Well, better late than never! :) Rebekah had a fairly good afternoon once we got some medications switched around and a little more pain medicine on board. She was finally able to get some sleep, which would make anyone happier! :)
I'll see if I can recap everything that happened today, partly because all of you are interested, and partly because I want to remember what the doctors said today. Yes, I freely admit that if I don't write something down, I won't remember it!!
Before we saw Rebekah this morning, she had an echo in the PCICU. This is perfectly routine, and all PC kids have an echo and a chest x-ray pretty much daily. On Rebekah's echo this morning, there were three things that the doctors noted. One, the function in Rebekah's right ventricle was diminished from yesterday's echo. Two, there appeared to be a small area at the edge of the new conduit (the one that connects her collateral artery to her pulmonary conduit) that could have been the beginnings of a blood clot. That is serious because this new conduit is only 6mm in diameter. It would take only a very small clot to block that conduit completely, and that would be very, very bad; potentially fatal, even. Third, Rebekah's pulmonary pressures appeared to be higher than what they were when she came out of surgery. Also, during Rebekah's chest x-ray this morning, as I mentioned in my earlier post, she had several areas of atelectasis (collapse) throughout her lungs.
Also today Rebekah's potassium was on the low side, so she did have to receive a bolus (one single dose) of replacement potassium. As of this evening's lab, her potassium was at a low-normal level.
So, as I said in my earlier post, Rebekah began CPT (chest physical therapy) today to try to open up the collapsed areas of her lungs. She is having CPT every six hours around the clock until her lungs clear. Tonight's x-ray did show some improvement, although the right lung is still quite hazy. It's hard to get a really good look at her left lung because her heart is so large! :) Another thing that is helping with Rebekah's lungs is that she had negative fluid output today, which is great!! That means that she expelled more fluid today than she took in. Normally that's not a great thing, but it is terrific right after surgery! She needs to get rid of the extra fluid that has accumulated over the last couple of days. The negative output is a direct result of the two diuretics (Lasix and Diurel) that Rebekah has been getting regularly for the last 24+ hours.
If you have followed Rebekah's blog since her last surgery, you may remember that Rebekah has taken Sildenafil (more commonly known as Viagra) for about a year. It was discontinued right after surgery, but with the higher pressures in this morning's echo, the doctors decided to resume Rebekah's Sildenafil. They also increased the dosage to 4mL's three times a day, which is a significant increase from her previous dose. It would seem that the Sildenafil is already beginning to work since this evening's echo showed the pressures down to the level that they were when Rebekah first came out of surgery.
As for the small area that might potentially be the beginnings of a clot.....Rebekah is now a member of the Aspirin club! Many, many heart kiddos take aspirin, and I have truly been surprised that Rebekah has avoided it this long. However, she will be on a small dose of aspirin from now on, probably for life. It is vital that her conduit not clot off, as it truly would be a life-threatening condition. The only change that the aspirin means is that we will have to be a little more careful about any cuts, scrapes or bumps that Rebekah might get as she will certainly bleed more easily.
The thought for the decrease in right ventricle function is that the heart is simply bruised and hurt from Monday's surgery. It will take a little time for it to heal and be completely back to Rebekah's "normal" function. As of this evening's function, the right ventricle was already showing some improvement from this morning.
Rebekah continued to gag and retch for a good bit of today, even with little to nothing in her stomach. I asked (begged, pleaded, pretty much demanded) for the doctors to switch her nausea medication from Zofran to Phenergan. The Zofran is a more mild medication, and it just was not helping Rebekah at all! After Rebekah received her first dose of Phenergan (around 2:00), she really seemed to relax and rest more easily. She still had periods of retching and gagging, but far fewer incidents than before. We were so thankful that the Phenergan worked to bring her some relief!
Dr. Bradley came by to check on Rebekah around 5:30 this evening, and he is still very pleased with her progress. In fact, Rebekah is doing so well, that he decided to remove her pacing wires and chest tubes. The pacing wires are actually leads he puts into her heart during surgery and leaves the ends exposed on the outside of her body in order to hook them up to an external pacemaker if necessary. Thankfully, Rebekah's heart rhythm has remained normal and she has never needed to be "paced." The chest tubes drain fluid that accumulates in the chest cavity following surgery, and Rebekah had a surprisingly small amount of fluid over the last 48 hours. In fact, she had less than 20mls of fluid output from her chest tubes all day! The lack of fluid is definitely a huge answer to prayer, as this was one of the more troublesome complications that we were warned could be a problem this time around. Thank you all for praying!!!
Before Dr. Bradley took the chest tubes out, Rebekah got some IV morphine and some Versed so that she would be more relaxed and not feel too much pain from getting the tubes out. She was great!! She cried just a tiny bit, but for the most part she lay very still and let Dr. Bradley do his job. Rebekah has been scratching at her incision often today, so she got some Benadryl a few minutes after Dr. Bradley was done. We were joking that she had quite the cocktail of drugs tonight! Hopefully it means that she will sleep well!
And speaking of sleep, I think I finally have everything documented from our day. Now it's time for me to sleep! :) Sorry this was a very technical post, but I didn't want to forget anything. I never know when some obscure detail will be important later on! I will make sure I get some more pictures up tomorrow.
Thank you all again for so faithfully praying for Rebekah. We are forever in your debt!