Rebekah is officially five months old today! Time seems to be flying by - it really doesn't feel like we headed to Charleston to begin this adventure five months ago.
As you know if you have been following the blog, Rebekah is still struggling to gain weight. This has been her biggest challenge so far. We have been seeing Rebekah's dietitian weekly for weight checks and adjustments to Rebekah's feeding plan. The frustrating thing is that we haven't seemed to be able to find the "magic" combination of feeding times and amounts to allow Rebekah to gain weight. In the last few days, Rebekah seems to be showing an intolerance to the formula that we are using to fortify her milk, so we are back to the drawing board to figure that out.
Developmentally, Rebekah is really making some good progress! Of course she is still not where the boys were at five months old, but we are really pleased to see how far she has come in the last month or so. Rebekah is holding her head up on her own almost all of the time now. She does tire easily, so we don't push her for long periods of time, but she is getting stronger all the time. We are currently working on teaching Rebekah to roll over. She is getting to be a pro if we help her by rolling her onto her side first. Then she can get right to her tummy or her back on her own. Rebekah is also working hard at playing with her toys - grasping toys in both hands, bringing toys to her mouth, and turning her head both directions to follow a toy or some other object. Our therapists have been great in helping us learn how to work with Rebekah on her developmental skills.

Mommy loves Rebekah's dimples!
Other than therapy this week, Rebekah has her weight check and an appointment with the infectious disease doctor. I'm not sure exactly what they will be looking for or testing, but they will be checking her immune system. I think it will involve labwork, so please pray that it will go smoothly!
We will update later in the week after Rebekah's doctor's appointments and let everyone know how things are going.