Showing posts with label For Good Reason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For Good Reason. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Search for Cosmic Consciousness

Vic Stenger talks about the limits of science, and whether scientists should be critical of religion and the paranormal, or if such sorts of claims are out of the bounds of science, and therefore beyond criticism. Vic Stenger discusses the academic and spiritual career of Fritjof Capra, and his book The Tao of Physics and how it misused quantum physics to promote New Age mysticism.

Vic Stenger explores the implications of Deepak Chopra's work, which argues that quantum physics proves that "we make our own reality," and discusses the movies The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know? and how they get quantum physics wrong.

Vic Stenger explains wave-particle duality, and the reductionistic Standard Model in particle physics, and why this contradicts the claims of the "quantum spiritualists." And he talks about the future of New Age mysticism and quantum spirituality.

In this weeks Honest Liar commentary, Jamy Ian Swiss revisits what happened in last week's episode to victims of the ancient con of the Three Card Monte.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Joe Nickell - Why Investigate the Paranormal

Joe Nickell explains why he investigates the paranormal, as opposed to merely pronouncing his skepticism of it. Joe Nickell talks about his training as a detective and why it was formative, along with his background in magic. Joe Nickell explains why field experience is so important to scientific paranormal investigation. Joe Nickell distinguishes between skepticism and debunking, and what results from each approach.

Joe Nickell argues that the existence of the paranormal is not the only question to answer while conducting paranormal investigations. Joe Nickell explains why he continues investigating subjects he has already looked numerous times, such as ghosts, lake monsters and miracle claims, and why he spends time on the paranormal as opposed to other important topics. Joe Nickell talks about whether the supernatural claim that God exists should be a focus of the paranormal investigator. And Joe Nickell comments on the new trend of skeptical paranormal investigation groups starting up in cities throughout North America.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Case for Libel Reform

Simon Singh details recent news regarding the libel case brought against him by the British Chiropractic Association for an article he wrote in the Guardian criticizing chiropractic. He talks about English libel laws, and explains why he says they are the worst in the Western world.

Simon Singh details how the recent appeals court decision in his case could have a positive effect on the scientific community. Simon Singh describes the difference between "honest opinion" and facts as they are viewed both in libel cases and in science. And he reveals how the skeptical community in Britain organized a coordinated campaign against chiropractic, leading to investigation of one in four chiropractors there.

In this week's installment of the Honest Liar, Jamy Ian Swiss allows us to witness a street-side scam in the heart of Times Square.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lionel Tiger - God's Brain

Lionel Tiger, Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University, talks about how religion takes place in brains, and not just in churches, temples and mosques. He explains how the brain created religion, and how religion feeds the brain. He relates his own experiences of religion, as a skeptic.

He contrasts his approach to the scientific study of religion with that of the New Atheists, such as Richard Dawkins. He describes how feelings of connection resulting from religion are a function of neurochemistry, and how churches are "serotonin factories." He talks about why interest in human sexuality is so often intertwined with religious pursuits. And he explores why secular institutions may fail to inspire commitment as compared to religion.

Also in this episode, the Honest Liar, Jamy Ian Swiss, talks about sports and the element of deception.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bruce M Hood - Why We Believe in the Unbelievable

Bruce M. Hood discusses why so many people believe in the supernatural despite the lack of evidence, explaining that it may have something to do with how our brains are wired. He draws a distinction between religious supernatural beliefs, which are culturally determined, and more universal secular supernatural beliefs such as mind-body dualism and causality.

Bruce M. Hood explains how such magical thinking may be socially advantageous and how even skeptics engage in supersense thinking. He also warns against the unscrupulous individuals who take advantage of what is a natural disposition in the majority of people.

In this week's Honest Liar segment, Jamy Ian Swiss explains what he learned at the 1964 World's Fair.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Derek and Swoopy - Five Years of Skepticality

Derek and Swoopy discuss the growth of skeptical podcasting in the five years since they founded the influential podcast Skepticality. They talk about how hosting their show opened new opportunities for them.

They explore the extent to which skeptical podcasts foster insularity within the skeptical movement, or succeed as outreach tools reaching new audiences for science and critical thinking, and the influence of such podcasts on the growth of local skeptics community groups. And they talk about the future of skepticism and skeptical digital outreach.

In this week's installment of the Honest Liar, Jamy Ian Swiss poses the question: What's the harm?

Friday, December 30, 2011

Richard Dawkins - Framing Charles Darwin

Richard Dawkins talks about Darwin Day and communicating with the public about Darwinism, and which should be the highest priority: evolution education or widespread skepticism about the supernatural, including theism.

Richard Dawkins denies that he is strident. Richard Dawkins explores concerns over immorality that may fuel opposition to Darwinsim. Richard Dawkins explains how creationists are like Holocaust deniers. He describes the benefits of accepting the theory of evolution. And he details lines of evidence for evolution, such as those coming from molecular biology.

Richard Dawkins - Framing Charles Darwin | For Good Reason
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