My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.       2 Corinthians 12:9

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 2010

It has been a few weeks since our last prayer request post, so I thought I would update the list! We are so appreciative for all of you who check on us and faithfully pray for our family.

Rebekah is doing so well, and we are thrilled to see her almost back to where she was prior to her surgery! She has been walking with one of us supporting her, even though she tires easily. We are still hoping to see Rebekah's endurance level bounce back some, but we are aware that with her current heart configuration and high pressures, that may be some time in the future.

As you know from reading previous posts, Rebekah is now scheduled for a heart catheterization on March 7 to check the pressures in her heart. Our prayer between now and then is that the pressures in the right side of her heart will go down on their own and not require any surgical intervention. Also, please pray that the doctors will have wisdom in making decisions regarding how high is "too high" for Rebekah's heart pressure.

In regards to the catheterization itself, please pray that it will go smoothly and Dr. Baker will be able to get the IV access he needs. After Rebekah's last cath, we found out that Dr. Baker was not able to get all of the information he had hoped for because he could not thread the catheter everywhere that he needed to. Rebekah will be almost a year older this time around, so I'm hoping that will have given her (very tiny) veins some time to grow a little more.

Please also pray for wisdom for Drew and I. Before surgery, we knew Rebekah's limitations and were comfortable working within them. Now we are having to learn a new set of parameters to work with. We are still trying to get a feel for when to push Rebekah harder and when to back off and let her rest. Over time she will show us how she can handle things, but right now we are still a little unsure of what her limits will be.

Rebekah's eating will be another area we need to address in the next few weeks. Again, if surgery had been a complete success, we would have been given the green light to push Rebekah to eat more orally. Rebekah has an appointment with her cardiologist on Dec. 8 and her GI doctor on Dec. 13. We will be discussing how far we can push Rebekah to eat orally and how much we will still rely on the feeding tube until at least March. It is amazing when you stop to think about how intricately our bodies are made. Everything depends on everything else! I am continually reminded of Psalm 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

Thank you all for the prayers and support you have given our family. So many of you we have never even met, some of you have taken care of our sweet girl in the hospital or doctor's office, and others of you are close friends. We love and appreciate each and every one of you!



CristyLynn said...

Thanks for specific things to pray for. Knowing limits is tough! I'll pray for that one for both us. :)

Kelly said...

Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving and will have a great Christmas. I'm sure your house will be crazy Christmas morning--so fun!! I continue to pray for you all! We can take such comfort in the verse you quoted (Psalm 139:14). We are each created exactly as God planned. Wow! We serve an amazing God!