We were so excited that Rebekah's stander finally arrived!! We picked it up on Friday and Rebekah has been in it several times this weekend.
After all of last week's appointments and running around, we are looking forward to a (hopefully) calm week. As of right now, Rebekah only has her regular therapy this week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Yippeee!!!

Just me being cute!
Since we moved into this house in 2006, Drew has taught each of the crawlers to master the stairs. Aaron was the first and Caleb had his lesson last year. Looks like it's almost Rebekah's turn for stair training!
Rebekah had her pool therapy evaluation on Wednesday with Melanie. Rebekah and Melanie will be working on standing, sitting 90/90 (sitting on her bottom with her feet on the floor and balancing), squatting, standing from a sitting position, and balancing on hands and knees. Rebekah will be in the pool every other week on Wednesdays instead of her regular physical therapy. This week's pool therapy went well for the first thirty minutes.....until Melanie put Rebekah on her hands and knees. Rebekah let us all know how unhappy she was about that, and that was the end of pool therapy! Melanie has learned Rebekah's tricks; next week, hands and knees will be the last thing we work on at the end of the hour. :)
The stander is very heavy - much heavier than we were expecting! It is on wheels, so it is very easy to maneuver Rebekah around. There are brackets for Rebekah's feet and velcro straps to keep her feet in place. There is a pad for Rebekah's knees to fit into and velcro straps around her shins. The yellow bar around her back has a large pad on the front of it to hold Rebekah's bottom in place. Finally, the wide velcro strap goes around the middle of Rebekah's back to keep her from falling backward from the waist. There is also a head/neck support, but since Rebekah has good head and neck control, she does not need it. I will need to take the stander back on Wednesday for her therapist to fine tune a few areas, but overall it is working well. Rebekah is just on the edge of small for this stander, but it is the smallest one made. The pad for Rebekah's shins is just a bit big, so we may have to make some adjustments for it to fit Rebekah correctly. It also seems that Rebekah is not putting full weight on her feet; she seems to be resting/sitting more on the pad on her bottom. I would like DeAnn to take a look at Rebekah in the stander to make sure everything is positioned correctly.
Rebekah has been tolerating her stander quite well. Because of church today, we only had one session in the stander, but Rebekah stood for 30 minutes today in that one session. DeAnn would like to see Rebekah standing for 30 minutes twice a day by Wednesday when we go back for therapy. The long-term goal is three sessions a day for 45 minutes each time. I think in two or three weeks Rebekah will be able to do that, providing we don't have surgery in that time frame.
Rebekah and I spent a couple of hours on Saturday trying to find some appropriate sneakers for her standing. DeAnn requested that we get hard-soled sneakers with good arch support so her feet get the correct support. Has anyone tried shopping for that type of sneaker in a size 2?? Almost impossible!! We tried Stride Rite, Kid's Foot Locker, Journey Kidz, JCPenney, Gymboree, and Children's Place. The closest we came to finding what Rebekah needed was a size 3 at Stride Rite. We finally left the mall and went to Babies 'R Us and found exactly what we needed. And at less than half the price of Stride Rite! :)
The boy are not about to be outdone in the picture-taking department! When I've gotten the camera out this week, they have been begging to have pictures with their sister. Of course, I quickly oblige!

Caleb and Rebekah
Does it count that they are just in the same vicinity at the same time? Rebekah kept trying to scoot toward the camera and Caleb kept chasing after her. I couldn't get Caleb to understand that if he sat still in one place, I could put Rebekah next to him and snap a quick picture. Out of a dozen or so, this is the best I got. :)
Notice the blue-ish feet in the above picture? It's a look we're seeing a little more these days. This evening when we got home from church, we noticed the blue feet and "gills," as Drew likes to refer to the area around Rebekah's mouth. When we connected Rebekah's sat monitor, she was hanging out around 71-72 on 1/2 liter of oxygen. We bumped the oxygen up to 3/4 liter, but I am anticipating turning it down when we go to bed. Rebekah tends to have much higher sats while she is sleeping since her body is relaxed and her heart is not having to work as hard to pump the blood through her body. We'll see how she looks tomorrow when she is up and more active. Dr. Lucas had mentioned last week at Rebekah's appointment that if she needed as much as a full liter of oxygen, that he would not be comfortable with her being at home. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I agree that the potential for Rebekah to go into respiratory distress is greatly intensified by the amount of oxygen required to keep her stable, but I'm also cautious about going in to the hospital when she is not really "sick." I don't want her to pick up something else that we didn't go in with! Anyway, we're praying that Rebekah has her heart repair before we get to the point of needing a liter of oxygen!
I'm off to check on my little people and get into bed.....nights tend to be very short around here with the new school schedule. Thank you to all who have prayed for the boys as they started school. They both love their teachers and are making some new friends. The adjustment of getting back into a school schedule has really gone smoothly!