Showing posts with label Frank Turek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frank Turek. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Can Atheism Explain the Universe?

Can Atheism Explain the Universe? The Best Bits of Hitchens v Turek

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Debate Topic: Which Better Explains Reality? Atheism or Theism?

Silverman asks Turek, "Why Did God Setup Adam With the Tree of Knowledge?" Turek avoids that question. Basically, God being all-knowing knew ahead of time that despite the warnings he would give to Adam & Eve, they are still going to eat the apple. What was the purpose of creating this tree of knowledge? Who was it meant for to be eaten by? At the time, Adam & Eve were the only 2 people in the garden.

Obviously this tree of knowledge was specifically created to be eaten by Adam & Eve. They did exactly what god wanted them to do, It was God's choice to create and place the tree where he knew the outcome he desired would take place. This has nothing to do with "Free Will" of Adam & Eve because the choice and outcome were all determined by The Christian God.

Debate Topic: Which Better Explains Reality? Atheism or Theism?

Frank Turek gets schooled while losing debate to David Silverman

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Atheism isn't Proof

Frank Turek (with his Bazooka-Joe "PhD") says Atheism isn't proof God doesn't exist. He forgets, however, to give an example of a single "ism" that IS proof for ANYTHING! Oops...!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Frank Turek: Lying For Jesus

Reality: Theism vs Atheism - Frank Turek vs David Silverman

Christian apologist Frank Turek (author of I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist) debates atheist spokesman David Silverman (president of the American Atheists) on the topic: Which offers a better explanation for reality--Theism or Atheism? This debate was held on April 18, 2013 at Broadmoor Baptist Church in Shreveport, LA. Silverman couldn't quite keep up to Turek's fast-talking and fast-thinking ways, except by trolling and constantly (and annoyingly) interrupting and filibustering Turek. Turek, on the other hand, was quite patient with David Silverman.

Frank Turek: Lying For Jesus

Richard Dawkins explains his involvement in Expelled
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