german smear
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Monday, February 13, 2017

The German Schmear / Smear : A How-To Guide

My Houzz: Textiles Charm an Open Brooklyn Loft
Do you have Vintage Bricks thin brick reclaimed tiles in your home and want to give them a fun new look?
Want to cover your boring dining room wall in German Schmear delight?
Look no further than the winning combination of our Vintage Bricks upcycled historic brick tiles paired with the "German schmear/smear " technique!

 Here's what you'll need: 

  1.  2 Buckets
  2.  Nearby hose 
  3. Sponges (look for concrete sponges) or grout float (like this one)
  4.  80 lb bag mortar mix 
  5. gloves (heavy duty)
  6. wire brush 
  7. inexpensive concrete mixer, like this 
  8. electric drill 

 To get started: 

Bucket 1 : Clean water
Bucket 2: Mortar and water. It should be soupy but not too runny, like batter. More mortar than water. Mix together with your mixer

 Wet the surface area of the bricks that you are working with, apply your mortar to the bricks with your sponge while they are still wet, in an upward motion.

Use the wire brush to wipe away any bricks that you want to expose, to create your own unique look. Every ten minutes or so rinse your sponge, changing your water bucket as needed.

 Your mortar will begin to dry and turn the correct color within a few hours. It will appear darker at first and lighten up as it dries. The mortar takes a few days to officially "cure".

To purchase reclaimed thin brick tiles for indoor and outdoor use on fireplaces, kitchen backsplashes, floors, patios, you name it, head on over to 

My Houzz: Textiles Charm an Open Brooklyn Loft
Hanover West
Credit : Source

© Reclaimed Brick Tile Blog
Maira Gall