My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.       2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catching Up

Wow, where does the time go??! It seems like I just updated the blog a few days ago, yet it's been two weeks since the last update! I guess there is quite a bit to fill you in on since the last update.....

Justin and Bekah sharing some hugs.
He love his little sister!

Rebekah was able to see her endocrinologist for the appointment we missed due to the snowstorm. I always dread those appointments because it means labs, and that means a bad day for Rebekah and a few lab technicians. This time, though, the lab tech was able to get blood on the second try! Dr. Amrhein is primarily checking Rebekah's calcium and phosphorus levels because of her DiGeorge Syndrome. Her calcium is great, but the last couple of labs have shown that Rebekah's phosphorus is just a bit on the high side. That can be a side effect of something really bad (like kidney failure), but in Rebekah's case, it is probably completely normal. She is still on diuretics to keep fluid off her lungs and heart, and that can cause mild elevation of phosphorus levels. Also, the DiGeorge Syndrome itself can indirectly cause high phosphorus levels since DiGeorge affects the parathyroid, which in turns affects (elevates) phosphorus levels. Bet you didn't know all that, huh?! Anyway, it is something to have checked every six months or so, but nothing to be concerned about as long as Rebekah's levels stay where they are or drop. If they start trending higher, the doctors may take a look at a few other possibilities, but we don't really think that's going to be a problem.

Zac and Rebekah. This boy will do just about anything for his sister....
except touch her bracelets and necklaces! :)
See how badly the oxygen cannula is irritating her skin?

Rebekah has had a time with her oxygen lately, and not in a good way! She has outgrown the infant cannula that she was using prior to her heart surgery, so she is now using a pediatric cannula. That's not a bad thing as far as air flow, but it's thicker and less flexible, and much harder to work with. We were able to fasten Rebekah's infant cannula with a single steri-strip on each side of her face, but that doesn't hold the pediatric cannula. We have tried a few kinds of tape, some larger steri-strips, and just tightening the tubing in the back so it couldn't slide out of place. Each of those methods left it's mark on Rebekah's face. She is so super sensitive to adhesives that no matter what we try, her face ends up with large red irritated areas. When we tightened the tubing in the back and used no adhesives, she wound up with raw sores on her cheeks where the tubing touched her skin. Fortunately, Andrea (Owen's mom) came to the rescue!! Thank you a million times over, Andrea!! Owen has these nifty little contraptions called Tender Grips (you can check them out by clicking here) to hold his cannula in place. The flesh-colored part sticks directly to the skin with a very mild adhesive, and the tubing is actually sandwiched between a clear sticky part and the flesh-colored part. No more tubing rubbing against Rebekah's cheeks! It was a very long, round-about procedure to get these pads, and I'll not bore you with the details. We finally got them delivered today, and so far, so good! I'll report after we've used them for a couple of weeks and let you know the final verdict! :)

Aaron can't be left out of his hugs from Bekah.
I have no idea why she was so serious in all of these pictures!

So all of that has been going on with Rebekah's oxygen, and then last night she had her first accident. :( Rebekah has been doing so well at pulling up on almost everything, including the kitchen cabinets. She was playing with my kitchen towels that normally hang on my oven door, and they were laying in the floor when she decided to pull up on the cabinets. You guessed it....her foot was on the towel, not on the floor when she pulled up, and she fell face-first onto our very hard kitchen floor. The cannula was pushed up her nose and she had the worst nose-bleed that I have ever experienced with any of our children. In just the few seconds from when Drew picked her up till I had wet washcloths to clean her up, her mouth was full of blood and it was dripping off her chin. It was pretty bad. All of her teeth appear to be intact, though, so we are very thankful for that! Understandably, we left the cannula off for the night and a good portion of the day. Rebekah does not need the oxygen to keep her sats up like she did prior to surgery, so it was not a risk to her medically to not have the oxygen. We felt like her poor little nose needed a break after that injury. We did put the cannula back on this evening, and she was fine with it. Leaving it off was probably more for Mommy's peace of mind than from any discomfort Rebekah had! :)

Uh caught me with my brother's toy!

The other thing we have started experiencing with Rebekah's oxygen in the last week or so is nose bleeds. Well, ones that aren't caused by injury! When Rebekah saw her pulmonologist last week, I mentioned that to her, and she asked me if Rebekah had a humidifier for her oxygen. I replied that no, it had never been offered or suggested to us. Dr. Gwinn immediately responded that we should leave it to her, and that afternoon our home health company called about fitting our concentrators with humidifiers! So Rebekah is getting nice moist air that will help her nose to not get so dried out. We are hoping that reduces, if not eliminates, those pesky nose bleeds!

