaupun i can still live with 1 ovary, but my chances mesti la low kan? Nak dpt baby lagi la susah kan.. I tried to calm down and lastly agreed to take it out. Because at that time kite pun xtau the cyst ni malignant or benign cyst (ketumbuhan yang cancerous atau x). Since my left ovary pun rosak, it had to be removed.. 

Sedih kan... T_T
*break jap-tetibe rase sebak*

The next morning, nurse dtg bilik, shave kat ehem (sakit weh, better buat sendri), and then masukkan tiub kat tempat shishi..huwaaaa traumatize sgt2 sbb sakit.. i nangis sbb ye la mane penah kena masuk bende kat situ..huhuu.. On the way to operating theatre tu, i remembered my mom and cousin ada.. i mcm syahdu and super nervous.. sampai theatre room tu, they all baringkan atas meja besi sejuk tu..i was nervous and shaking (i think takut kot but u cant tell that feeling?). Surgeon borak2 sket tanye itu ini, and then i 'fengsan' lepas pakai the anesthesia mask thingy...

"Miss marini wake up..miss wake up"
The first sentence i dengar right after the surgery. Susah nak bukak mata masyallah..terbangun pon sebab terbatuk (kahak terkumpul time anesthesia) and my lower abdomen sakitttttt disebabkan batuk tu.. The nurse ke doctor (xtau), told me ok surgery successfull.. here's your cyst. She showed me 1 balang kaca besar with cyst yang sebesar mineral bottle rm1.50 tu. I replied "wah besarnyee", and then zzz balik.. xsedar pun bila sampai bilik ward..

i was warded for 3-4days xsilap.. struggling to recover from the surgery, sbb dia potong bawah abdomen mcm org buat czer tu. i xleh nak bangun, nak tunduk, nak ape, seriously mcm ape je rasa.. dapat MC sebulan ke 2bulan xingat.. it kinda jeopardize my job gak, cos i was quite baru start keje lepas buat practical..

And so, starting from there my life was different. I felt incomplete.
I had to live with 1 ovary..  At that i was down, and felt 'crippled'.. cacat compared to other lady friends out there.. I had to take medicine to recover and told had to take hormone pills to balance. Although in life we only need 1 ovary (same as lelaki, 1 testicle is enough), but kite x mcm org lain, kite kena usaha lebih. sbb chances tu dah kurang.. One thing je my buat i super risau, is having a baby..i knew it was going to be difficult for me.. T_T

*i tak share ovarian cyst pictures here sbb agak scary*
*I have MRI photos but later la cos i xtau mana i simpan*

To be continued in PART III



Salam Jumaat to all..

As u all know, im preggy now..
Dah 6months now.. Alhamdulillah syukur after 2 years, sape la yg x happy bila dpt good news ni..for me it's the most happiest thing ever.. Anugerah Allah yang terindah sampai yg x tetiba nak sebak masa tulis nie.huhu..

hello babykechikcurtemama.. :) next 3D scan in nov..xsabarnye! :)

So i nak share sikit about my journey of being preggy nie.. cos i ni xmcm ramai2 out there yg normal. tu yg happy n syukur lain macam...lain macam happy dia..after all the years i have gone trough.. Maybe my story boleh juga dijadikan inspiration utk couple2 lain yg masih tgh mencuba.. 
xsalah kan share.. :)

I akan share from the start, based on my condition dari remaja until now.. so u all akan paham my story nie.. kalau panjang sgt i akan buat story in parts (mcm hobby la plak skang suke buat posts in parts..haha)..

During my remaja years, i have no idea i was having any health problem. Seriously xtau..i was quite active during school, sumer sports main.. ye lah kalau da duk skolah asrama, ptg2 lepas prep and solat asar tu kan ada riadah petang we all akan spend time main sumer sports ikut season.. from tennis, volleyball, pingpong, basketball, hockey..netball je mcm kureng sket.. mcm2 la.. walaupun i x category kurus, tapi im quite active.. 

My period plak i start dalam darjah 5.. tapi time tu xtau so senyap2 je sbb kena skali je. After a long time, masa darjah 6 baru kena balik and time tu da tau sbb kat sekolah ada ajar nak guna pad and sumer2 tu.. from the start my period mmg x teratur, and kite plak mana la tau kan. Bile bgtau parents or siblings, they all ckp xde ape sbb masih muda.. just standby je la pad anywhere.. same goes bile i dah masuk menengah..xpenah period tetap. tapi kalau skali period tu lama kot sampai 7-8hari x abes2.. 

And and all those time, i xpenah ada rasa ape2 symptoms yg unusual.. x penah sakit perut yg melampau ke, sakit menyucuk ke, ape ke..
Kalau ade pun time tu bukan tau..but xpenah ada sakit yg melampau and chronic la..


Ovarian cyst punye symptoms ni jahat actually.. mcm i punye i xde rasa apa2 pon until it happened (ruptured). What i had is symptoms2 tersembunyi yg membuat kite lepas pandang... 

