Friday, August 17, 2007

Notes on Robin

Ok, I have a pretty strong feeling who this wierd assassin character in Robin right now really is.

Look at the clues.

Body size - though that really doesn't add up to much in comics
She's wearing a full face mask.
add apparent knowledge from the most recent issue and something just clicks in my mind.

This is Cassandra Cain.

I hate the fact that if this really is her that she is still being used as generic ninjagirl assassin villain. Then again, I may be way off.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

I think I'll post again

I have two things to say that bear mentioning, in my opinion.

1) It would have been far more interesting for the "twice named daughter of Cain" to be Cassandra Cain. I liked Kate Kane well enough to think she didn't deserve that. Instead she deserved a little something called character development.

With all the insanity surrounding her debut as a character, DC really jumped off the bridge when it had the chance to bring a little more diversity to the crime fighting side of the batclan. It would have been hilarious/awesome to see Bruce's reaction to her.

To think it could be considered a trade off for Montoya becoming the Question. Sadly, all she ever amounted to in a weekly comic was a plot device.

A high heeled, red headed, lesbian plot device.
Good job, DC.

2) Gail Simone leaving Birds of Prey? To think the end of the world shall arrive so soon...

Seriously though, as much love as she seemed to have for the title and the characters she is allowed to play with and fans to torment playfully she must have been offered a huge title.

People have been suggesting and hoping she will shift over to Wonder Woman. Simone has in the past said that her dream job would be a Blackhawks title, but for her to drop Birds of Prey for that doesn't make sense. That's something to start off with as a miniseries to test the waters or as a little treat for genre fans - like the recent Sgt Rock mini. I don't think she would drop an ongoing for a mini.

I honestly hope she has been offered Wonder Woman. First, DC reps have often claimed they want the title to be seen as an equal to Batman and Superman - and hasn't. It has a terrible reputation due to its reboot, and its no lie how it has been handled. It needs the type of talent Simone can bring to have it become a serious contender as one of the leading DC properties.

Simone consistantly brought BoP from mediocrity, despite Benes' art, to become an absolutely solid title that didn't need constant Batman or Superman cameos to make it sell. She made it sell by quality, and that's what a comic like Wonder Woman needs. It needs quality writing, by a person who knows what a monthly deadline is.

What I don't understand is why she dropped Birds of Prey and not Gen13...

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Friday, February 02, 2007

It's been a month now...

...since I've posted here. What's new? Well, I've been sick this week - on top of fatigue and exhaustion from work. I haven't been getting much done lately, and have barely written 2 pages on my novel.

Yes, I have been reading comics, and wondering if DC has noticed a slip in the quality of their print. The main titles barely stick to schedules, and the side titles are very average at best. I'm put off from Batman thanks to that Grotesk storyline and confedential fels very cookie-cutter and I dislike the art in it. Manhunter's been recanceled, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman might come out in a month. Where's Action Comics? Is Legends of the Dark Knight really ending?

Spawn wasn't too great this past week either, retconning in a craptastic reason why Al can't go home after remaking the world at his command.

Don't even get me started on Marvel...

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but seriously, things are not looking too bright this year. There's possible hope for Cassandra Cain, but with some of the choices DC's made recently have not reflected too well.

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Been a while...

Been a while since I last posted. Health issues and such keeping me from various things I put on a lower priority, such as these weblogs. I didn't post last week about comics that came out, and instead of trying to backpedal and cover them as well, I'll just stick with this week.

Best of this Week: Robin #148
I think this will be tagged 'the Search for Cassandra' by people, expecially after the way Batgirl ended, and the OYL startup for Birds of Prey. There is a real mystery here thanks to the jump forward, and I am fully invested. Cassandra is alive, it seems, and is staying way under the Bat-radar for some reason. Robin is now wanted to murder. Batman is...accepting of opinions? Tim is proving to be stronger and stronger of a leader, much like Dick. I also want to know more about this bonding trip to Budapest Bruce took Tim and Dick on, becuase it seemed to work wonders.