I can't decide which is my favorite time of day...
breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Rebekah had her appointment on Monday with the orthopedist. He did a quick check of Rebekah's hips and joints, then ordered a set of x-rays of her hips. The good news is....there is nothing wrong with the development of Rebekah's hips!! He didn't really have a great explanation for why Rebekah is far stronger on her right side than her left, but said it isn't due to anything structural. His advice was to continue therapy and come back to see him if Rebekah isn't walking by her birthday. Something tells me we won't need to go back to see him! :)

I redecorate Mommy's bathrooms in my spare time! :)

Rebekah is truly getting around the house at lightning speed now! She has effectively learned how to go up and down the stairs, so I am never quite sure when I walk out of the room where I will find her. It's a great problem to have, though! Rebekah is quite adventurous, and I have found her in bathrooms, in kitchen cabinets, in the laundry room, and in closets. At least she is great at entertaining herself! :) Oh, and Rebekah got stuck at the scene of the crime in the above picture. After she finished her redecorating, she sat on the little stool, but her feet got stuck because she still had shoes on (normally she can get on and off the stool by herself). She had to call "Mama" to come bail her out!

Miss Priss (as DeeAnn calls her) walking in therapy.

Rebekah is really progressing unbelievably fast in therapy now. I wondered for a while after surgery if we would ever see the "take-off" that so many people described to us after their children had heart surgery. It has taken a few weeks, but we are finally there! The Care Center loaned us a little walker (similar to the one above, but smaller) to use with Rebekah at home, and she is zipping all over the downstairs in it. She will even crawl to it and use it to walk! The big break-through came today when DeeAnn (physical therapist) had Rebekah sitting on a small stool and standing. Not only did Rebekah stand with little to no assistance from DeeAnn, she followed that up with walking about four or five steps by herself! And then she repeated the performance about half a dozen more times! I'm kicking myself for not having the camera in therapy today. I will get it on video soon, though, because when Drew got home tonight, she walked a few steps in between us. I really think that Rebekah will be walking more and more in the next few weeks as long as she doesn't have another hospitalization.

Baby Blake (one of our friends) came to visit.
Rebekah found his pacifier highly entertaining!

Several months ago when Rebekah had speech therapy, her therapist and I decided to put any further speech therapy on hold until after her Truncus repair. Since she is now almost three months post-surgery, Victoria decided to re-evaluate Rebekah's need for speech therapy. I knew that Rebekah had a pretty decent vocabulary (counting both voiced and signed words), but it amazed me as I listed what I could remember. Rebekah says or signs (or both!) over 30 words! When Caleb was Rebekah's age (she will be 19 months on Saturday), he couldn't even say 5 semi-recognizable words. I know that's not a terribly accurate comparison since Caleb had a moderate speech delay, but still - wow! The long and short of our conversation is that Rebekah scored exactly within the normal range for speech and does not meet the qualifications for speech therapy!! What a blessing! Not only the blessing that we don't need to add another therapy right now, but I am so thankful that Rebekah's speech is exactly where any other "normal" 19 month old should be! We have heard for the last year and a half from Rebekah's geneticist that she will have speech delays, articulation disorders, nasal speech, etc. and will definitely need therapy, so this was just a huge blessing for us! There is a possibility in the future that we will see some articulation problems as Rebekah begins to say more words and sounds, but for now we are rejoicing that she is exactly where she needs to be!

Rebekah loved Blake's pacifier. Seriously. If I had let her keep it,
she would have never taken it out of her mouth.
Sorry, girl! Not about to fight that battle now!

The other appointment we had this week was to Rebekah's ophthalmologist. We have been checking the ptosis (drooping) in Rebekah's right eye for almost a year now. Thankfully, it has not gotten any worse, so for the time being we are going to continue to watch it. There is still the possibility of glasses or patching in the future, but as long as their is no progression of the ptosis, it is going to be a wait-and-see game. I'm thankful, once again, for a good report! We will see Dr. Johnson back again in six months. It's amazing that July is six months away, and already it is filling up fast. Rebekah has four appointments scheduled that month already!

