I just realized the other day that it's been quite a long time since I've posted any updates on what "The Brothers" have been up to. So tonight I've posted some pictures and will try to briefly give updates on what's happening around our house. :) I had planned to proceed in a nice oldest-to-youngest fashion, but Blogger had other ideas when it uploaded pictures. It is highly frustrating at best (and impossible at worst!) to rearrange pictures in Blogger, so we're going in semi-alphabetical order....
Aaron just celebrated his sixth birthday in January and last week joined the ranks of the toothless! He proudly lost his first baby tooth on Wednesday last week, and he was very brave about it! If you look closely at the first picture, he is admiring the tooth. The Tooth Fairy almost got caught delivering his dollar because Aaron slept with his legs under his pillow and I , I mean The Tooth Fairy, almost couldn't get the tooth out without waking him up. All turned out well, though, and Aaron was excited to earn a dollar. :)
It really came out!!!
Aaron is more than halfway through kindergarten, and is doing really well! He is especially strong in math, and that is easily his favorite subject. He also enjoys social studies and science. Reading is coming a little harder for him, but he is making good progress.
Aaron is doing all other little-boy things and keeps plenty busy. His favorites are Legos, Playmobil, any kind of building blocks, and all kinds of imaginative role-playing. His goal for the summer is to ride his bike without training wheels. I'm sure he'll be racing around with no training wheels before I know it!
Sweet boy
Caleb is eagerly looking forward to his birthday in April, when he will be four!! He asks me at least every other day how much longer till his birthday. :) Recently we noticed Caleb's eyes were crossing when he was working on puzzles or playing with small toys. I asked Rebekah's ophthalmologist about it, and he wanted to take a look at Caleb to see what was going on.
Caleb's favorite is the zebra striped patch.
He thinks it's pretty cool that he looks like
As it turns out, Caleb has a couple of issues with his eyes that went undetected until just recently. He has never complained of not being able to see, but our sweet boy is very, very farsighted! He struggles to see anything from what is called "mid-range" to close. I am so very thankful that we caught this now, before he starts reading.
Caleb's eyes are also not focusing together. This actually allowed him to get by with his poor vision for longer that would otherwise have been possible. Each eye focuses individually on what is in front of him, instead of focusing together. The result is that his eyes began crossing as it became more of a struggle for him to see clearly.
So Caleb has a very handsome new pair of glasses that help him to see so much better! He also wears a pirate patch for a minimum of 30 minutes each day in order to strengthen his weaker eye. This will help to teach his eyes to work together, as well.
I love Caleb's glasses! He is so handsome!
In other Caleb news, he is doing a great job learning right along with Aaron. Caleb can count to 20 and do very simple word problems in his head. He knows all of his alphabet letters and almost all of their sounds. He has also started writing his name, and I must say it is very well done for a three year old!
My sweet Caleb
I had to post this silly picture of all the kiddos. They have so much fun together, and we are so blessed that our children are so close. I certainly won't say that they don't have their moments (because they do!!), but in general they are so sweet with each other. What can I say? We love our sweet boys and girl!
Silly siblings!
Pucker up! Justin was having second thoughts
about kissing that spaghetti-covered face! :)
So what's new with Miss Rebekah? Well, I have to report that she is doing much, much better this week! Thank you all for praying for her! With the help of our wonderful pediatrician making sure we had the antibiotics that Rebekah needed, we were able to start them just a couple of hours after Rebekah began running a fever. I fully attribute her quick recovery to your prayers and the effectiveness of the antibiotics! I was very concerned that this illness would earn Rebekah a hospital visit, but she handled it like a champ. We did, however, have to reschedule her MUSC trip for March 9, but the doctor was very understanding.
Yep, I can be just as silly as the brothers!
Just as a side note, Rebekah has started referring to her brothers collectively. It is not unusual to hear her running through the house calling, "Brothers! Brothers!" when she needs or wants something. It is also very cute! :)
Rebekah is continuing to do well in therapy, but it's about to get kicked up a notch. Rebekah's PT has noted that Rebekah just does not have the core body strength (think trunk muscles) that she had before surgery. So she suggested this week that we go back to aquatic therapy every other week. If you have read the blog for more than a year, you might remember that Rebekah had aquatic therapy before her second surgery, and she did very well with it. As a matter of fact, the pool was the first place that she stood on her own! Rebekah's PT thinks that being in the water will help Rebekah with her balance, core strength and endurance. So next week Thursday will be Rebekah's first day in the pool. I think she's going to love it!
