Sunday, April 24, 2011
Catching Up

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
We are alive!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Warm sunny sunday
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sleepy Saturday
After playing until almost 11:00 last night, Rebekah finally went to sleep. Her fever went down after her Motrin and stayed down until about 6:30 this morning when it went back up to 100.3*. After another dose of Motrin, Rebekah went back to sleep until Dr. Belvin came in to see us around 8:30. He felt that since Rebekah had spiked a fever again last night, that she really needed to receive her third (and final) dose of Rocephin by IV tonight. So, we are still in the hospital at least until tomorrow.
Rebekah has been more tired today than yesterday. She took a four hour nap this afternoon, which is a surprise, especially considering we are in the hospital! Her nurse was great and held off on vitals until Rebekah woke up. After Rebekah woke up, we played for a little while, then Daddy and the boys came to have supper with us! Rebekah loved seeing her Daddy and brothers. The boys saw us waving from the window (we are on the sixth floor), and they thought that was the best thing ever!
When we got back up to the room, Rebekah was running a 101.3* fever again. I'm thinking that might have earned us an extra night (tomorrow) in the inn because of unexplained high fevers. If the fever were totally due to the ear infection, it would not have returned after two treatments of Rocephin, and certainly not anywhere near that high. I really, really think that Rebekah has the same virus her brothers had last weekend. BUT, the doctors don't want to take any chances sending Rebekah home with that high of a fever, either. We will wait to see how Rebekah does overnight and in the morning. I'm not sure who is on for Rebekah's pediatrician tomorrow, so we'll have to see what they say in the morning.
Rebekah is also not eating much at all orally right now. She is drinking some (a little) milk and apple juice, but that is about all. I think she had three or four bites of chicken noodle soup for supper and a few bites of grilled cheese sandwich earlier. We're hoping she starts eating better tomorrow!
I think that's about all for now. I'm off to do a little laundry and tuck my baby in bed. :)