Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2012

Extra Rich Vanilla Fudge - 1960's

This isn't a vintage recipe exactly.  Making fudge isn't necessarily something that ONLY happened in the 1960's, but given the nights are long and the wind is cold I want to inspire you to make home-made sweets stuff.

I am also launching a another food blog dedicated to junk food, fast food and unhealthy fatty things, treats etc.  I will post up the URL somewhere obvious here on this blog when it becomes something worth visiting.  This recipe for Extra Rich Vanillia Fudge will be included on that blog at some point.

So, how do you make Extra Rich Vanilla Fudge?

1lb granulated sugar
half a pint of cream
2 oz butter
3 tablespoons water
half a pint of milk
1 - 2 teaspoons vanilla essence (or a vanilla pod).

1. Put all ingredients, including the vanilla eessence or the cut vanilla pod into a strong saucepan.  This is very important because of the high cream content.
2. Stir until sugar is thoroughly dissolved.
3.Boil steadily, stirring quite frequently, until the mixture reaches the 'soft ball' stage.  This fudge is nicer if its a bit soft so do not let it exceed 238F (digital thermometer would be handy here, or just use your instinct).  Take out the pod, rinse under cold water and store in a jar of sugar.
4. Beat until slightly cloudy, pour into a well oiled or buttered tin.
5. Allow to set and cut in to squares.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Keith Floyd's Sauce for Cold Meat - 1980's

This image shows a whole and a cut lemon.

So its going to be New Years Day, and for some of us there is going to be MORE cold meat and turkey after some more big meals.  Keith Floyd has this wonderful recipe from Floyd on Britain and Ireland.  This makes 2 pints (1 litre).

3 lemons
1.5 ounce (40g) salt
1 ounce (25g) allspice
1 ounce (25g) mustard seed
1 ounce (25g) of white pepper
1 ounce (25g) grated horseradish 
half on ounce (15g) each mace, cayenne pepper and cloves
2 pints (1 litre) vinegar

1. Slice lemons, remove the pips and rub salt into the slices.

2. Mix the allspice , mustard seed, pepper, horseradish, mace, cayenne and cloves.

3. Put the lemons slices in layers in a jar and sprinkle the mixed spices between each layers

4. Pour over the vinegar at boiling point.

5.  Set aside for 24 hours, squeeze, strain and bottle.
Visit Keith's website for more recipes and buy some books.

Marrow Chutney - 1950's

A chutney recipe from Farmhouse Fare.

4 lbs marrow
1/2 lb pickling onions
6 cloves
1.5 lbs of loaf sugar
half ounce of tumeric
9 chillies
1.5 ounces ground ginger
1.5 ounces mustard
2 pints vinegar

1. Cut the marrow into small squares (half inch or so)

2. Lay on a dish and shake some salt over it leaving it overnight.

3. Drain it, then boil the other ingredients for 10 minutes

4. Now add the marrow and boil for half an hour, or until tender and put into jars.

For more information about making Chutney visit

Home-Made Cider

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="160" caption="Image by MightyBoyBrian via Flickr"]Brewing Hard Cider: part 1[/caption]

Farmhouse Fare gives a recipe for home-made cider.  I have put a link to at the bottom as they go in to more detail about making your own cider and wine.

1. Take fallen apples (smaller ones are better for this recipe) and cut up then place in an earthenware jar.
2. Cover with cold water and protect with muslin and let it stand for 10 days giving it the occasional stir daily.

3. When fermentation has ceased strain and add 1 3/8 (624g) of sugar to each gallon.

4.  Add a slice of beetroot to the mixture to improve the colour.

5. Bottle and let stand uncorked for 14 days.  It should then almost cease working.

6. Cork securely and in two or three months time, you should have sparkling cider.

For a more scientific method, have a look at this.


Cookbook Focus: Floyd on Britain & Ireland (1988)

Recipe Vintage is all about me sharing my favourite recipes with whoever gives a hoot, whether I have made them or not. So I can not start doing this without talking about the books that I read and why I love them. So here is my first one.

This is one of my favourite books in my collection.  Keith Floyd travels all over the country finding local recipes and giving them a bit of vavavoom but democratizing it at the same time. Beside a lot of eighties gourmet stuff is some quite nice traditional recipes.  It is well balanced in types of dishes with clear methods and good photos, however there is a lot gourmet recipes which require a lot of faffing and special ingredients.