Second Best of the Week: Catwoman #53
Lots of homages to Earth2, and pulled off well. Holly is going to make a fun Catwoman, getting stuck in bad situations and getting herself out of them. Also, the image of Batman holding a teddy bear will never leave my mind - it is burned in there. (yes, Kal, the father has every right to give his daughter a gift, but it looks really out of character).

So, what else was good? Well, I'll refer briefly refer back to last week to Birds of Prey #92. Refering, of course, to my feelings of 'holy crap Society guy defecting with info? What the...Lady Shiva is alive? Cassandra didn't kill her, so she's still ok! Dinah is getting schooled, but it is strangely touching. Wait, Shiva isn't the new member advertised? Sleathed?' So, yeah, that would have been my pick for last week's best.

Also, Batman #651 was a fairly good issue. I like how smooth the teamwork has become thanks to that retreat in Budapest, that I hope gets explained at some point (likely near the end of 52). I also find it interesting how the covers are building up to a big poster, but that's a whole different realm of interest. The story is decent, and broken up well episodically. I don't really know who the villain that was killed in this issue was though, as opposed to Detective #817

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Comic Run 3-8

Not much came out this week that I have pulled, and it wasn't that impressive of a draw either.

Best of this Week - Transformers: Infiltration #3
Like I said, not much came out and surprisingly this was the best issue that came out in my opinion. That isn't saying it is bad - quite the contrary. I feel the story is really starting to shape itself up to a decent story. There is a lot happening behind the scenes apparently, and we are only now getting a glimpse of what potentially is happening. The scale of the battle is slowly having the curtains drawn back, and the personal stakes for the characters are taking form.

I'm still turned off at how they are trying to create their own continuity, but I feel like it is finally taking shape. The new designs are nice (mainly just minor updates to modern vehicles and such). I really like Bubblebee's new look, mainly becuase it looks like he actually transformed from a VW bug. I also like the style of the Decepticons, becuase now they actually feel like their name has substance. They are really pulling strings behind the scenes and are using hit-and-run tactics to keep themselves out of wide view of the world - deception and stealth just as their name suggests.

Second Best of the Week - Batman and the Monster men #5
Really good issue, but the series has been good nonstop. I really like how this oozes the old-school Batman feel and wish there was more Batman like this. The plot continues to chug along and full speed complete with some of the last minute twists. I also really liked the moment with the unveiling of the Batmobile and the dialogue between Bruce and Alfred over its look.

Surprise of the Week - Teen Titans #33
This title has been fairly good since it began, and had really good moments like the Titans Tomorrow arch, which is mentioned in this issue. However, I belive this issue would be one where many would cry out that the series has 'jumped the shark'. This issue's entire plot could have easily been condensed without the internal monologues copied from Superman/Batman in one of the issues of Infinite Crisis, or began the arch at the end of issue 5 and continued it in 6 like they are doing with other sub plots.

I'm sure there are a number of fangirls out there in the wired that enjoyed seeing Superboy stripping Nightwing out of his old suit after he was blasted back into icy waters, but I'm no fangirl. I will, however, give it points for lots of exploding Earths in the sky. It is indeed an awesome site as a backdrop, but doesn't make up for the totally wasted Teen Titans issue.

Also my reorder for Batgirl #73 came in finally. As sad as I am to see the conclusion to one of my more favorite characters and titles, I have to admit it was one very good issue. I really hope there is a good future for Cassandra in the DCU, but her smirk in the aftermath makes me seriously worry.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

More on Batgirl

I seem to stuck on a tangent of Batgirl. Yes, I like her character a lot becuase she is so dynamic, and she has faults that really appeal to me.. So what am I going to ramble on about today? I just read a handful of back issues of Batgirl, and something stood out.

