Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Prayers needed!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
There's no place like home!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Status Quo
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday Night Update
The Beginning of a long winter.....of colds
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
December 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Hello, Look and Love You!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Three weeks!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Home Home Home
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
10:00 and still going
Maybe, Possibly.....
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Busy Day!
Monday, November 15, 2010
What a difference.....
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Good morning everyone! :)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
One Week Post-op
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Post-op Day 6
Rebekah is still getting chest PT to try to open her left lung back up. This morning's x-ray showed the left lung about the same and a little more haziness (junk) in her right lung than was there yesterday. We are hoping that once we get upstairs and she feels like moving around a little more that she will be able to cough some of that up. We will continue the chest PT upstairs on the floor.
Daddy has been able to hold his little girl a few times now. He was able to hold her last night for quite a while and again this morning. Rebekah has been so relaxed when she is in her daddy's lap. It's good therapy for both of them! :)
Hopefully our next post will be from upstairs..... We'll see how the day progresses!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What's a trip to Charleston....
Post-op Day 5
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Quick update
One of the big questions we had after Rebekah was extubated was how orally averse she would be. So far, she has not wanted her little taggie blanket or her fingers in her mouth. Prior to surgery, she would stuff a corner of her taggie in her mouth, along with two of her fingers and that's how she would fall asleep. For her not to want that in her mouth is a big deal. So, we were concerned about how well she would go back to feeding. Rebekah did take her sippy cup a few times today and drank a few swallows of milk. That was a great start! She refused any cheerios, and she gets very agitated when she sees anything coming toward her mouth - even my finger with some lip balm, which she loves! So, we may have to work on getting her used to things being in and around her mouth again.
Rebekah is also very weak now compared to where she was pre-surgery. At this point, she cannot sit up without assistance, or even hold her head up on her own. She is scooting around in her crib just a bit, mostly just moving her legs or arms around. We will definitely have some ground to make up once she is feeling up to moving. Today was unbelievably busy in the unit, but I am planning on talking to the doctors tomorrow about when we can start PT and OT in the unit.
Rebekah's pressures remained high pretty much all day. Her heartrate and blood pressure were also higher than they has been in the last few days. Right now the doctors are waiting for another day to see if her numbers go down any. There is a possibility that Rebekah may start on a blood pressure medication, but the doctors would like to give her one more day to get her lungs a little more clear and a little more fluid off before determining whether or not she needs the blood pressure medicine. Rebekah's temperature has also been climbing throughout the afternoon, and when we left it was around 100.6. It has been up and down since she came out of surgery, but we're hoping it starts staying down soon!
Thank you all for your prayers for Rebekah! It means so much to our family!
Post-op Day 4
Rebekah had a good night and rested well. She had a few periods of being alert and looking around, but for the most part she slept all night.
This morning brought a few bumps in the road, although Rebekah seems to be handling them well. Each child in the PCICU has a chest x-ray in the early morning hours, and this morning's x-ray found that part of Rebekah's lower left lung has collapsed. This is not uncommon or alarming, but it does merit concern since this is Rebekah's only working lung. Rebekah's lungs also sound very "junky" and the doctors and respiratory therapists are working hard to get that junk cleared from her lungs before it becomes an infection. Right now the plan is to sit Rebekah up three times during each shift and maybe start a bit of chest PT if Rebekah can tolerate the pounding on her back. That part is still up in the air. Rebekah is on an antibiotic to try to prevent a bacterial infection, so that should help.
Dr. Graham did another echo on Rebekah this morning while we were there and said that the function in the left side of Rebekah's heart looks great. In fact, he said it looks better than they would have expected. The right side is still not squeezing like they would like to see, but he expects improved function over time. Rebekah's pressures are back up today, so we're kind of waiting to see what comes of that.
Also, Rebekah had started getting some pediasure in her g-tube last night, but the feeds were turned off this morning because she is holding food in her stomach and not digesting it. That's not a big deal, and certainly not uncommon post-surgery, but is something that they will watch. They will probably try feeds again later this afternoon.