I liked Keith Floyd and I was genuinely sad when he died.  His many adventures and television series where he cooked relatively complex dishes in remote locations with portable stove and bottle of wine in tow isn't matched these days by chef's staying to the comfortable confines of the television studio or even (heaven forbid) their own home kitchen.

I am going to present you with a few of the best recipes from this book, a lot of them are quite pretentious and detract from the parameters of this website (vintage, traditional, affordable, practical recipes) but some of them are spot on.

RIP Keith, you are sadly missed.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Raspberry Cheese

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]A wedge of Unpasteurised West Country Cheddar ...[/caption]

This odd little recipe will serve six to eight people.

8 oz. grated Cheddar Cheese
1 lb. Raspberries (keep a few for garnishing)
3 oz. Castor Sugar
1 teaspoon of Lemon Juice
mint sprigs (for garnish)
wafers (for garnish)

Whisk grated cheese, sugar, raspberries and lemon juice together and divide between individual dishes.  Chill the dishes then Garnish with the remaining raspberries, a mint sprig and wafer.  If you have an electric blender, then you can use this to mix all the ingredients.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cheese and Orange Salad

orange juice

Here is a recipe in two parts.  First part is for the salad, second part is the dressing.  As its a French dressing you could get away with a shop bought alternative.  This would be perfect for a sixties themed party.

8 oz. cubed cheddar cheese
2 oranges
2 medium sized onions
4 half inch slices of bread
fat for frying

French Dressing

6 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of orange juice
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
grated rind of 1 orange
pinch of cayenne pepper

1. Place cheese in a mixing bowl.  Remove rind and pith from oranges and separate orange segments.  Peel onions and slice thinly, separate into rings.

2. Cut bread in to half inch cubes, heat fat to smoking point (really really hot) and fry until golden brown, then drain well.

3. Wash watercress if needed.  Make dressing by mixing all ingredients together.

4. Toss all ingredients in dressing separately and arrange in circles overlapping towards the centre.

*Editors Note*
This is quite a straightforward recipe, but without pointing out the obvious you would need to toss togehter the fried bread, watercress, cheese, onions and oranges depending on the style of salad you desire.  Tossing the salad might not work, laying it out in some sort of order and presentation might work better.  Please feedback if you try this recipe.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shrimps In Beer

This is a classic fifties seafood starter

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Shallot bulbs[/caption]


4 Cups of beer
3 shallots
2 onions sliced
5 tbsp. butter
2 pounds of raw shrimps
a Sprig parsley in a bouquet
5 tablespoons flour
1. Cook the beer with the onions, shallots, bayleaf, parsley and celery for about 15 minutes.

2. Add peeled shrimps to the broth and cook for another 15 minutes then season with salt and pepper.

3.  Remove the Parsley bouquet and bind sauce with the butter and flour which have been creamed together.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cornish Potato Cake

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]a dish Jersey Royal potatoes - simply boiled[/caption]

This is a tradtional Cornish recipe.  For this you will need:

Half a pound of boiled potatoes.
Half an ounce of butter.
2 oz. flour
Pinch of salt.

1.  Mash the boiled potatoes while hot with the butter and mix well together.

2. Add salt and sprinkle in the flour mixing evenly.

3. Roll out  very thin on a floured board and cut out in rounds about the size of a saucer.

4. Place on a hot griddle or greased frying pan.

5. Stab with fork and cook three minutes on each side.  Serve hot.

Stelk (A Traditional Irish Recipe)

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]English: The bulbs and roots of spring harvest...[/caption]

For this traditional Irish side dish, adapted from Farmhouse Fare you need:

2 dozen of the later spring onions. (Those which are too coarse to use otherwise, are best for this dish but normal ones are acceptable).

You can use chives for this dish as an alternative.

1. Chop the onions into small lengths and simmer in milk until tender.

2. Boil or steam a good dish of potatoes. (1 lb possibly?)

3.  When cooked, mash them with a little milk and strain the onions and add these to the potatoes mixing well.  Serve very hot.

