Yesterday, June 29, our sweet Rebekah celebrated her fourth birthday!
She started with a long bubble bath - her favorite!
Once she was thoroughly wrinkled, we moved on to more pampering. :)
The next step was painting toenails and fingernails.
She was excited to "pink" her nails!
And here's the beautiful birthday girl ready to celebrate her day!
Of course, Rebekah had to help make the birthday cupcakes.
And the best part of helping was licking frosting off the beaters!
One of Rebekah's favorite meals is tacos, so we had tacos for dinner!
Yes, Rebekah is four today!
The big surprise Rebekah got for her birthday was a new big-girl bicycle!
We covered her eyes while Daddy brought it inside.
I think she was definitely surprised!
And a little excited! :)
Aaron is helping Rebekah out while Caleb shows her how its done.
She needs a little help with pushing the pedals, but she is
loving her new bike!
The birthday cupcakes. Rebekah wanted to make blue and yellow flowers.
Rebekah covered her ears when Daddy started lighting the candles.
I think she thought it would be loud. :)
Rebekah gave the candles a good effort, but after a few tries.....
....she enlisted Justin's help to finish the job!
All in all, our sweet birthday girl had a fun day,
and we are so very thankful to be celebrating another year with her!
~ Nancy