Cassandra can't enjoy a vacation, despite what Barbara treats her to. The male audience was treated as well, as Barbara forces her to wear a bikini. It's funny, but it matches her well style wise. Also, I don't know if it was intentional, but the color they chose to use for skin while out in the sun in the bathing suit made her look rather pale - and I liked that, but that's just my opinion.

It also made for some good moments of her looking evil thanks to her dislike of the situations (though part of that was Superboy, and his 'posturing' around her.). I really liked the shadows under her eyes when she handed the beachball over, as well as other similar moments.

Also was nice touch of her ripping her dress to provide a disguise. It stayed true to her mentality of operating firstly by resourcefulness. Though the dress looked good on her, and was no doubt expensive, she was more interested in keeping her fighting-persona a secret.

Didn't care too much for Superboy's part in the short plot arch. I'm used to the more sobered version in the comics now, and he just didn't serve a large purpose other than to spin off the short-lived romantic interest for Cassandra.

So in the end the image of Cassandra in the twopiece has been burned into my brain. If it weren't for my modesty I would have said it was sexy, but that's not my style. I liked that they didn't exploit her in her little outfit, and the chance to see her on vacation.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Future of Batman (wild idea)

Here's an insane idea that came to me at work. As crazy as it sounds, imagine the possiblities...

Remember how there's the rumor of Bruce giving up Batman for a while, and someone replacing him in the suit? Most people talk about how either Dick or Tim will have the cowl passed down to them. It's straight forward and has been the grand assumption for years.

Here's the twist I came up with, partially out of hope and partially out of the potential for maing myself giddy. Yes, I've talked earlier about Cassandra Cain, but imagine if she lives, she recovers, and Bruce hands her the cowl.

Tim has said he doesn't want to live in the shadow of the bat, as much as he has been led into the path and suggested in Teen Titans. He's the logical choice for many, to the point of it being nearly obvious.

Dick more than likely will have it offered to him and he'll turn it down. It's one of the reasons why he became Nightwing and became his own. Again, issues with staying in the shadow of the bat.

I don't see Cassandra as someone who would try to work her way out from under the shadow of batman. She easily has the skill to take over, and has the "spook" factor. He biggest problem, other than being unable to read, is that she isn't as strong of a detective.

Probably won't happen, but just imagine the possibilities...

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hopes for Cassandra Cain

Sadly, at the end of the most recent issue it looks like Batgirl is dead. Since Wargames, Spoiler seems to be her friendly neighborhood Grim Reaper, showing up to guide when she's near death. Spoiler carrying Cassandra, ever when it was really Shiva, is a very bad sign. However, it was really Shiva, leading the idea that Cassandra wasn't dead - she was mearly hallucinating thanks to blood loss. And, she has one issue left in her run.

My hopes are that she lives, and keeps her role to a degree. I doubt she will remain Batgirl until probably after 52 runs its course, the comic ends and so does her need to wear the suit. My guess is that her wound is in reality just as bad as it looks, and will be not unlike when Bane broke Batman's back.

It will take a while for her to recover, and until then she will have to live differently. After talking to Kalinara a bit on the topic, she had a few points that I liked that could fit into the saga of her recovery.

First of all she should finally learn how to read and write. I know she can't learn it the normal way thanks to how her brain is wired up, but now she she is out-of-action and thus has the extra time.

She can also spend this extra time developing relationships with normal people, as well as getting used to "normal" life. She has done this a little over time, but she can still work on these relationships. She's not normal, so the stories revolving around her coping and adjusting are interesting to me (I enjoy her figuring out words in her narrative, and observing normal people).

Anyway, this is just a best-case senario.

Not-so-good senario would be Cassandra Cain permanently falls out of the light to just appear as cameos in other titles. It looks like they are hinting that Barbara Gordon will get the use of her legs back, which may push her into returning to swinging around buildings in a black outfit...replacing the position of Batgirl (with a Batwoman, thanks Kal). I don't really want to see that happen, becuase I really like Barb in her role as Oracle.

Worst case is that we've lost yet another beloved character to the winds of change.

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