Today's plan is mostly just focus on getting the lungs cleared up. Dr. Graham said there had been talk of pulling one of the chest tubes and maybe the pacing wires today, but since Rebekah's pressures are up again, they want to leave everything as is. They are planning to let Rebekah try some food as soon as she wakes up from her nap.
Oh, one other thing I have forgotten to mention the last couple of days is that Rebekah is struggling to keep her Potassium levels up. Most all post-surgery patients struggle, but Rebekah seems to be having a tougher time with it. Partly it is due to the diuretcis, which pulls potassium out of her system, and partly it is due to DiGeorge syndrome. The nurses are very on top of giving her replacement potassium around the clock. We are all hoping when she gets off of more of the diuretics and she starts eating again that the situation will take care of itself.
That's the news for now......will update later this afternoon or if something changes before then! :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
So far, so good!
A couple of people have asked for Rebekah's address here so they can send cards. I will warn you that mail may or may not necessarily get to us, so don't send anything irreplaceable. :) You may send mail to the following address:
Rebekah Ellis
Medical University of South Carolina
171 Ashley Avenue
Charleston, SC 29403
A New Week!
I know it's small, but here's another picture of our sweet girl. :) If you look really closely (or click on the picture and make it larger), you can see she's wearing her pink pearls today with a pink bow in her hair. Cuteness!
Oh, if you look really closely, you can see Rebekah's "Jaxon's blankie" underneath Rebekah. We love the blanket that Jaxon's mom, Lacey, made for Rebekah. Congratulations, Lacey, on the homecoming of sweet little Arina!
Pretty in Pink!
Rebekah sailed through her CT scan this morning. Actually, she had no clue where she was or that anything was happening! You have no idea the production that it was to get Rebekah moved! Literally, it took us 30 minutes to get Rebekah ready for transport, transported, and settled for the CT scan. The scan itself was about 10 seconds. Literally. There were two doctors, two nurses, a nurse's assistant and a respiratory therapist who had to go with us. We were moving Rebekah in her crib, two IV poles with 2 brains each (that's the system that runs the IV pumps) and each brain has 4 pumps on it. Then we had 2 monitors to keep track of all her numbers, plus the oxygen and the 2 emergency airway bags in case she stopped breathing. Oh, and the whole time we were gone, the respiratory therapist was bagging Rebekah because the vent isn't portable. We barely managed to fit all of us in the elevator, and we took the largest elevator in the hospital. I took some pictures of the procession and will try to upload them when I get home. It was a sight to see!
Anyway, the end result of all that effort is that Rebekah's conduit is fine. There is no narrowing anywhere in the conduit that could be resulting in higher pressures. We were thrilled to hear that!! Dr. Bradley came by (very) early this morning and messed around with some of the probes monitoring Rebekah's pressures. Right now, the pressures are measuring much lower than they were yesterday, so we are waiting for an echo to accurately read the pressures and let us know if they are truly that low. It would be great if they were!
Rebekah's morphine drip was turned off about an hour ago, so she will be gradually waking up over the next few hours. The plan is to extubate sometime this afternoon. We're very hopeful that Rebekah will do well off the vent and will be able to keep her oxygen levels up where they need to be. That will certainly be a good test of how the pressures are going to do in her heart when she is having to do more work on her own.
That's all the news for now. Please continue to keep Rebekah in your prayers!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Dr. Bradley

Rebekah is now on the lowest ventilator setting, and she will begin CPAP trials tonight. That is when they stop giving her breaths on the ventilator and she has to take each of the breaths on her own. She will still be breathing in concentrated oxygen, but she will have to do all of the breathing on her own. As long as her numbers look good, they will CPAP her for an hour and then draw a blood gas to see how well her body responded to breathing on its own. As long as she tolerates it well, they will probably CPAP her three or so times through the night. Rebekah does have to remain on the vent for her CT scan in the morning, but she could be extubated tomorrow afternoon if she does well during her CPAP trials.
Overall it has been a nice, quiet day today and we are hoping for a quiet night. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Rebekah this week. We love you!