Lemuria/Kind of Like Spitting – Your Living Room’s All Over Me
Art of the Underground, 2006
Acquired: Mississippi Records, Used, 2013
Price: $4
Everything happens for a reason. Or something like that.
While I’m no diehard fatalist, I am often infinitely creep out by the way the
universe thrusts things into my hands. Though the time I spent at Portland’s
tiny yet absolutely brilliant Mississippi Records was brief, I managed to find
about five awesome records. This Lemuria/Kind of Like Spitting split is something I’ve been trying to
track down since I first got into Kind of Like Spitting about five years ago. I
couldn’t find a download of it anywhere. I recently recommitted myself to Kind
of Like Spitting and Lemuria’s latest LP The
Distance is so Big totally blew me away. So finally acquiring this split
fees a bit uncanny.
It’s odd hearing Lemuria’s early stuff. If I hadn’t heard The Distance is so Big, I’d still get
down on these six tracks, but I’ve got a different appreciation at work given
that I know how this band is going to morph into one of the most compelling
indie rock bands of the present. There’s a lot more pop punk elements (mostly
heaps of power chords), and Sheena Ozzella’s vocals are extremely raw and
borderline chirpy, but the off kilter song structures are present in an amoebic
state and it is apparent that the germ of this band, the little core of their
being, has always been a wonderful listen. Though Lemuria’s lyrics often have a
heaviness about them, it’s so obvious that this band is having a whole hell of
a lot of fun making something old new again.
Though this split features the dawn of Lemuria, it
consequently features the twilight of Kind of Like Spitting. Not to say that
Ben Barnett’s songs here are bad, more like I’m just bummed he basically quit
making music after 2006’s The Thrill of
the Hunt. The songs here are of the refined, emo-leaning variety that
populated the late Kind of Like Spitting albums and removed from the quieter,
more lo-fi bent of his earlier stuff. “Why I Smoke Mad Weed” and “Afraid of
Crushes” are standout representations of Barnett’s latter day work which
incorporated his distinct guitar work and pained vocals with affecting tales of
misery. Kind of Like Spitting make the most of their five songs on this split
and it’s a nice surprise from a band that never really made a cohesive album. I
love that I thought “You I Seek” sounded a whole hell of a lot like the
Thermals only to check the liner notes and IT IS BASICALLY A FUCKING THERMALS
SONG! Awesome. So awesome.
Lemuria - "Hours"
Kind of Like Spitting - "Why I Smoke Mad Weed"