Rebekah walking with DeeAnn last week.

Like I said, I didn't have my camera in therapy today, so I don't have any video of Rebekah walking unassisted. This video was last week Wednesday in therapy. Rebekah is wearing "squeak" shoes, so the squeak-toy sound you hear is her walking. She wore the shoes outside last week and about drove our neighbor's dogs crazy. Thankfully they are contained, or they might have seriously terrified Rebekah while trying to get to her shoes! :)

I know this was a terribly long post, so if you made it all the way to the end - thank you! We appreciate each of you and thank you for praying for our family and our little Rebekah.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 Snow Storm!

We are enjoying a week of snow days from school thanks to a snow storm that dumped 7.5" of snow followed by 0.25" of ice on us Sunday night and Monday. We are enjoying the time off from school to play together and enjoy being home.

Because of the snow, all of Rebekah's appointments this week have been cancelled. So, we have not seen her cardiologist to have an echo to see if the oxygen therapy is helping her high pressures. As of tonight, it was reported that cardiology will open at noon tomorrow. I am planning to call as soon as they are open to reschedule our missed appointment.

I see you pointing that camera at me!

Last week Rebekah had an audiologist appointment to recheck her hearing. If you read the last post, you may remember that I was going to suggest to the audiologist that we stop checking Rebekah's hearing every six months. However, I learned at Thursday's appointment that the two types of tests that Rebekah have had are different. The "long" test that Rebekah passed tested her auditory nerves. We know that Rebekah's auditory nerves are fine. The short test, however, tests the middle ear; basically, it measures the vibration of the eardrum and how well Rebekah actually receives sound into her ear. So even though Rebekah's auditory nerves are fine, she is not receiving sound into her ear as well as she could. Rebekah's loss is in the slight to mild range right now, with her right ear testing very close to the mild/moderate range. If Rebekah falls into the mild/moderate range, she will be fitted for hearing aids for at least a few years. Rebekah will continue to have her hearing tested every six months.

Daddy's first dance

Rebekah also had a gastroenterology appointment on Thursday last week. The week of Christmas we had reduced Rebekah's overnight feeds from 40 mL's an hour to 35 mL's an hour. Rebekah maintained her weight even with the reduction in feeds, so we were given the green light to reduce by another 5 mL's an hour. It doesn't sound like much, but every time we drop 5 mL's, Rebekah gets 2 ounces less of formula overnight. It has already made a big difference in her appetite, and we are seeing Rebekah eat much more than she was a month ago. The plan is to continue to check Rebekah's weight once a month and reduce her feeds by 5 mL's each month that she maintains her weight or gains. Our GI doctor said a conservative weight gain for Rebekah should be 4-5 ounces each month. So as long as she meets that goal, we continue to drop feeds. We are hoping that Rebekah will be off, or very close to being off, her overnight feeds by her birthday. We will take it one step at a time, though, and go as slowly as Rebekah needs to.

Rebekah loved sledding!

This week Rebekah missed her endocrinology and cardiology appointments, as well as two of her therapies. While it has been nice to have a break from the constant busy schedule, I am a little nervous about fitting in those two appointments into the next two weeks, which were already busy enough! It will work out, though. It always does. :)

After a while, we gave up sledding and just sat in the snow.
Rebekah kept patting the snow with her mittens.

If you would like to see more pictures of the boys and Rebekah playing in the snow, click here to head over to our family blog. We really enjoyed our snow days!

Yes, Rebekah really is in there somewhere! :)

Thank you all for your prayers for Rebekah. So far she has remained well, and we are thankful for that! Please continue to pray that Rebekah stays well and that her pressures will be better when she has her next echocardiogram.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

18 Months!

It is unbelievably hard to imagine, but Miss Rebekah is already 18 months old! Where does the time go?! Rebekah had a good check-up at her pediatrician's yesterday, and we are pleased with her stats. At 18 months, Rebekah is 29 and 3/4 inches long and weighs 18 pounds and 12 ounces. That puts her in roughly the seventh percentile for height and less than one percentile for weight. That's my girl! :) Rebekah wears somewhere between 12 month and 18 month clothes. Most of the 12 month clothing tends to be too short in the sleeves and pant legs, although she is nowhere near the weight for 18 month clothing. We don't worry too much about size and just use whatever fits best!

I realized that I never posted these pictures from Rebekah's December hospital stay. So, here they are!