4. Add a large piece fresh butter (Clover or organic butter possibly?) to each plate that the Stelk is to be served on.

Homemade Salad Cream

Tired of the Heinz stuff?  Take this from Farmhouse Fare.

1 tablespoonful mustard (assuming this is English?)
1 tablespoonful of sugar
1 teaspoonful flour
half a teaspoonful of salt
2 eggs
three quarters of a breakfastcupful of vinegar

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by FotoosVanRobin via Flickr"]Tablespoon[/caption]

1. Mix mustard, sugar, flour and salt together.

2. Add the eggs, then the vinegar.

3. Let it stand in boiling water and stir until mixture thickens.

4. Allow to get cold then add cream and a little milk if necessary until it is the required thickness.  Should keep for 12 months.


Lemon Curd Dumplings

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]This image shows a whole and a cut lemon.[/caption]

4 oz. Shredded suet
8 oz. flour and salt mixed with some cold water.
2 eggs well beaten
1 teacupful of castor sugar
1 large or two small lemons, the juice and rind of.
2 oz. fresh melted butter.

These dumplings should be made in small individual moulds to prevent any water getting in to spoil lemon curd centres.

1. Well grease some small moulds and line with thinly rolled suet pastry made with 4 oz. shredded suet, 8 ozs. flour, salt and mixed with cold water.

2. Make a curd filling by well beating 2 eggs and adding 1 teacupful castor sugar, juice and grated rind of the lemons and the melted butter.

3. Whip all together and nearly fill each dumpling.

4. Cover tops with a lid of pastry making sure you squeeze the edges together well.

5. Tie over with greased paper and steam for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Turn out carefully and sift with a little fine sugar and serve hot.

Lamb With Rice

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]English: based on :Image:Lamb-Cuts-Brit.png al...[/caption]

1 Breast of Lamb
2 oz. Butter
1 Onion
8 oz. Rice
1 oz. Raisins
2 Beef Extract Cubes (OXO or Knorr will do)
2 Pints of water
8 oz. Tomatoes
salt and pepper

1. Cut the lamb into pieces and trim off excess fat.

2. Melt 1 oz. butter in a saucepan.

3. Chop the onion and cook with the meat in the butter for a few minutes.

4. Cover with water, bring to the boil and crumble in the beef extract cubes.

5. Reduce the heat and allow the meat to cook until tender which should be for about 1 hour.

6. In another pan, melt 1 oz. of butter and cook the rice for a few minutes

7. Add raisins, chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cook gently for 15 minutes.

8. Strain over the stock from the meat.

9. Strain off any liquid and serve.

This recipe is worded in the book quite confusingly and I have tried to re-word it accurately.  If you have any idea what they mean, or have any success with this dish please contact me and I will amend this recipe.

Cheese Straws

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Processed cheese slices individually wrapped i...[/caption]

4 oz. Flour
2 oz. Margarine
2 oz. Processed Cheese (Cheddar will be fine)
teaspoon of water
Worcester Sauce
Cayenne Pepper

1. Rub some butter or fat into flour, add sieved processed cheese, pepper and Worcester sauce.

2. Mix with water until dough holds together.

3. Roll out one eighth inch thick. Stab with a fork and cut into fingers and put on greased trays or sheets of baking paper.

4. Bake in a very hot oven (200 to 180 celsius) until golden brown.

This cheese pastry can be used to make cheese biscuits too.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Kentucky Corn Dodgers



Mix the salt with the white cornmeal. Scald it with just enough boiling water to dampen it; then add enough cold milk to enable you to mold it. Stir it well together, and form it into cakes three quarters of an inch thick in the middle and oblong in shape. Use a tablespoonful of dough for each cake. Bake them on a greased pan in a hot oven for twenty-five minutes.

Originally appears

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cheese and Sweetcorn Fritters

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Phil Roeder via Flickr"]Sweet Corn[/caption]

4 oz Plain Flour
Salt and Pepper
1 egg
Quarter of a pint of milk
6 oz. Grated Cheddar Cheese
6 oz. Sweetcorn

Sieve flour and seasoning into mixing bowl.  Graudally beat in milk and lightly beaten egg, stir in cheese and sweetcorn.  Place dessertspoonful in hot fat and fry until crisp and golden brown.  Drain well and serve as a main dish, a cocktail savoury or as an accompaniment to chicken.