*Unusual hair growth*
ok bulu everywhere. kaki, tangan, kumis, bawah pusat.. bleh la dicategorykan as org utan mcm iklan kedai wax Strip tu..haha..  Yes kat perut bawah tu mcm ada bulu2, xlebat but it's ugly.. T_T so i kena rajinkan diri tweeze it out..
selama ni i ingat im those unlucky ones since my family ada byk mix (antaranye arab and indian).. rupanye sumer tu symptoms ovarian cyst..

*Weight Gain*
I noticed masa form5 i gained weight.. Not to say i ni slim, tapi kenaikan tu nampak laa walaupun active in sports and other curriculum  activities.. pastu start slalu sakit kepala..kulit and muka kusam..and nampak ada that masculine features (i dont know how to explain this..huhu). T_T but ada gak time i loose weight mendadak time blaja kat U, so benda ni main ngan ur weight cos dia kacau ur hormones...

*Hormones Imbalance*
Ok ni pon susah nak detect.. sbb kejap ok kejap x ok. Masa f1 ok la paham la baru baligh zits tu biasa. F2-F4 skin and all ok je.. masuk F5 mcm tahape..rasa mcm lelaki pon ada. pastu lepas abes skolah, masuk matrix and U, teruk gak.. I think masuk 20s my skin and all cun la..rasa ke arah feminine plak. I though i in late bloomer ke ape kan, baru nak blossom ke ape. i even lost weight and rambut sumer best jee..time tu rasa mcm cun sket hahaa..  I start noticing i slalu ada rasa cucuk2 kat area buah pinggang..i did inform my sister (she's a doctor), she nothing so makan la panadol.. i pon makannn laa panadol je bila rasa cucuk2..

*False Alarm for other penyakit*
Ok kan i start rasa cucuk2 tu, one day i told my mom the cucuk2 is starting to get worse.. my mom pun risau la gak, so we went to SJMC. After buat several tests, they all made a conclusion that i ada batu karang..but very small ones macam pasir2 yang xpatut ada rasa sakit.. but since dorang just buat normal scan,blood test and xray (yang masukkan liquid dlm badan lepas tu buat xray), that is their conclusion. So they all bagi je ubat yg larutkan batu karang tu.. so 1-2 years after that still xtau that i have another serious problem yang akan dtg..

*Bloating tummy*

Ok this part dia kadang2.. kadang2 rasa mcm terlebih vuncits..kadang2 nampak normal..ingatkan normal bloating sbb period ke kite buat dunno je. pastu i notice when i umur 21-22 i felt mcm ada big bump yg i boleh gerak2 kan..haaa.. ok sounds discusting but that's the fact.. mcm ada 1 bump size tennis ball i boleh gerak2 kan..i though it was our uterus ke ape..cos dia kat tengah2.. and dia kdg2 je bleh buat camtu.. tp tu la time tu bodo kan..

*Family Genetics*

Okay, some doctors will say.. hey pcos and ovarian cyst ni normal, nowadays teenagers and young adults mmg normal to have them..even time pregnant.. well, u yang kena sendri mesti u rasa mcm !@#$#^% kan?? normal u kata?? According to studies, pcos and ovarian cyst ni can happen to anyone.. takde cause or punca from anywhere, not even family. Well, after i da kena and buat analisa sendiri, i notice 1 thing from my family bloodline, which is belah my dad.. most of the ladies (aunties and sisters) sumer jenis berbulu lebat and susah dpt dad slalu citer but kite xpenah xterpikir yg ada problem kan. Bila i sendiri yg kena, tu buat i terpikir sendri..patut la daddy slalu citer his aunties byk amek anak angkat..even sisters pun sama..dah plak tu masing2 jenis bulu lebat and nampak ada male features. Not just because of our mixed bloodline (arab,indian,afghanistan), it's actually some sort of hormone problem jugak..but dulu2 mana tau kan? 
ok honestly i dunno how my ancestors looks like..but i remember ada la pics camni kat umah atuk2 belah my dad..pic taken from google je nih..

So these are the hidden symptoms i..before i knew i had ovarian cyst. Ni pon sumer i studied and analyze sendiri..

Here pulak the obvious symptoms (taken from the net) that you should take note..

  1. Symptoms of ovarian cysts and tumors include:
    • Pain or bloating in the abdomen.
    • Difficulty urinating, or frequent need to urinate.
    • Dull ache in the lower back.
    • Pain during sexual intercourse.
    • Painful menstruation and abnormal bleeding.
    • Weight gain.
    • Nausea or vomiting.
    • Loss of appetite, feeling full quickly.

kalau ada je symptoms ni and symptoms yg i share atas pleaseeee go for checkup.. Dont take it lightly.. Dont ever ever everrrr.. please go and check..

I wont explain byk pasal ovarian cyst ni, u all boleh je google and read about ovarian cyst. Sini i just share how my experience going through all the years from having ovarian cyst until now having baby.. hehe..

Ok to be continued in PART II , nak gi tapau lunch japss.. daaa~