Rebekah had a couple of special visitors during her hospital stay. Santa came while Rebekah was sleeping (during the afternoon, not the middle of the night :), and left an adorable plush teddy bear. Rebekah loves it, of course.

Rebekah's other visitor was Landon Powell of the Oakland Athletics. He is a super nice guy, and as we talked, we realized that his son is only a couple of weeks older than Rebekah. Rebekah wasn't all that impressed, but I thought it was very sweet of Landon to spend time during the holidays to visit with kiddos in the hospital.

Rebekah is making good progress in all of her developmental areas. She is saying around 15 words and has close to a dozen signs. I love knowing what Rebekah needs/wants so much of the time. Of course we do have times of frustration when Rebekah tries to communicate something that we don't understand, but overall she does a great job of letting us know what she needs.

In fine motor skills, Rebekah is very close to being age-appropriate, thanks to the hard work of our OT, Beth! :) Rebekah can stack 2, sometimes 3, blocks, color with a crayon or piece of chalk, mash and smash play-doh, stack rings, finger feed herself and push buttons of all kinds and sizes. Rebekah can identify one body part (nose!) consistently, and sometimes she can identify eye, mouth and belly button. :) Sounds like she has all of the important parts learned!

Rebekah received two dolls for Christmas this year. This doll has a pacifier that she enjoys taking out and putting back in. She also has a doll stroller that she likes to push around the living room.

As usual, Rebekah's weak area of development is in her gross motor skills, specifically locomotion. Rebekah is doing much better, however, with standing, pulling up and cruising. She plays completely freely in all positions - sitting, standing, cruising and walking with her push toys. We are so pleased with how well Rebekah is doing just two months (to the day!) after surgery.

Daddy and the kids before opening gifts.

Rebekah's other Christmas dolly. She is so soft and cuddly, and Rebekah loves to hug her.

Rebekah went back to physical therapy today for the first time since surgery. Her PT was very pleased with Rebekah's progress. One area of concern is Rebekah's left hip. Drew and I had noticed on several occasions over the past couple of weeks that Rebekah's left hip pops when it is rotated. I mentioned that to Rebekah's PT today, and she extensively worked with Rebekah's left hip and leg. By the end of our session, she was pretty certain that Rebekah's hip is not rotating correctly. This would definitely play a part in Rebekah's late walking, her unusual style of crawling, and as we are beginning to see more of now, a little "shuffle" with her left leg when she does practice walking while holding on to something. Rebekah has an appointment with a pediatric orthopedist (add another "-ist" to our list of doctors!) on January 24th for x-rays and hopefully a diagnosis. Depending on what could be going on, Rebekah may require some different exercises or treatments during therapy, a brace to keep her hip in the right location, or worst case scenario, possibly corrective surgery. We really will not have any idea until the doctor is able to look at the x-rays and tell us what he feels is happening.

Patiently waiting at the dinner table. As a Christmas "bonus," we took Rebekah's oxygen off for a few hours at each grandparent's house on the days we celebrated Christmas with them. It gave Rebekah a little bit of a break, and it helped to not be tripping over tubing!

Rebekah wanted to help me unload the dishwasher on Sunday after church. She got as far as the whisk and decided that it made a great toy! :)

This little step-stool makes a perfect little bench for Bekah. She was so proud of getting on and off it by herself!

So tomorrow (Thursday) we will see Rebekah's audiologist for a re-check of her hearing. I am going to ask about discontinuing further re-evaluations unless we begin to see problems. Rebekah passed her "long" hearing test, so I really do not see the need to keep doing these "short" tests every six months that usually produce negative or inconclusive results for Rebekah. Originally the audiologist recommended re-evaluations to monitor hearing in the likely event of ear infections (which most kids with DiGeorge Syndrome are very prone to having). However, Rebekah has only had one mild ear infection and one possibly borderline ear infection in her entire life. I hardly consider that "recurrent" ear infections! It may seem like a small thing to only have to go every six months, but when 3 or 4 doctors want to see Rebekah every six months, plus a handful of doctors want to see her every 3 months or less, it adds up in a hurry! This month we have nine doctors visits scheduled for Rebekah, not to mention three therapies a week. It's no wonder I feel like I'm never home to catch up on laundry and cleaning! I'm not complaining about it, though, not one little bit! I will take having Rebekah at home and all of her doctor's visits rather than her being in the hospital! We sure love having that little girl in our family!
