I am very sad to have to say that I will be updating with no pictures. We are having some technical issues with our external hard drive, and I have tried four different days without success to upload pictures. I need to get my computer experts (a.k.a. Drew and my brother David!) to take a look at it and see what the problem is.
Our biggest news of all this week is that
Drew has a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so very excited and grateful that he now has a permanent, full-time job after almost 18 months of temporary work or no work at all. The Lord has moved him into a solid, growing company with plenty of room for Drew to grow into the job. He started on Tuesday and worked through the week and is very much enjoying his new job. His is working for Addison Homes,
LLC, and we have enjoyed getting to meet Todd, Michelle and Caroline this week. Take a minute to check out the
Addison Homes website.
After several weeks of struggling with the decision about a g-tube for Rebekah, we have finally decided that we are going to do it. Even after my last post, we were still very doubtful about the procedure and whether or not Rebekah truly needed a g-tube. However, in watching Rebekah closely in the last two weeks, we have noticed a definite 1-2 good days/2-3 bad days trend. While the good days are great, they are not making up enough ground to outweigh the bad days and Rebekah is not growing much at all. At thirteen weeks (tomorrow), Rebekah weighs only 8 pounds and 5 ounces - the birth weight of her brother Caleb! Her doctors would have liked to have seen her close to the ten pound mark by this time. All of that combined with an affirmation from Rebekah's heart surgeon, Dr. Hsia, and we feel much more at peace about having the g-tube placed. In addition to having the g-tube, the doctors will also be doing the Nissen procedure to try to limit the amount of reflux Rebekah has. The concern is that Rebekah has the potential for aspirating liquids into her lungs every time she has a reflux episode and spits up. That in itself would not be a good situation, but because Rebekah only has one working lung right now, it would be even worse in her case.
So we will be heading back to Charleston this week Tuesday evening for an early morning pre-op visit on Wednesday. Then we will be back home Wednesday evening and back to Charleston next week for Rebekah's surgery. Right now our surgery is scheduled for Monday, September 28, unless for some reason Rebekah would get bumped to Tuesday. We should know that for sure before we leave her pre-op visit on Wednesday. So, all of you favorite nurses and other friends, be sure to find us next week! I am praying that we will be in PCICU or 7C where Rebekah was following her heart surgery. There is a chance that we could get put on the regular floor, but I am super paranoid about Rebekah "catching" something such as an infection or virus, so I'm hoping we go back to the heart floor with our heart friends.
We have a few very definite prayer requests for Rebekah's g-tube surgery. First, please pray that Rebekah will not get sick or come down with an infection before, during or after her surgery. Second, please pray for wisdom for the doctors as they complete the g-tube and Nissen procedures. Third, please pray for quick healing and recovery time for Rebekah. Lastly, please pray for our family as we are apart while Rebekah has her surgery, and for Grammy while she is here with the boys. Thankfully, the doctors are projecting no more than a week if everything goes well.
We also have a little friend whom we have mentioned before that is not doing well right now. Please keep
Josiah and his family in your prayers. You can read all the details on his
blog, but the short story is that he is battling a couple of infections right now and is having a rough time of it. I'm sure Erin and Milo would appreciate your prayers.