At the recent very silly Engineering and Metaphysics conference, there were at least three different talks with mathematical content.
But the funniest by far was by Eric Holloway, whose masterful work I admired once before. You can watch Eric
- claim that intelligent design will revolutionize all human thought
- shamelessly promote Dembski's "complex specified information", without mentioning that this bogus concept has been debunked in detail
- claim that physics deals with only two kinds of "agents"
- claim that a "search process" is not an "algorithm" - and then later talk about "search algorithms" (!)
- confuse the complexity classes NPC and EXPTIME
- claim that all polynomial-time algorithms depend on "incrementally find[ing] better solutions"
- confuse finding solutions with maximizing a function
- claim that the travelling salesman problem can be solved in polynomial time (at 19:14)
- claim that humans can solve the travelling salesman problem in linear time
- repeat Stephen Meyer's lie that "only intelligent agents create information"
- claim that "clouds" have "no information" (and hence imply that weather prediction can be done without any information at all!)
- claim that a specific instance of a maze can be changed, by removing a wall, into an NP-complete problem - thus making two fundamental errors in one sentence
All good stuff! You can see why creationists have to set up their own parallel pseudoscience conferences, because junk like this would be laughed out of any real scientific or mathematics conference.