In sleep study news, Rebekah's next sleep study will be Monday night. I'm anticipating an even longer night than the last one. This time Rebekah will have her CPAP mask on (we call it her elephant), and they will be trying to adjust the settings to find a good place for Rebekah. If they can get her to a place where she is not having any apnea "events" then the doctor will send the results and settings to our home health company and they will bring a machine to Rebekah and get her started on using it. The whole process could take up to two weeks. If the doctor determines that a CPAP does not meet Rebekah's needs, he will schedule us for yet another sleep study to try the BiPAP machine and see where we go from there. I would definitely ask that you pray for sleep for both Rebekah and I that night!
What is it with this girl and messy kisses?!
Next up is Justin, aka Goose. Looking at these pictures, you would think that Justin is a complete ham, but in reality, he is the most quiet, shy one of our group. He's either going to ignore the fact that I posted these pictures, or I'm going to be in serious trouble! :)
Justin is nine years old, hard-working, responsible, and usually the first one to volunteer to help if someone has a problem. He is an incredibly sweet boy, and he is a complete prankster if he thinks no one is watching. At least once a week (and usually more!) he pops out from behind a door or around a corner and gives me a heart attack!
It's fun to see what pictures end up on the camera
when you give it to the kids for the afternoon. :)
This year Justin had the opportunity to play soccer for the first time. He has never played any organized sport, and has never really been that interested in sports. But he was anxious to try, and he is really enjoying it. One of our friends is the coach, and Justin's friend is also on the team. They played against a much more experienced team their first game and lost, but they won last week. I'm glad Justin has the opportunity to learn a new sport!
Justin enjoys playing mid-field the best.
We also learned this week that Justin made it into the gifted and talented program! We homeschool our boys through an online charter school, so they are offered the same benefits and programs as our local public schools offer. We are thrilled that Justin has done so well! Next year in third grade he will begin taking a more advanced math, as well as an advanced literature class. He took a sign language course this year and loved it.
Sweet and silly Goose!
Now for our biggest boy, Zachary! Zac is excited about his upcoming double-digit birthday in March. He is rapidly growing into a young gentleman. Zac is the first one to offer to open a door or help carry heavy things. He truly is my right-hand man around home. He (usually) doesn't complain about being asked to help with his younger siblings, and has learned almost all of Rebekah's care. He even changes diapers and dresses his sister! Yes, you can all be jealous! :)
Thumbs up for Zac's brownies!
Recently Zachary has shown a real interest in cooking and baking. Many nights he is my shadow in the kitchen helping me cook dinner. On Sunday afternoons he enjoys baking. We enjoy it, too! His most recent accomplishments are brownies and coffee cake - from scratch!
Zachary is also doing very, very well in school. He is in the gifted and talented program in fourth grade, so he is technically taking fifth grade math, advanced science and an additional literature course. He especially enjoys social studies, and is currently studying the Civil War era. We have made several trips to the library for additional books about the Civil War, and Zac reads them voraciously! Zachary is also enjoying his first year of Spanish. He is currently working on his first long-term science project. Zachary chose to test potatoes to see where they will sprout the fastest. If you come visit, don't be alarmed if you find potatoes in strange locations! :)
Yummy brownies, Chef Zac!
And last, but certainly not least, let me introduce you to Baby Ellis! Baby (affectionately nicknamed Thing Six and shortened to T6) is due September 5. Zachary is hoping T6 is a boy; Justin is hoping he/she is left-handed; Aaron is hoping for a girl, and Caleb wanted twins!! Thankfully, Caleb's wish was not granted. :) Rebekah doesn't really have a clue, although we are teaching her to say "I'm a big sister!"
Baby Ellis
Of course, one of the first things that we were concerned about is whether or not this baby could have a heart defect. It is possible. The risks are greater because of Rebekah. But we are choosing to trust that God has the perfect baby for our family. Not necessarily "perfect" according to the world's standards, but a baby who will fit perfectly into His plan for our lives. As far as the doctors have been able to determine at this point, everything looks good. We won't be able to learn anything about this baby's heart until our first fetal echo in April. We're also hoping that T6 will cooperate and let us know if he/she is a he or a she. :)
Thank you all for praying for Rebekah and our family. We appreciate each and every one of you!